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" in MY headcannon"


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In my headcanon:


  • Vette and Jaesa have super-secret slumber parties that involve pillow fights and "experimenting" just to spite their sexually repressed Sith Lord and Master. Quinn spies on these and posts videos on the Holonet.
  • Skadge is an active paying subscriber to Quinn's videos. Torian is secretly a Beleiber. And it is very unwise to feed Blizz after midnight or give him baths. Very unwise.
  • Qyzen, in truth, lost his eye when he told Kira Karsen her robes made her butt look fat.
  • Aric was a Coruscanti stripper before he became a space marine and in an alternate universe becomes Jorgen Von Strangle.

Edited by Malles
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In my headcanon:


  • Vette and Jaesa have super-secret slumber parties that involve pillow fights and "experimenting" just to spite their sexually repressed Sith Lord and Master. Quinn spies on these and posts videos on the Holonet.
  • Qyzen, in truth, lost his eye when he told Kira Karsen her robes made her butt look fat.
  • Aric was a Coruscanti stripper before he became a space marine and in an alternate universe becomes Jorgen Von Strangle.


this is now my headcanon too.

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In my headcanon:


  • Vette and Jaesa have super-secret slumber parties that involve pillow fights and "experimenting" just to spite their sexually repressed Sith Lord and Master. Quinn spies on these and posts videos on the Holonet.
  • Skadge is an active paying subscriber to Quinn's videos. Torian is secretly a Beleiber. And it is very unwise to feed Blizz after midnight or give him baths. Very unwise.
  • Qyzen, in truth, lost his eye when he told Kira Karsen her robes made her butt look fat.
  • Aric was a Coruscanti stripper before he became a space marine and in an alternate universe becomes Jorgen Von Strangle.


Vette and Jaesa..... I'll be in my bunk. :D

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Well, glad to see this thread has returned :D


In my headcanon, my Imperial Agent has a permanent scowl on his face, but he once smiled. The result was reality being broken and setting itself back to the time before he smiled.


In my headcanon, Blizz gets glomped by ladies.

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Same. :)


In my headcanon, everyone screams like a little girl when the Dread Masters do "Fear", except for my Sith Warrior, Bounty Hunter, and Imperial Agent.


In my headcanon, Baras always has a cookie in his hand no matter what he is doing.


It would work well in a few of the cut scenes actually. When he's torturing the Jedi and yells out "why can't I break you!!!"


"I think it's stale" ;)


Headcannon: Walking in on him going cookie monster styles on a plate of them.

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In MY headcanon, Darth Baras has his mouth full on Korriban when he's reciting the Sith Code to the SW...


The Cake is a Lie, there is only Pie.

Through Pie, I gain Calories.

Through Calories, I gain Fat.

Through Fat, I gain Girth.

Through Girth, my Belt is broken.

The Recliner Shall Free Me!


Also, in MY headcanon, he force-choked Jenny Craig to death. :p

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In MY headcanon, Darth Baras has his mouth full on Korriban when he's reciting the Sith Code to the SW...


The Cake is a Lie, there is only Pie.

Through Pie, I gain Calories.

Through Calories, I gain Fat.

Through Fat, I gain Girth.

Through Girth, my Belt is broken.

The Recliner Shall Free Me!


Also, in MY headcanon, he force-choked Jenny Craig to death. :p


I can see another thread being created about Darth Baras fat jokes lol


Darth Baras doesn't have a seat on the dark council, he has two... :p

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In MY headcanon, Darth Baras has his mouth full on Korriban when he's reciting the Sith Code to the SW...


The Cake is a Lie, there is only Pie.

Through Pie, I gain Calories.

Through Calories, I gain Fat.

Through Fat, I gain Girth.

Through Girth, my Belt is broken.

The Recliner Shall Free Me!


Also, in MY headcanon, he force-choked Jenny Craig to death. :p


I made a very similar variant to that awhile ago :p


Cake is a lie, there is only pie.

Through pie, I gain fat.

Through fat, I gain weight.

Through weight, I gain body mass.

Through body mass, my belt is broken.

The couch shall set me free.

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