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New Player Species?


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You missed the point entirely. It was asked for a vote on which planet the players wanted in the game next. It wasn`t Makeb by a long shot. Makes no difference if it was new, or old - it was NEVER a top 10 choice. Makes you wonder why they asked us in the first place.


I don't wonder.


They wanted to know what people wanted to see. Your problem and many others is that you assume that just because X company does a poll it's a sign of things to come, when that's almost never the case.


Polls get turned into gaming content as much as video game petitions actually work/matter.


I thought I`ll play a Togruta Sage in 2008 and all the way until this game launched. Then I hoped I`ll play a Togruta Sage sometime in the future, IF enough people want the race - people wanted the race, but Bioware decided to give me something else. 2 years have passed.


So, you are asking me to wait 2 more years, IN THE HOPE that the THIRD race is Togruta?


I answer this in my previous post. I was editing while you were posting.

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Your money argument is wrong. I would ONLY pay for Togruta. They can add all the other races, I would still not spend money.


Likewise, it is down to personal taste - people would pay only for what they actually want / like. And it makes more sense to add Togruta, because you have statistically a bigger player base that wants it, making your "to pay 700 CC" for a body change crowd bigger.


[EDIT] If they add Voss next, I won`t pay them a dime for it, with all their customization options. Why? Because I have enough humanoids that look far better. Oh... and I`d pay ONLY for a Togruta. Even by some miracle Voss looks better than my best humanoid (mainly humans and mirialans), I STILL have a problem - why in the world would I pay to change species to yet another humanoid?

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So, you are asking me to wait 2 more years, IN THE HOPE that the THIRD race is Togruta? With Bioware`s track of lies? Sorry, but there is no guarantee whatsoever that we`ll EVER see Togruta if it isn`t the second race, or the next one after Cathar. You can be as gullible as you want; I`m not THAT stupid, nor do I have enough time to wait for Bioware`s good will.


I am telling you what they are like, and how game development works.


Of course you don't want to wait, I don't want to wait, nobody wants to wait, but that's what you're going to be doing with this game.


Lets say they did that tomorrow they announce Togruta as the next playable race. Awesome, we know they're coming. Now when do you think they'd actually arrive? Note that the Cathar were announced on stage at E3 2012. They didn't become playable until May 2013.

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Your money argument is wrong. I would ONLY pay for Togruta. They can add all the other races, I would still not spend money.


Likewise, it is down to personal taste - people would pay only for what they actually want / like. And it makes more sense to add Togruta, because you have statistically a bigger player base that wants it, making your "to pay 700 CC" for a body change crowd bigger.


Except for the fact that you are only one person and many people bought the Cathar including a number of people who didn't want them believing that they would get something they wanted next. Multiple people have even posted about in these recent species threads.


So no, I'm not wrong, you are, just as you've constantly been throughout this thread. What I said actually ended up happening.

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Again, a few lines of dialogue for ONE species for ONE class not making sense =/= an entire species itself being playable not making sense.


It does not matter. Bioware does not care about playable Voss breaking the lore. What is so hard to understand about that?


Tell me this, what is exactly the makes you think that they do care, and would never do it?

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Except for the fact that you are only one person and many people bought the Cathar including a number of people who didn't want them believing that they would get something they wanted next. Multiple people have even posted about in these recent species threads.


So no, I'm not wrong, you are, just as you've constantly been throughout this thread. What I said actually ended up happening.


I`m sorry, but I believe Cel Cawdro`s poll over "multiple people have ever posted" and your gut. Players want Togruta and have wanted it since the game has launched.


There is no honest reason not to give it to them 2 years later, when you know and pretty much fixed the clipping for Twilek or have an idea what to do with lekkus now.


Sure, it can be argued that they want to monetize the crap out of it, hype, whatever. I don`t give a dime on their reasons - they had their way with the first race. Furthermore, it is really funny to talk about "not ruining player`s expectations", when you have gone from sub based to F2P, delayed on purpose game features and expansions for money, manage to not follow your own guidelines between 2 proposed polls and manage to bring back an old bug (the trenches big butt) .


