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whats the point of tech override?


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Something that's been bugging me a bit.


many of the skills I use in my rotation trigger a global cool down, its about 1 second not much of an issue for those skills like hammer shot and grav round and curtain of fire that last longer than the GCD because I can instantly recast them as soon as they have finished if I choose to.


However if i wanted to use Tech override to insert an extra instant Grav round into my rotation there is actually no benefit for having done this as i still have to wait for the GCD before i can begin casting grav round again - at best i save a whole half second if I'm mashing the button.


the ONLY real use i have found is providing myself with an insta heal once in a while.

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When you use TO, you can cast while running. For example, in pvp you can run and heal yourself at the same time (and get reported for cheating, that's life ;)). In pve, you can mezz while running, that's quite usefull sometimes
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Needs a lower cd. Reduce the cd to 15-30 sec and Commando is fine.


(plus add an interrupt to stock strike)


Stock Strike has an interrupt if you spec into it (technically a knockback but it's so weak it's really just there to be a ghetto interrupt). I know it's affected by resolve and it doesn't work on bosses, but on most bosses you can interrupt you don't wanna be that close or a 15s interrupt just isn't useful and someone else will do it better.


30 seconds added to Tech Override wouldn't do much to make us more viable in PVP, which isn't to say I wouldn't like it on a shorter cooldown. It would just make it line up better with talented reserve powercell. I would much prefer the Vanguard Cooldown (I don't understand why ours is different), but since Tech Override is what we have I use it as I see best. Basically to instant cast a Concussion Charge in raids to re-CC in combat on some of the bigger trash pulls, or to instant cast plasma grenade to get more AoE damage out without having to stop for a full GCD.


I suppose in PVP it's a good way to get a grav round off to unlock HiB and be mroe likely to get a second cast off for 80% of the possible buff to Demo and HiB.

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TO, Is a great skill with a huge 2 minute cool down. I use it a ton! Mainly for pvp just for a quick heal. But in OP's when having to shift or move a raid, A quick Grav round to keep the debuff on a boss helps.


An as others have said. The plasma nade is a HUGE help for many different things. With TO is a instant powerful aoe.

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