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Server First Rewards?


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Honest question: How do we know you WERE the first? I don't know how one would prove that.


Very valid point. Only way I could tell was through /who. Searched the entire server. Second highest to me at the time was a 41. My guild friend did see a 50 sith warrior and another 50 imperial in PVP before I reached 50.

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Very valid point. Only way I could tell was through /who. Searched the entire server. Second highest to me at the time was a 41. My guild friend did see a 50 sith warrior and another 50 imperial in PVP before I reached 50.


I see, hard ting to prove I guess. I'll take your word on it. Best of luck to you.

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Server first rewards would be nice for the people who got it, but with the staggered launch I don't think they are necessary.


If we all started on an even playing field, I would agree - Yes, give that person a reward for being the fastest. But since it was staggered, it's in bad taste to give that person something extra.


Your reward for server first is being able to grind Daily Commendations towards your artifact earpiece & implants before anyone else. You can also go back and get all the datacrons without taking away from your leveling thus boosting your stats. Also, look at the mats on your artifact crafted items. Get them. For me I have to continually do Underworld Trading until I get 16 artifact metals. I stopped doing crew skills once I maxed them, and now I regret it since I just realized I need those metals. Also, you should have your 110% vehicle driving skill and speeder, but if not - Start working on it. And I'm almost certain you haven't geared out all 6 of your companions yet. I was helping a level 46 do some heroics in Hoth and got two enormous upgrades for my healer companion just as random green drops (since I only geared Jaesa while leveling, he was still using level 25'ish gear).


And - Most importantly: Now you can go back and help your guildies get through some heroics. Or - protect them from being ganked if you're on a PvP server.

Edited by Semitote
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Hello everyone,


I reached level 50 on my trooper yesterday the 18th. Anyone know if they plan on adding in rewards for server first accomplishments? I was expecting at least a email or something. Well back to Ilum!


I was in open beta, I did all the quest the "right way" in beta. Absolutely loved the story line, game play, everything! This is the only reason why I rushed to get level 50. Would of been nice to get some pat on the back. But that's ok too. Love the game and can't wait for my guild to catch up so we can start end game content.


Hate to break it to you, but I hit 50 on my SI on the 18th at about 1am server time. So unless you you got it in that one hour on the 18th, you were not first.

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Hate to break it to you, but I hit 50 on my SI on the 18th at about 1am server time. So unless you you got it in that one hour on the 18th, you were not first.


I hit 50 at 5:26pm CST on the 17th just spacebarring through dialogue. Had Darth title at 47 (skipped all the bonus series & heroics & flashpoints). I'm not a gold farmer nor a warzone grinder and did it on 4 hours of sleep a night after getting in on the first wave. I don't want recognition although people will probably view this post as bragging. I'm still proud of myself though, and that's all that counts! :)

Edited by Semitote
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I think that it's great that you accomplished being the first 50 trooper. I am taking my time and enjoying the story line, but if I had played beta and done it all before like you did, it would have been a nice challenge to see how fast I could have leveled. You worked really hard for something that you wanted and I think it would be nice to get some sort of acknowledgement, but the most important thing is that you set your mind to something and did it! Congrats!
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Your badge of honor is a real badge of shame for the game. 200 hours to cap from devs and people are doing it in 20 just means that this game was definatly not ready for release, the devs didnt understand their own game mechanics, pvp vs pve balance is a joke, and it was pushed live just for christmas sales. Everything wreaks of a short life span for this game.
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Your badge of honor is a real badge of shame for the game. 200 hours to cap from devs and people are doing it in 20 just means that this game was definatly not ready for release, the devs didnt understand their own game mechanics, pvp vs pve balance is a joke, and it was pushed live just for christmas sales. Everything wreaks of a short life span for this game.


u :mad:



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The +9000 to e-peen wasn't enough, you want more?


Couldn't have said it better myself.


Maybe you should put that effort into finding a job, perhaps you will receive a toilet for a captains chair in your ship!

Edited by Axethales
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I still think it's adorable how he has that as his signature too. A completely unverifiable statement. Whatever it takes to make yourself feel good, I guess.


I am glad to see the vast majority of the community looking down on this sort of game play, and immature epeenish braggart behavior.


Keep trolling folks, but stay classy.

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Couldn't have said it better myself.


Maybe you should put that effort into finding a job, perhaps you will receive a toilet for a captains chair in your ship!


250 hours of vacation time. Problem ain't finding a job. It's working to much:)

Edited by Cloma
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Hello everyone,


I reached level 50 on my trooper yesterday the 18th. Anyone know if they plan on adding in rewards for server first accomplishments? I was expecting at least a email or something. Well back to Ilum!


I was in open beta, I did all the quest the "right way" in beta. Absolutely loved the story line, game play, everything! This is the only reason why I rushed to get level 50. Would of been nice to get some pat on the back. But that's ok too. Love the game and can't wait for my guild to catch up so we can start end game content.


Read the second quote in my comment.

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I still think it's adorable how he has that as his signature too. A completely unverifiable statement. Whatever it takes to make yourself feel good, I guess.


I am glad to see the vast majority of the community looking down on this sort of game play, and immature epeenish braggart behavior.


Keep trolling folks, but stay classy.


Come on my server. Character's name is Matthew. I am Still the only level 50 Trooper on the server:). Server name is Death Wind Corridor:)

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I don't think enough people care about rewarding titles for people who rush through the game. In fact, encouraging it helps to promote an unhealthy style of game play.


This times 100. The game has not even released yet, and there are already people at 50. What exactly is to be celebrated here? Lack of foresight in blowing off the actual game to rush to a level where the only thing to do is to repeat the same instances over and over and over again?

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Hello everyone,


I reached level 50 on my trooper yesterday the 18th. Anyone know if they plan on adding in rewards for server first accomplishments? I was expecting at least a email or something. Well back to Ilum!


I was in open beta, I did all the quest the "right way" in beta. Absolutely loved the story line, game play, everything! This is the only reason why I rushed to get level 50. Would of been nice to get some pat on the back. But that's ok too. Love the game and can't wait for my guild to catch up so we can start end game content.




is your spacebar broken from mashing it through the story?

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