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DPS, this is what your aiming for. Best possible setup


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What mistakes have I not acknowledged? About me being the best Commando, well I am the best Commando so dont see what your point was there. I really dont even understand your post at all as it makes no sense.


Wow claiming to be the best at something means your not. The best of any class in any mmo you will never see posting on official game forums.

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Wow claiming to be the best at something means your not. The best of any class in any mmo you will never see posting on official game forums.


If your not trying or being the best at something then whats the point of playing. I've played since early access on the same character. My only 50 is my Commando, I play quite a bit also. I dont care what anyone else says, I am the best Commando, at least on The Bastion as I've yet to see a better one. In WZ or OP's

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If your not trying or being the best at something then whats the point of playing. I've played since early access on the same character. My only 50 is my Commando, I play quite a bit also. I dont care what anyone else says, I am the best Commando, at least on The Bastion as I've yet to see a better one. In WZ or OP's


I'll give you on The Bastion maybe but the best period? No, might be good but not the best. Sorry.

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If your not trying or being the best at something then whats the point of playing. I've played since early access on the same character. My only 50 is my Commando, I play quite a bit also. I dont care what anyone else says, I am the best Commando, at least on The Bastion as I've yet to see a better one. In WZ or OP's


The point other than being the best is just having a good time with people you can enjoy and trust ..... your ability to understand there are other sides to a point is lackluster at best. While you may not have met someone who can best you (whether this is true or not remains to be seen, but I will admit there is always a negative stigma attached to self proclaimed #1's) , it still doesn't mean you are the best there is or your set up is the best there is (despite mounting mathematical proof otherwise).


I still cannot see where your stack of Aim benefits more seeing as the amount of crit rate you get is simply not enough to note, especially when compared to an improvement to base attack (which also means higher damage when you do crit, which you can still stack otherwise) which makes sure you are putting out more damage and not relying on chance and the crit system (which still has its wonderful down times, like 10 straight attacks with no crit even at 38% crit rate).

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I dont care what anyone else says, I am the best Commando, at least on The Bastion as I've yet to see a better one. In WZ or OP's


That's a stretch claim if I've ever heard one. Have you played against every primary PvE commando on the Bastion? I doubt it, seeing as I can't remember playing against you.


So by your logic since I play a gunny commando on The Bastion and have not run across anyone better, I am the best.

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That's a stretch claim if I've ever heard one. Have you played against every primary PvE commando on the Bastion? I doubt it, seeing as I can't remember playing against you.


So by your logic since I play a gunny commando on The Bastion and have not run across anyone better, I am the best.


Is every fresh 50 just suppost to magically know me or play with me? Never heard of you or seen you

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The whole thing with stacking Aim is that it gives you Damage and Crit%. The more Aim you have in your gear the less overall Crit you have to template in to reach a decent percentage. Just stacking Power in will have good damage sure but your also lowering your Crit% from Aim to where you need to template in more. Stacking Aim brings an overall better template in my opinion. Ideally if you could have 30% Crit unbuffed and 35% buffed thats what I'd aim for personally. That not very hard considering stacking Aim to its max would give you 15% right there. That leaves more room for Power, not as much as going strait for power but enough to equal it out with your Aim adding damage also.


Yes but the thing is IN YOUR OWN THEORETICAL SETUP, you can get to whatever Crit % you feel comfortable quicker using the Crit heavy mods, and then using the power heavy mods you'll get more bonus damage out of them. Thats why the second setup you posted using the mods you suggested you can get the same exact crit rating as before, and yet you have SEVENTY more bonus damage. That's better than upgrading from Columi to Campaign weapon. Like twice as good. It's a HUGE upgrade.


I probably run crit heavy but when I finally upgrade my Chest/Belt/Bracer Armorings and get a campaign weapon I'll have a higher crit and a significantly higher damage rating than what you originally said was best possible setup. That means if you switched to that kind of setup you would be doing even better than you are, and if you're serious about being the best then the fact that you can be better than you are should tell you you aren't the best yet.


I mean you yourself have done the calculations and the end result is the same crit with much more bonus damage. You're smart enough to do the math but not smart enough to draw the proper conclusions? I don't believe that.


Would I take 1 Aim over 1 Crit or 1 Power? Absolutely. That's why all my augments are Reflex Augments. But Aim isn't twice as good as power so if Power Augments had 36 Power and Crit Augments had 36 Crit you better BELIEVE I would be using those over Aim. Especially since Crit Rating gives so much more crit per point than Aim does. But that 2 to 1 tradeoff is exactly what you're looking at. 15 Aim is better than 15 Power but its not better than 29 Power. 30 Aim is better than 29 Power OR 29 Crit, but 30 Aim isn't better than 29 Power AND 29 Crit (if you think of two mod slots as one item). You've already done the math showing this!


