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Why would anyone buy this game now?


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I did.


First of all, who I am. Middle age (that is being generous) MMORPG veteran . First game, asherons call. Loved it. Left for dark age of camelot. I am not a pvp player, I learned that there. Next game anarchy online. That game was and is and will always be the buggiest. Next stop, SWG. In my opinion, the best game, warts and all, the most potential, and ended with the biggest disappointment ever. SOE I hate you even today. World of Warcraft. Enjoyed it, played the heck out of it. The day after launch until a few months ago, on and off, I have 4 level 85 and 5 more over 70. Back to Asherons Call for a while, it is still going, still a decent community. Mix in some LoTRO, and non MMORPG's like diablo, starcraft, and elder scrolls, these have all held my attention for a time. There are my games.


Recently annoyed with Diablo 3, thinking I wanted to play something, just not that... I hit a website talking about swtor going free play. Well my ancient pentium D computer with the 250 gig HD does have a dsl line so I downloaded it over about 3 days, deleted some previously mentioned games as the drive was about full.


Yes I am below minimum system but it runs ok.


The things I did in WoW was to level up and raid just enough to get fed up with guild politics to the point that what I really wanted to do was level alts.


Yes there really are too many mechanics copied from WoW here. I wont list them. (now I make a butt face), But,


When not in the mood for games I would watch netflix... firefly, the new galactica, stargate, doll house, buffy... Yes I like silly Sci Fi and Fantasy.


Here is a game where you watch a sappy 3 minute sci fi cartoon, then kill monsters for 5 minutes. Over and over. Looks like, for many evenings in a row. I really do like the cut scene for every quest deal.


I have always enjoyed "pet" classes. My favorite WoW character was the hunter. DAoC, same. Before that, in AO, it was engineer for me. Pets are cool. And here every class has cool pets?


Yep, Im gonna play it for a while. Here you go , a little money (which I wont miss) and a lot of time (sigh).

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Good post op welcome to swtor.


I'm having a blast to. There's a lot they need to put right but in time I believe the game can be a big hit. Once pops settle and new content gets added. The storys realy are great. If U havnt tried agent yet give it a go its awsom.

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Good post op welcome to swtor.


I'm having a blast to. There's a lot they need to put right but in time I believe the game can be a big hit. Once pops settle and new content gets added. The storys realy are great. If U havnt tried agent yet give it a go its awsom.


I have not played agent. What has caught my attention is sith warrior, trying to make Vette like me, playing light side choices.

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Why not buy it? If someone likes the game and wants full access to the game, they'll most likely buy it. If someone kind of likes the game but not enough to buy it, they'll most likely go the free route. If someone really doesn't like the game, they shouldn't be playing it, they should find something better to do with their time.


Me? I love this game even with all of its problems, which all games have. I love the cutscenes, I love a lot of the voice acting (mostly on the Imperial side but some Republic ones are good), I love the music when you actually get to hear it, I enjoy doing the quests even though I've done them multiple times, I love killing things and each fighting style makes doing the same killing over and over unique (and sometimes a challenge if you haven't played the character in a while), and I enjoyed several of the class stories (not too fond of a couple but I still want to experience each one, plus you get loads of info from playing them). I've also enjoyed the companion system, which is something completely new to me, and I look forward to them expanding on it. All in all, it's just a fun game for me, which is the way it should be. If it stops being fun, that's my cue to leave.

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Enjoy the game upto 50. See if you like levelling up your alts (I do but it's not for everyone). The storylines are cool. The PvP, if taken casually, is cool. The raids are a fun distraction (not a reason for living). The space game passes the time. Find a guild and have fun.


It's all subjective obviously but you have a free month now...go crazy.

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Enjoy the game upto 50. See if you like levelling up your alts (I do but it's not for everyone). The storylines are cool. The PvP, if taken casually, is cool. The raids are a fun distraction (not a reason for living). The space game passes the time. Find a guild and have fun.


It's all subjective obviously but you have a free month now...go crazy.


Well put, if you like it stay, if not enjoy whatever you game next.

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I've played this game since alittle after release, I've played City of Heroes, Matrix Online, Warhammer Online, Tabula Rasa, Ultima Online, Everquest, Star Trek Online, and have played WoW since 1.2 up to the announcement of Pandas. This game has been my favorite by far (actually Ultima was the best but got graphically dated..) This game has great stories, decent graphics, great action (now that they've finally made the game more computer friendly). The only thing I don't like about the game is how slow they are to fixing graphics bugs and implementing changes people want (hoods up-down) and how quiet the CM's are on the forums. Gameplay wise I'm fine with the bugs I run into here and there, like getting stuck in a Voidstar door after I charge someone. I know they'll fix it eventually and it only happens rarely.


