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Remove Skippable Content Plz!


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Well today makes the First time I was ever kicked out of a Flash Point since launch. Normally I get along with everyone with no problems. However it seems to be a trend lately that seems to be happening with groups that everyone has to skip every freaking thing that's skippable.


I understand some people are in a Hurry but for the LOVE of everything I LOVE about this game. Please update the content so people can't skip everything. People have been complaining left and right about not having enough content but I'm seeing all these people Skip crap all the time!!!!!!!! I understand this was probably done for a development reason to test certain things quicker. However as a Player I'm here to play the game and have fun, not to skip everything possible like Splinter Cell or Metal Gear Solid, just to get the Black Hole Comms at the end of the Flash Point.


The so called tank told me to stop pulling crap, even though the mobs are in a direct path we need to go. Then in the process of skipping a whole section of mobs I get stuck in between two cages in the environment. As well as you could have guessed they didn't decide to wait for me and kept on going their merely way and started into combat without me. I told them I was stuck in the environment and they proceeded to tell me no that I suck and initiated a vote kick with the reason being I was a retard.


So without further ado I decided to put the 3 people "Cyr'rani, Haohmaru, and Coldgin" on my ignore list.

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We skip the trash mobs because they are just that, trash. The rewards off them are not worth the time, and in so many FP you can just skip a good chunk of enemies. I mean lets face it, the majority of people running HM's are only doing it for the BH comms, our time is much more worthwhile put into other things like ops, PVP, or dailies for cash. I haven't been running a HM for any gear drops for months, because it's pointless. If they took out the BH comms you got at the end of the HM's then I guarantee you about 90% of the player base would stop running HM's.


If the trash was worthwhile, then we would fight it. Since it's not and time is better spent elsewhere we all decide to skip it.

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i can feel for the op though. I did a regular fp today on an alt and it was much more enjoyable and i was only in it for the comms for the gp. I dont mind skipping mobs but sometimes it takes longer to go out of your way and everybody to get there then to actually fight the mobs. Also there are some fp's im not as familiar with and people throw a hissy fit when im rusty on the mechanics of a certain fight.


It sounds like the people you were playing with were jerks anyways though

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Well today makes the First time I was ever kicked out of a Flash Point since launch. Normally I get along with everyone with no problems. However it seems to be a trend lately that seems to be happening with groups that everyone has to skip every freaking thing that's skippable.


I understand some people are in a Hurry but for the LOVE of everything I LOVE about this game. Please update the content so people can't skip everything. People have been complaining left and right about not having enough content but I'm seeing all these people Skip crap all the time!!!!!!!! I understand this was probably done for a development reason to test certain things quicker. However as a Player I'm here to play the game and have fun, not to skip everything possible like Splinter Cell or Metal Gear Solid, just to get the Black Hole Comms at the end of the Flash Point.


The so called tank told me to stop pulling crap, even though the mobs are in a direct path we need to go. Then in the process of skipping a whole section of mobs I get stuck in between two cages in the environment. As well as you could have guessed they didn't decide to wait for me and kept on going their merely way and started into combat without me. I told them I was stuck in the environment and they proceeded to tell me no that I suck and initiated a vote kick with the reason being I was a retard.


So without further ado I decided to put the 3 people "Cyr'rani, Haohmaru, and Coldgin" on my ignore list.


i feel ya mate same happens here, am just happy i rolled a tank i don't skip period!

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I try to skip most of the trash mobs and skippable bosses also, but while checking if somebody unintentionally/intentionally pulls which prompts me to go back and help. I also try spam the spacebar key during conversations but i do not force others to do the same. In conclusion you can skip every trash/boss/cinematic/conversation you want just don't force others to do the same.
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I would have kicked you also, if you want to waste time killing everything in a flaspoint then go find a guild and run with them. I don't run HM's for the stupid trash, or the lame bosses that are far too easy. If there was no BH comms I wouldn't run them at all.


Same with the cinematics, I don't find re-watching stuff i've seen a hundred times fun when I can skip it and get on with the run. If you're into watching all cinematics and killing every mob then go run it solo or like I said, find a guild which does the same and join them.

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I would have kicked you also, if you want to waste time killing everything in a flaspoint then go find a guild and run with them. I don't run HM's for the stupid trash, or the lame bosses that are far too easy. If there was no BH comms I wouldn't run them at all.


Same with the cinematics, I don't find re-watching stuff i've seen a hundred times fun when I can skip it and get on with the run. If you're into watching all cinematics and killing every mob then go run it solo or like I said, find a guild which does the same and join them.


you know that works both ways dumb ***

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I would have kicked you also, if you want to waste time killing everything in a flaspoint then go find a guild and run with them. I don't run HM's for the stupid trash, or the lame bosses that are far too easy. If there was no BH comms I wouldn't run them at all.


Same with the cinematics, I don't find re-watching stuff i've seen a hundred times fun when I can skip it and get on with the run. If you're into watching all cinematics and killing every mob then go run it solo or like I said, find a guild which does the same and join them.

I think you should visit trywarcraft.com. Its a game more suited to the impatient players.


I have a very low tollerance for the "want it now" generation. Cutscenes take up about 10 minutes max. That's 10 minutes any decent player should wait for players who have never run the instance to watch the story.

Edited by Bomyne
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