You really think a lil` clippin` would make or break Bioware and EA`s "good" name?

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I`m sorry, but I believe Cel Cawdro`s poll over "multiple people have ever posted" and your gut. Players want Togruta and have wanted it since the game has launched.


There is no honest reason not to give it to them 2 years later, when you know and pretty much fixed the clipping for Twilek or have an idea what to do with lekkus now.


Sure, it can be argued that they want to monetize the crap out of it, hype, whatever. I don`t give a dime on their reasons - they had their way with the first race. Furthermore, it is really funny to talk about "not ruining player`s expectations", when you have gone from sub based to F2P, delayed on purpose game features and expansions for money, manage to not follow your own guidelines between 2 proposed polls and manage to bring back an old bug (the trenches big butt) .


You really think a lil` clippin` would make or break Bioware and EA`s "good" name?


People want a lot of things and have since launch. The problem is that you can't satisfy everyone so you satisfy the majority.


Since you can't speak for every other player in the game you can't say a majority want Togruta as a race. I don't personally because there isn't anything about the race I find interesting but my opinion doesn't mean that the majority don't want Togruta as a race.


They, as in EA/BW, get to have their way on every single aspect of this game including the next race. Maybe they don't want the hassle of dealing with head slot gear and another set of lekku like head tails. Maybe the metrics they are seeing point to players wanting another race more. Regardless of their reasons, they will do what they want.


Granted, game companies that continuously ignore they desires of their players find themselves sans said players but so far EA/BW has walked the tightrope between game needs and player desires.

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Since you can't speak for every other player in the game you can't say a majority want Togruta as a race. I don't personally because there isn't anything about the race I find interesting but my opinion doesn't mean that the majority don't want Togruta as a race.


You are mistaken. The majority DOES want Togruta - the ones that voted, anyway.





It`s when the majority wants something and Bioware gives us some random crap that isn`t even top 3 that questions begin to be asked.


BTW, I have clipping right now, on my sniper, with Unfettered Trench Coat, simply because Bioware`s Q&A team can`t make a proper body type 2 coat. Or should I say, DID before, then forgot and we got "The Big Butt`s Bug Return" in a Cartel Market item. No wonder they won`t do any race with lekkus, since they can`t even do ONE butt mesh right. Oh, and the front part has no volume either, so the buttstock of my rifle clips through my big collar.

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Please ask for things we can get, you might like togrutas but there is an universe of species a lot cool too.


Like a poster said, I hope the dev have the balls to put a non-humanoid species in there like Duros, Wookies, Selkath.


That way you could ask for Togruta in a legit request.

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You are mistaken. The majority DOES want Togruta - the ones that voted, anyway.





It`s when the majority wants something and Bioware gives us some random crap that isn`t even top 3 that questions begin to be asked.


BTW, I have clipping right now, on my sniper, with Unfettered Trench Coat, simply because Bioware`s Q&A team can`t make a proper body type 2 coat. Or should I say, DID before, then forgot and we got "The Big Butt`s Bug Return" in a Cartel Market item. No wonder they won`t do any race with lekkus, since they can`t even do ONE butt mesh right. Oh, and the front part has no volume either, so the buttstock of my rifle clips through my big collar.


The ones that voted are not a majority, only a vocal minority. And what people want and what EA/BW can provide are two entirely different things.


Clipping is such a minor issue, and yet so much is made of it that I can't imagine why EA/BW wouldn't want another Lekku type head for people to go postal over.


If they gave you Togruta, you'd probably be in here up in arms about clipping on the head tentacles. If I had to choose between making things more difficult for a number of employees or listening to rants about races on the forums, I know which one I'd choose.

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Please ask for things we can get, you might like togrutas but there is an universe of species a lot cool too.


Like a poster said, I hope the dev have the balls to put a non-humanoid species in there like Duros, Wookies, Selkath.


That way you could ask for Togruta in a legit request.


What the heII are you talking about?


How does having the balls have anything to do with adding the races you're asking for?


"Having the balls" infers that some sort of risk is involved of which there is none in this case.


Ballsy (in terms of a species) would be adding a race that everyone hates or something that is distasteful.


