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Crybabies should be Patient or please cancel and make room.


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The fact we even get Early access is amazing and all you impatient children can do is complain about not getting in and it not being "fair", life isn't fair nor are video games, just get over it. You're bound to get in sometime early even if its not today.


If I were running Bioware and saw my customers act like little preschool kids, id purposely prolong their invites just to teach them some patience, and to watch them squirm and piss & moan some more. Deal with it.

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The fact we even get Early access is amazing and all you impatient children can do is complain about not getting in and it not being "fair", life isn't fair nor are video games, just get over it. You're bound to get in sometime early even if its not today.


If I were running Bioware and saw my customers act like little preschool kids, id purposely prolong their invites just to teach them some patience, and to watch them squirm and piss & moan some more. Deal with it.


I think some of the main issues is people wont be leveling up with friends. People arent gonna be leveling up with guilds. Most people may not get the name they wanted for their toons that they desire. To top it off most people havent a clue as to when they will be able to get into early access so the community has some complaints. I am sure there is more but those are a few I see being a issue

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Hey look. Another golden boy.


Seriously, could you "Mr. Know-it-all's" get off these forums. You folks are more annoying than the people already complaining.


Complaining about complaining. Get real.

Edited by Fixiooo
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i think some of the main issues is people wont be leveling up with friends. People arent gonna be leveling up with guilds. Most people may not get the name they wanted for their toons that they desire. To top it off most people havent a clue as to when they will be able to get into early access so the community has some complaints. I am sure there is more but those are a few i see being a issue


^^ this

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The fact we even get Early access is amazing and all you impatient children can do is complain about not getting in and it not being "fair", life isn't fair nor are video games, just get over it. You're bound to get in sometime early even if its not today.


If I were running Bioware and saw my customers act like little preschool kids, id purposely prolong their invites just to teach them some patience, and to watch them squirm and piss & moan some more. Deal with it.


this x a billion

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I can't complain when Im playing in one screen and talking here on another. I have zero complaints. I just laugh at the fact that people threaten to cancel just because they can't be patient. As if Bioware will lose so much money. Not at all, infact they will still thrive, with or without you.
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Agreed, I don't even expect a email till Friday earliest, since I didn't pre order till Oct. And frankly I don't understand the fuss over this. They weren't even supposed to let people in till the 15th, and they gave people two whole extra free days to play and people freak out and whine. To all the people whining, please return to Pandas. You will be happier there, and we will be happier here without you. Just my two cents.
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I think some of the main issues is people wont be leveling up with friends. People arent gonna be leveling up with guilds. Most people may not get the name they wanted for their toons that they desire. To top it off most people havent a clue as to when they will be able to get into early access so the community has some complaints. I am sure there is more but those are a few I see being a issue


The whole leveling with friends/guilds is a challenge regardless of when you get access because of other factors such as jobs, family, school etc. If friends have played any MMO before then they've faced this challenge before. That really is a very weak argument IMO.

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Saying that those complainers should cancel and make room for others is not going to exactly work that way. Even if those who preordered cancel today, it doesn't mean more room will be available. Their preorder code is still in the system if they cancel which means the system will continue to hand out emails as before.
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The fact we even get Early access is amazing and all you impatient children can do is complain about not getting in and it not being "fair", life isn't fair nor are video games, just get over it. You're bound to get in sometime early even if its not today.


If I were running Bioware and saw my customers act like little preschool kids, id purposely prolong their invites just to teach them some patience, and to watch them squirm and piss & moan some more. Deal with it.







/solar system



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The last thing id care about in early access is saving a name. That should be the least of anyone's worries comon this isn't the sims. As for leveling with a guild oh well, we will all get to 50 in the end. Crying about it wont help.


People carry names from game to game an have use the tag for many years now. Weather you care or not thats is up to you. A lot of players like using the name they have had for many years now.

Yes we will all reach 50 at some point. How ever people do like to level up with friends/guild mates. Thats the community aspect of the game. Not to mention the social points you could of earned an now lost due to this type of early access.

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What kills me is this is something Bioware stated from dy 1 of pre orders. The earlier you redeem a code, the earlier you get in. It's nothing new, yet people still complain as if it is.


I think it's to much WoW hand holding barney graphics. People are to used to being cradled.

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The whole leveling with friends/guilds is a challenge regardless of when you get access because of other factors such as jobs, family, school etc. If friends have played any MMO before then they've faced this challenge before. That really is a very weak argument IMO.


It depends on the player i suppose. I an Im sure many others have friends that game at the same time. I have a job and a family just like others an am able to still play 20+ hours a week. So it depends on the player weather or not its a weak argument. Just because you an people you know arent able to play as others do doesnt mean its weak.

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