And that's all we're saying. Not that Aim isn't better than power but that it isn't twice as good.

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Yes but the thing is IN YOUR OWN THEORETICAL SETUP, you can get to whatever Crit % you feel comfortable quicker using the Crit heavy mods, and then using the power heavy mods you'll get more bonus damage out of them. Thats why the second setup you posted using the mods you suggested you can get the same exact crit rating as before, and yet you have SEVENTY more bonus damage. That's better than upgrading from Columi to Campaign weapon. Like twice as good. It's a HUGE upgrade.


I probably run crit heavy but when I finally upgrade my Chest/Belt/Bracer Armorings and get a campaign weapon I'll have a higher crit and a significantly higher damage rating than what you originally said was best possible setup. That means if you switched to that kind of setup you would be doing even better than you are, and if you're serious about being the best then the fact that you can be better than you are should tell you you aren't the best yet.


I mean you yourself have done the calculations and the end result is the same crit with much more bonus damage. You're smart enough to do the math but not smart enough to draw the proper conclusions? I don't believe that.


Would I take 1 Aim over 1 Crit or 1 Power? Absolutely. That's why all my augments are Reflex Augments. But Aim isn't twice as good as power so if Power Augments had 36 Power and Crit Augments had 36 Crit you better BELIEVE I would be using those over Aim. Especially since Crit Rating gives so much more crit per point than Aim does. But that 2 to 1 tradeoff is exactly what you're looking at. 15 Aim is better than 15 Power but its not better than 29 Power. 30 Aim is better than 29 Power OR 29 Crit, but 30 Aim isn't better than 29 Power AND 29 Crit (if you think of two mod slots as one item). You've already done the math showing this!


And that's all we're saying. Not that Aim isn't better than power but that it isn't twice as good.


In the original setup I wanted to reach maximum Aim possible just to see what the peak is. I understand 29 power is better than 15 aim. What I have been trying to say is that even still maxing aim you could end up with the best still. The reason? You dont need to have as much crit which means you could have more power. Having more power and having more Aim would be better overall I hope we can all aggree on this. I'll just have to work it all and see what it comes up too. I'll post it as soon as its done and hopefully you guys can see what ive been talking about.


I like your feedback, its not a flame. This is what needed to happen originally. I always understood the math and those power mods being better overall but I want to reach a peak. Hopefully I can work this out and still end up better overall.


There are other things that have to be factored in also. While not as important, still could cause some problems. Like endurance. In solo PvE it could be a problem but I dont worry about it as much. As long as I can do all heroics with myself and Elara thats enough endurance.

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Looks as if Power version > Aim version so far. But it will be nice to have a stat maxed and not going to miss a whole whole lot. So think I'll go that direction. The power version you can purchase everything and atm you cannot purchase the 26 mods I have listed in the Aim version and only get those from certain Campaign pieces. Least I'll have something to work on.
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How does the second setup have 5% higher Tech Crit than Ranged Crit? O.o Going to assume that's a typo and you meant 34% Ranged Crit.


Also now comparing the two builds using the lower aim version ends with 5% lower Crit rate AND 50 less bonus damage. That kinda fits my definition of "a lot" to give up just to say you have less than 200 more aim.



I mean it's your character, and you're now stating to everyone reading this thread that the method we've been recommending is actually better so that's all well and good but I just don't get the dogmatic adherence to epeen stat building I guess. Like I said though, if your raid doesn't mind and you're killing stuff then do whatever I suppose.

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How does the second setup have 5% higher Tech Crit than Ranged Crit? O.o Going to assume that's a typo and you meant 34% Ranged Crit.


Also now comparing the two builds using the lower aim version ends with 5% lower Crit rate AND 50 less bonus damage. That kinda fits my definition of "a lot" to give up just to say you have less than 200 more aim.



I mean it's your character, and you're now stating to everyone reading this thread that the method we've been recommending is actually better so that's all well and good but I just don't get the dogmatic adherence to epeen stat building I guess. Like I said though, if your raid doesn't mind and you're killing stuff then do whatever I suppose.


Yes, it was a typo. Suppost to be 30 base and 31 tech.

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Yes, it was a typo. Suppost to be 30 base and 31 tech.


Wait so holy crap you're willing to give up 10% Crit rate and 50 Bonus Damage to boost your Aim score? O.o


That's a 25% reduction in number of crits (i.e. you'll Crit 3/4ths as much as someone, 4/5ths as much for Grav round) not to mention about a 5% loss in Damage to actual hits.


I mean, ok yeah fine you're topping parsers in your raids, but jeez dude I just can't get past giving up that much of a boost.

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Something seems off with your math on your crit % on your aim build.


I am currently running a bare minimum crit build (98 points, 32.44% w/ buff and stim). Yet your showing you have 30% crit with buff and stim, at 122 points in crit?

Edited by Flying-Brian
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