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WZ numbers, and what they mean


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Find the post that is called something like "700k damage club". It was a thread of a bunch of people posting screenshots of their 700K plus game.... 9 out of 10 of those were nerfed by the word "defeat" lingering above their "epic" damage.


Padding stats and especially damage stats, is far too common in this game. People would rather say "look what I can do" instead of working towards a win.


Therein lies the rub... playing to win in an intelligent manner requires thinking, and that's too much work for some people.

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One of the problems with the score board numbers is everyone focuses on the damage done. Ok, you did a lot of damage but how did you do it and where were you? The score board is broken in terms of DPS because it factors in total damage done vs the duration of the WZ instead of it appropriately being total damage done vs total time in combat. But a lot of people look at BHs and Juggs in VS and toss out MVPs like its candy when they're attack a door that probably has 3-4 people bunched up all of the time.


Personally for me, I #1 want the win. #2, I want to push objective points because it shows that I'm not a mindless kill monger. Then, finally, I aim for about 200k damage done and 50-75k healing (off healing and self healing). If I lose, I still want #2-3 to be achieved. But score board judging is all subjective and it is currently poorly implemented.

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Only you know where your damage went if you're paying attention, or someone that was with you the whole time, so yes it's hard to judge other people's damage and how effective it was. But at least if someone can hit 500k outside of a VS, you know they're capable of using their DD class properly. That's the minimum I look for if I don't know the name yet, since I know basically everyone who's decent at PvP on my server. Bunch of PvE heroes with the core of dedicated PvPers makes for long queues sometimes =[
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