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Server First Rewards?


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Hello everyone,


I reached level 50 on my trooper yesterday the 18th. Anyone know if they plan on adding in rewards for server first accomplishments? I was expecting at least a email or something. Well back to Ilum!


Sorry. They don't reward skipping the game.

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Last time i checked this isnt one of those achievement rewarding games. This is a game where the reward is the story. You want to enlarge your e-peen? Enjoy the game as its supposed to be enjoyed and stop treating it like any of the games from the last ten years.
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Hello everyone,


I reached level 50 on my trooper yesterday the 18th. Anyone know if they plan on adding in rewards for server first accomplishments? I was expecting at least a email or something. Well back to Ilum!


you must feel lonely out there :rolleyes:

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Hello everyone,


I reached level 50 on my trooper yesterday the 18th. Anyone know if they plan on adding in rewards for server first accomplishments? I was expecting at least a email or something. Well back to Ilum!


this has probably already been said but it would be unfair to have any kind of server firsts when there wasn't an equal start for all. so i don't think SWTOR has anything like that.

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I never understood the video game achievement thing, and why people care so much about it. Obviously I am in the minority on this one, but who cares? Try telling your next date that you were server first to level 50 in SWTOR, I bet her reaction will be most undesirable.


Me either. Of course, I was never one of those guys who cared about points in Pac-man or Galaga either, or finding all of the rings/coins/etc.


I ignore them when playing console games too, so I guess it's just my personality.

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Not totally true... You can get titles for doing quest chains. :)


Getting titles for quest chains that everyone else also gets when they complete that chain is NOT the same as a "server first". A "server first" title would only be given to the first person on the server to finish the related task.

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I was in open beta, I did all the quest the "right way" in beta. Absolutely loved the story line, game play, everything! This is the only reason why I rushed to get level 50. Would of been nice to get some pat on the back. But that's ok too. Love the game and can't wait for my guild to catch up so we can start end game content.
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Hello everyone,


I reached level 50 on my trooper yesterday the 18th. Anyone know if they plan on adding in rewards for server first accomplishments? I was expecting at least a email or something. Well back to Ilum!


LOL, no.


Oh, and by the way, noone cares you made it to level 50.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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I was in open beta, I did all the quest the "right way" in beta. Absolutely loved the story line, game play, everything! This is the only reason why I rushed to get level 50. Would of been nice to get some pat on the back. But that's ok too. Love the game and can't wait for my guild to catch up so we can start end game content.


I say grats. Play the game how you like.

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I had a bunch of server firsts in Rift. Even I do not remember what they were. Pretty much a pointless system.


Especially, as several people have pointed out, since BW is a story driven company, they are not going to reward someone for spacebarring madly through all the story in a frenzied dash to the finish line.

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I really hope this is a troll...


If not, grats on completely missing the point of this BIOWARE STORYTELLING MMO.


I did the entire story line on beta. I need to make that part of the post I guess. I did mention this in another reply post.

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Hello everyone,


I reached level 50 on my trooper yesterday the 18th. Anyone know if they plan on adding in rewards for server first accomplishments? I was expecting at least a email or something. Well back to Ilum!


Honest question: How do we know you WERE the first? I don't know how one would prove that.

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I did the entire story line on beta. I need to make that part of the post I guess. I did mention this in another reply post.



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Hello everyone,


I reached level 50 on my trooper yesterday the 18th. Anyone know if they plan on adding in rewards for server first accomplishments? I was expecting at least a email or something. Well back to Ilum!


I was in open beta, I did all the quest the "right way" in beta. Absolutely loved the story line, game play, everything! This is the only reason why I rushed to get level 50. Would of been nice to get some pat on the back. But that's ok too. Love the game and can't wait for my guild to catch up so we can start end game content.




you want recognition for playing a game? that's sad man


if you can create peace on earth, I'll be the first one to pat your back though

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