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I play a jedi sentinel (level 31) and am in the same boat. With group with one silver (groups with 2 silver are a nightmare) a small mistake or a missed interrupt is all it take between life and death.


Although it can feel great during class quests (a real sense of challenge) it's quite irritating in the long run. To the point where I'm tempted to roll another class.


I'm glad someone feels my pain. This is exactly how I feel

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I'm a lvl 24 sorc speced in healing. I can do most of the Heroic +2s solo (with my Khem Val tank). I feel very OP to be honest. I hope that doesnt change :p


^^^^ This.


What level quests are you doing? My buddy was getting his **** rocked doing level 16 quests at 13. Complaining that Mako was a crappy healer. I kinda lol'd to myself. Then I get a tell asking for help later with a level 20 story quest. He was 15 and ONLY doing story quests.


Hell, I'm 1/5 bar from 18 and JUST started Balmorra. But I have crazy nice gear, got my crafting and gathering to 100, and had 28-30 Kaas commendations to blow on silly stuff like a gold vibrosword for my excellent tank.

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The game is very easy up until level around 25. Then you'll start finding Elites and story bosses MUCH harder.


Once you get to the 3rd planet I recommend doing all the bonus missions and/or some warzones/space missions/flashpoints to gain a couple of extra levels and upgrade some gear. Makes a huge difference. Also don't be afraid to buy some stims for harder mobs, and save your long cooldowns for the hard fights. Watch for enemy abilities and use interrupts/stuns/knockbacks!


For a couple of the story bosses I found I had to go elsewhere and gain another level first (and a couple of gear upgrades).

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This seems to be class-dependent. Sentinels are really focused on mowing down single-targets, as others have said - you don't have a lot of crowd control or AoE abilities, or healing. I think you're a little more companion-dependent than other classes.


As a Jedi Sage/Seer (healer) I've found that even doing damage I can solo 3-4 mobs on my own without a companion. It might be a bit dicey, but I can do it. The ability to heal and bubble myself helps a lot, and I have at least 2 kinds of CC right now.


I've found that Gunslingers seem to have a similar issue with being companion-dependent, while Scoundrels don't, even within the Smuggler class (I could just suck, though :) )

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The game is very easy up until level around 25. Then you'll start finding Elites and story bosses MUCH harder.




For a couple of the story bosses I found I had to go elsewhere and gain another level first (and a couple of gear upgrades).


I too found it much harder at a certain point, that point for me was around 28-30, Khem Val seems to lose his awesomeness and fights become much more troublesome. Though he has more armour and health than me he always seems to die quicker to champion and elite mobs.


I did find that for the final part of the story at around 30 the boss required me to go out and level up an entire level and fully pimp out both myself and my companion at which point he died and I still almost died...fun times, yes I'm probably not the best player but still it was frustrating but at the same time very rewarding. With boss fights interrupts are a must, and figuring out which abilities to interrupt as well.

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Generally it is the mobs that deliver damage other than kinetic that are troublesome. You either have to mitigate the damage or avoid receiving it otherwise it will gut you pretty quickly.


Meleers generally have fewer options to avoid as you can't kite and can't brutalise the mob before it even gets to you.

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I have a lvl 20 Guardian, and am glad things get harder. I've done all the quests on Coruscant and am working through Taris right now. I've out leveled the content a bit, so hopefully when the challenge comes at lvl 25 as some have mentioned, I should be right on.


Personally I hope they keep the challenge in the game, and I find it cool that each class is different like that, it makes you use strategy and roll a character that fits your playstyle/skills. - IMHO

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I use to feel the way you do. But, after level 22, and reconfiguring my toolbar with the combat specials that have the longest cooldown first. I put the jedi consular slow command first to slow them down 50%. I also use armor. I would highly recommend you get a multi-button mouse too. Also use auto targeting. I just had to terminate one quest for later. All that's left is one champion, but since I don't like groups, I'll save him for level 23. If you level up you should always be able to knock out what's left. You could also wait for a group and ask for an invite.


One other thing, always pickup the side quests. If you don't when you go to the next planet you will have level lag, and be behind the 8 ball all the way. You always want to be leveled up enough for the main quest line.

Edited by Chiricahua
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I'm leveling a Marauder right now and just hit 23. I am not having the issues that you describe. I'm using the dot skill tree and I can take any group containing silver mobs or lower without issue. I can easily to a single gold and I can do a gold with a single normal mob if I blow through all my cooldowns.


Make sure your gear is up to date and you are at least equal to the mob level. Also check your spec, you mentioned its a pvp spec and this might be your issue.

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I think possibly some people are just having trouble getting used to how SWTOR works in comparison with some MMOs. It is easy given the game's surface to assume its just like whatever game you came from and that you should use the same tactics, there are some differences. Your gear matters a bunch, if you are not running group stuff get commendation gear or some craft gear with good mods. You do not have to raid/group/etc to have competitive gear in this game atm but you shouldn't be running around in green and grey equipment. Make sure you have trained all of your abilities, that seems rude but it really isn't meant to be, some friends of mine missed the advanced class tab at their trainer, obviously the game changed radically for them when it was pointed out. Finally figure out a good rotation of skill that works for you, its important to know how your skills work and when to use them.


Frankly most of the time when soloing I feel grossly OP, one to three shotting groups etc if my companion is around to distract them.

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I think possibly some people are just having trouble getting used to how SWTOR works in comparison with some MMOs. It is easy given the game's surface to assume its just like whatever game you came from and that you should use the same tactics, there are some differences. Your gear matters a bunch, if you are not running group stuff get commendation gear or some craft gear with good mods. You do not have to raid/group/etc to have competitive gear in this game atm but you shouldn't be running around in green and grey equipment. Make sure you have trained all of your abilities, that seems rude but it really isn't meant to be, some friends of mine missed the advanced class tab at their trainer, obviously the game changed radically for them when it was pointed out. Finally figure out a good rotation of skill that works for you, its important to know how your skills work and when to use them.


Frankly most of the time when soloing I feel grossly OP, one to three shotting groups etc if my companion is around to distract them.


The OP mentioned that he is level 26. Others chiming in at lvl 22-23 saying they are but they probably have not seen what the OP is talking about. There is a pretty sudden and noticeable increase in difficulty once you reach Tatooine Republic side (not sure what it is Empire side). I first noticed it when I had to ask myself "Hey, why is my tank companion always dying now?"

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I am level 26 right now, leveling a Jedi Sentinel, and I was just wondering if anyone else felt like they were too underpowered? I will go into a fight with 1 silver star mob and a regular mob and come out with only 15-20% hp. I just sent my companion off to sell my greys real quick and pulled a 4 man group and died. I have played WoW for 7 years, and tried out Aion/Rift/GW in that time and I just don't remember ever feeling like I was that weak.


I was just wondering if I am alone on this one or does anyone else feel the same way?


use ur healer companion

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I think of myself as a fairly good player using (what I believe) to be an optimal priority system for my Bounty Hunter and on my way to level 37 there have been some solo story quests where even using all my defensive cooldowns, using my 20min CD, using potions, and having my companion (with up to date gear for both of us) heal me, I have beaten the story encounters with only about 10% health remaining. Gear wise I have been crating the latest epic mods and armoring for my and my compansions cutomizable gear.


I enjoy the challenge but I think absolutely there will be casual players that struggle with content or find it outright impossible.

Edited by Godbane
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