A race like Wookies simply doesn't work with the way the game is designed. The tops of their heads would be cropped out of the majority of cutscenes in the game. Resolving that issue (which is only one of many that Wookies possess) has absolutely nothing to do with being ballsy.

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I'd like the next playable race to be Evocii....just so I can watch people's heads explode in the forums.


Seriously though, as I've said before, I'd rather have them make more content than what is essentially a skin for your character. I don't personally care much for tortugas, totrugas, or tortillas or whatever they're called. I don't even understand why people actually want them as a new playable race. (But I'd vote for them before Voss....but after evocii).

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The ones that voted are not a majority, only a vocal minority. And what people want and what EA/BW can provide are two entirely different things.


Clipping is such a minor issue, and yet so much is made of it that I can't imagine why EA/BW wouldn't want another Lekku type head for people to go postal over.


If they gave you Togruta, you'd probably be in here up in arms about clipping on the head tentacles. If I had to choose between making things more difficult for a number of employees or listening to rants about races on the forums, I know which one I'd choose.

Yea, that can be said about governments too, where a vocal minority is pushing my diesel prices up, but we don`t complain about RL, no? As much as you don`t like it, that`s what the votes say AND the "minority to vast majority decision making ratio". That is the best poll we have regarding races.


Keep closing your eyes and pretend it doesn`t exist and talk yourself to sleep about how unrepresentative it is.


As for clipping, no. I never complained about clipping. If they`d give me Togruta I`d still not complain. And I was talking about clipping earlier just to show that clipping IS a part of the game and it isn`t going away. One more thing clipping won`t kill anybody. It`s not like a majority of players want Togruta anyway, right?


Like a poster said, I hope the dev have the balls to put a non-humanoid species in there like Duros, Wookies, Selkath.

Cyborg was a so-so popular vote at one time. They have given us cyborg armors (which, come to think, is an EXTREMELY smart idea - give what people want - the cyborg visual without actually making a full species), so you have SOME non-humanoid, or an idea of. It`s not that popular as you might think. Components, perhaps, but no full armor.

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Cyborg was a so-so popular vote at one time. They have given us cyborg armors (which, come to think, is an EXTREMELY smart idea - give what people want - the cyborg visual without actually making a full species), so you have SOME non-humanoid, or an idea of. It`s not that popular as you might think. Components, perhaps, but no full armor.


Want to Togruta atleast back up player comments on non-humanoid species be implemented, if not your request might take a while.


Cyborg is not a good example of a non-humanoid or near humanoid, they are humanoid completely.


Hope dev add non-humanoid like Selkath, Wookies, Nautolans, Duros, Devoronian (Devil ones) and so on, no togruta.

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Want to Togruta atleast back up player comments on non-humanoid species be implemented, if not your request might take a while.


Cyborg is not a good example of a non-humanoid or near humanoid, they are humanoid completely.


Hope dev add non-humanoid like Selkath, Wookies, Nautolans, Duros, Devoronian (Devil ones) and so on, no togruta.

Chances are slim to none for that to happen, in the case of Wookies. There was a quote about "what are you supposed to be", or something.

Oh, I found it: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=592953


BTW, Nautolan is perfectly humanoid - it`s human with a different head, or Togruta with Medusa hair :) I am talking about the shape of the body, not chemical composition, btw. It`s safe to assume that Bioware will never do anything different than what humanoid body shape we have right now - pretty much in the same exact proportions that the 4 body types give.

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Chances are slim to none for that to happen, in the case of Wookies. There was a quote about "what are you supposed to be", or something.

Oh, I found it: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=592953


BTW, Nautolan is perfectly humanoid - it`s human with a different head, or Togruta with Medusa hair :) I am talking about the shape of the body, not chemical composition, btw. It`s safe to assume that Bioware will never do anything different than what humanoid body shape we have right now - pretty much in the same exact proportions that the 4 body types give.


Exactly, and nice find.

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Yea, that can be said about governments too, where a vocal minority is pushing my diesel prices up, but we don`t complain about RL, no? As much as you don`t like it, that`s what the votes say AND the "minority to vast majority decision making ratio". That is the best poll we have regarding races.