I'm confused why all these negative nellies keep posting in the forum of a game they hate instead of moving on. I haven't posted in the WoW forum in nearly a year now..

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No you should not buy this game. You should buy a new computer.




Yes. How do you have so much stuff on your hard drive you have to delete it to make room for this game, and it still runs this game? Or any game for that matter?

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Enjoy the game upto 50. See if you like levelling up your alts (I do but it's not for everyone). The storylines are cool. The PvP, if taken casually, is cool. The raids are a fun distraction (not a reason for living). The space game passes the time. Find a guild and have fun.


It's all subjective obviously but you have a free month now...go crazy.


yap, pre 50 is good, not only the story line but also the pvp,

but after 50, u will see.....

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Ok, I am sure I will get blasted a bit by this but here it goes. Yes I have been in since it opened and yes I will probably keep going with this game cause i do love the Star Wars universe. That said I must say that the free to play option and serveral minor game issues that have snowballed for myself are really starting to suck the life out of this world for me.


Just allowing free players for the first 15 levels (and thus planet 1 and maybe 2 for them) has made starting a new character something I have come to loath. Nothing like battling 30 other people for one droid or fleashraider to make you think it might be more fun to go back to playing something else. AND before you say anything about other games being the same... I am presently a member at two other games and do not suffer the issues NEAR as badly as I do here.


And finally to all you "If you don't like it, leave you wont be missed" idiots. Yeah you are right, one person won't be missed. But every evacuation starts with the first one to leave.. then others see that persons flight and follows. Don't ignore the individual who is upset or you may find they are just the first marchers of a movement.

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OP: Because they like Star Wars enough that it overrides the desire to play anything else?


I mean, that's why I still play, even though PvP for all intents and purposes sucks. Warzones, o boy I could get those on PvE servers.


I may buy GW2 still, but man, I don't really want to 'leave' the Star Wars universe here. No other reason.

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Just wait till november, it will be 15 dollars for the game and no monthly cost. You can level all the way to 50 and see an entire class storyline. Then decide if its worth paying for more of the end game content.


It is not going to cost anything when they convert to free to play. The client will be downloadable for free.


For the OP...you will not be able to do much at all beyond solo play around few other players with your old computer. So unless you are willing to upgrade, donot even consider doing much after you hit 50.

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Word to the wise, don't give your thread a title that sounds like QQing. A lot of people are going to respond without reading anything and whatever the original message you're trying to give will be lost as the thread devolves into people arguing back and forth about the game. But I imagine you know that now. ;)


That being said, I hope you enjoy the game. I've been subscribing from the beginning and have been having a blast. The Sith Warrior storyline (also light side) was a lot of fun. I'm leveling an Imperial Agent now (lvl 48 so almost at the end of the storyline). I've also leveled a Bounty Hunter and Smuggler to 50. IMHO, the Agent storyline is the most interesting one so far.

Edited by MadBlue
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Well for one you can get the game for under $15 on Amazon. Also it is going f2p so those who left or didn't try it yet can. Personally this game is going to gain a lot more people at f2p and I will be a lot of subs will come out of it also. I played LotR again and they did great on their f2p. The graphics are awesome etc. But playing it compared to ToR, ToR is a lot smoother imo and a lot better and easier to get around. Way better questing system etc. So a game of this magnitude going f2p is only going to benefit.


Once the new big patch comes out it is basically a free expansion because the max level increases, new planet, new warzone, operation and flash point, etc.

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I couldn't wait to play this game when it came out. I am looking at that statue I got with the game and I can swear it is laughing at me.


I dropped this game like a hot potato when they announced it was going F2P and I am going to go back to WoW and try out their new expansion.


This game is like a restaurant. You go in hearing good things about it and while you are eating the health department comes in and gives it an F.


Yeah. /purge


Nobody in their right mind would touch this game now.

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Nobody in their right mind would touch this game now.

Look, I get that you're super disappointed with the game and hate it.


Doesn't mean the game still isn't fun for some people. Personally, I enjoy it. I'm in a guild, we hang out, play the game together, do some raiding, work on alts, etc.


No need to s**t on anyone who still likes playing it.

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