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CM - New healing ability suggestion


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I tried all healing classes and out of all of them, the combat medic needs some "Spice" with their play style. I find the other classes more easier to heal with compared to the CM, and quite frankly more fun. All CM ever gets is probes that can easily get interupted, a kolto bomb that makes little green smoke with little healing compared to other aoe heals, an instant cast and a beam that heals for very small. I think they deserve a new ability, something that can provide to aoe healing and make them more vaible healers in comparison to Sawbones and Sage. I have a couple suggestions which I'd apreciate if you would add along or comment.


1.The channeled beam splits off to 5 more people in your group if used on a person with [Trauma Probe] (It would hit the person with trauma probe, then split into 5 more beams and disperse itself to the group).


2. Widespread Trauma probe. Same as trauma probe, just heals significantly less but heals significantly more people. CM's will have a choice between Trauma Probe & Widespread Trauma Probe depending on the situation at hand.


3. Kolto bomb lingers in one spot for 20-30s healing all of those who cross over the kolto puddle. (It doesn't have to be much but it be crazy cool in my perspective).


4. Homing beacon. Troopers can plant a beacon that heals those 20m in range. It has limited health. (Pillar like structure) *BIG PILLAR*


4. Homing beacon (alternative). This is my best, and most favorite idea. It is immune to aoe dmg. The Trooper places a homing beacon that the trooper can heal. Since troopers have good single target healing they could heal this homing beacon and it would disperse the healing to the group. However it can be destroyed, (In PVP this would leave a whole new strategy in the playing field as it would allow the CM to have more aoe healing and more lee-way to cast more heals *since enemy is killing homing beacon*" This would be amazing in raids because it would make healing way more fun for the bosses that deal aoe dmg. For example Toth & Zorn. I could be asking for a little bit too much on this suggestion but wouldn't something ike this be fun?


I know this all may seem crazy, but I honestly feel like the Combat Medic got a bit gimped on healing in this game compared to Scoundrel and Sage. Thanks for reading.

Edited by Akantis
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From a video of the new Ancient Hypergates warzone video, it can be seen (but not confirmed) of a new sorc instant heal.....


If it is true, hopefully other classes get something extra aswell....... because we need it! Anything with better AoE or that allows better mobility will be welcomed.


But ive given up asking for things to help commandos healing.

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I like all of the ideas. Numbe 4 would give a great boost to Aoe, giving the commando a good situational ability. Maybe, it would take a chunk of its own health, say, every 3 seconds, and heal that amount spread over the entire team. Of course, the commando can heal it, to help preserve it, an enemies could attack it to get rid of it faster. But, realistically, I could see number 1 and 3 being implemented. Possibly number 2, maybe have it heal for the same amount, but have it cost 2 ammo for every person it applied it too. Making it a much harder decision requiring some situational awareness Edited by currann
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I like the sound of that Kolto Bomb. That would be HUGE in PvP. Just chuck it at defensive points, and let others heal themselves. Might take some heat off of your character, if healing on a Combat Medic is like healing on a Sage. Sure, I got a lot of heals off, but I might as well have taped a sign on my back that says "KILL ME!"


At least it kept things exciting. But more "passive" healing would be a great way to aid your allies while providing some offensive support.

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