Keep closing your eyes and pretend it doesn`t exist and talk yourself to sleep about how unrepresentative it is.


As for clipping, no. I never complained about clipping. If they`d give me Togruta I`d still not complain. And I was talking about clipping earlier just to show that clipping IS a part of the game and it isn`t going away. One more thing clipping won`t kill anybody. It`s not like a majority of players want Togruta anyway, right?



Cyborg was a so-so popular vote at one time. They have given us cyborg armors (which, come to think, is an EXTREMELY smart idea - give what people want - the cyborg visual without actually making a full species), so you have SOME non-humanoid, or an idea of. It`s not that popular as you might think. Components, perhaps, but no full armor.


The problem wit forum polls is that they are NOT the voice of the player base. Those who post on these forums are a minority compared to the players of the game. Judging anything on a small sample size is bad.


And we aren't talking about real life, we are talking about this game. And when your "arguments" devolve into personal attacks, you might want to look at your position.


Basically, you really, really want Togruta's as a race and will say anything to make this a reality. Since we all know any new race will most likely me monetized like the Cathar and we all know that any new race decisions will make some people happy and other people unhappy, the big question boils down to "why bother?".

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They look good in game, but only with Body Type 2...


Male -



Female -



...because holy heII does the Body Type 3 face morph look god awful...




Even though it has nothing to do with Nautolans, I found this old in development screenshot of of a Kel Dor wearing Jedi Knight armor, with a blaster, using a stance like a Powertech Bounty Hunter, standing in front of some Imperial banners. It's very all over the place




Hope dev add non-humanoid like Selkath, Wookies, Nautolans, Duros, Devoronian (Devil ones) and so on, no togruta.


The Duros, Nautolans, and Devoronian all exist in the game using the current body types, as do the Togruta. The difference between them and the currently playable races is that they don't have customizable features generally having one head per gender. That's basically why they aren't playable.


It`s safe to assume that Bioware will never do anything different than what humanoid body shape we have right now - pretty much in the same exact proportions that the 4 body types give.


Cyborg was a so-so popular vote at one time. They have given us cyborg armors (which, come to think, is an EXTREMELY smart idea - give what people want - the cyborg visual without actually making a full species), so you have SOME non-humanoid, or an idea of. It`s not that popular as you might think. Components, perhaps, but no full armor.


Awhile back on the forums someone suggested doing species masks/helmets for a number of races like the Transdoshans, Selkath, Rodian, Wookie, and/or basically anything that does't share the skull geometry of the existing species.


It's not exactly what people want, but it's also not a bad idea. It's something that can be done quickly, doesn't require new art assets, and works within all the games systems. The draw backs to them of course would be that their mouths wouldn't move and they'd auto unequip in certain cutscenes, but that's something people already know in regards to helms.

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The problem wit forum polls is that they are NOT the voice of the player base. Those who post on these forums are a minority compared to the players of the game. Judging anything on a small sample size is bad.


Basically, you really, really want Togruta's as a race and will say anything to make this a reality. Since we all know any new race will most likely me monetized like the Cathar and we all know that any new race decisions will make some people happy and other people unhappy, the big question boils down to "why bother?".


For some in here, unless every single past, present or future player will share his/hers/its view on which new species they would want, a poll will never be valid. For me, ONE decently done poll is better than NONE poll, or skewed crap like Bioware puts up (which Bioware asked players TWICE, btw - once on this very forum, once on Twitter - so we still go into "vocal minority").


And yes, I want Togruta since 2008 and I will not stop asking for it until I get it, or stop playing this game. And I do bother, because, as of right now, I have only humanoids and it`s getting boring. And no, I never liked Twi - I WOULD HAVE, but they didn`t give a forward lekku option and I can`t stand it on the back. So, I`m stuck with 9 humanoids and one Cyborg suit - hardly spectacular.


[EDIT] Also, you would think they would force an ingame poll. It`s not like they are strangers to big intrusions, if we are looking at the CM one; one forced poll won`t kill anyone, if they REALLY want to know what the players want. The constant lack of INGAME FORCED polls makes you wonder, doesn`t it?

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