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Hitting 50 makes me want to quit


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it makes most people want to quit


There is no endgame, bioware is silent so theres a unsure future, if Swtor dosent improve, MoP will be much better for those looking to not afk on fleet.


They are adding tons of things to keep players occupied and spread out content so you dont have time to burn it out in one day. Swtor content you burn out immensely fast and the only reason to stay is to see another class storyline, but after inquisitor they all seemed kinda dull.


Btw space missions are a joke, anyone who can stand doing them constantly, has something wrong in their head or finds amusement from watching paint dry, that entire system needs vast improvements to even be classified under content.


As I have already given up on bioware & swtor, if you want ways to fix SpaceWoW /w Voice-acting plese refer to my signature post.

Edited by Daethorz
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Reductio ad absurdum.


I'm not only raiding, but leading raids, a guild leader, and helping to try to recruit....and I run a business. There is plenty of time to do so in such a casual game that does not require addons, extensive study, min/maxing or any of the other "hard core" requirements that one would have to endure in order to participate in the end game.


You are just making excuses for your lack of ability or willingness to participate in a game when content is not spoon fed to you.


Sorry, but that's how I see it based on your answer.


You enjoy paying a sub to repeat content ad nauseum. I'm glad there is a game for you here.


Yes I want new content for a continuing sub fee. A million or so other purchasers appear to agree with me.

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Swtor Endgame v WoW is just like Modern Warfare 3 v Black Ops


Same gameplay, different weapons, different theme, different lore.

And that is unacceptable, a mmo needs to innovate with its own ideas, swtor actually has alot of things that they could have added, but they dident, refer to my list if you want to know what im referring to.

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What kind of endgame that hasn't been used in other MMOs before would people suggest be offered? That's what I don't get...people complaining that there's nothing to do but then have no idea what Bioware should offer them to do (especially within the realm of realistic possibility). "OMG give me one new raid every six days." Seriously...grow up and be patient.
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What kind of endgame that hasn't been used in other MMOs before would people suggest be offered? That's what I don't get...people complaining that there's nothing to do but then have no idea what Bioware should offer them to do (especially within the realm of realistic possibility). "OMG give me one new raid every six days." Seriously...grow up and be patient.


Consider it from the perspective of promises made and broken. I bought the game and a 6 month sub based on widely shared promises of growing, story driven, immersive content. Those have not been met in the 8 months since launch. Not even close in my view

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Consider it from the perspective of promises made and broken. I bought the game and a 6 month sub based on widely shared promises of growing, story driven, immersive content. Those have not been met in the 8 months since launch. Not even close in my view


Thanks for your opinion, NEXT.

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Consider it from the perspective of promises made and broken. I bought the game and a 6 month sub based on widely shared promises of growing, story driven, immersive content. Those have not been met in the 8 months since launch. Not even close in my view


Have you finished all eight of those growing, story-driven, immersive contents?


Looks like you only did one.


I'd mark that as being your fault.

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By all means look at the bright side. The apologists will have the forums to themselves for 60 days or so until the f2p crowd arrives. Surely they will find nothing to dislike here.


Actually f2pers don't have access to the forums so we'll have the forum to ourselves forever. MUHAHAHAHAH.

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Have you finished all eight of those growing, story-driven, immersive contents?


Looks like you only did one.


I'd mark that as being your fault.


A substantial portion of content is repeat. I'm not paying a sub fee to repeat content any more. Hence my departure from WoW. Along with my departure to TSW. Enjoy your game though. It's a shame how it turned out.


Will this cataclysmic failure kill the subscription model as a whole?

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Well dude.

First thing, at a 50 warzone you can't have as priority top dps, you must teamwork to win the battles so you will gear up fast.

Every War Hero guy was once at recruit armor, so get used to have worse gear and also don't just faceroll, work on your cooldowns and don't waste your powerful attacks on shielded guys. That smugler you could not beat was shielded or with a adrenal, you just need to stop facerolling at your keyboard and work on your strategies.

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A substantial portion of content is repeat. I'm not paying a sub fee to repeat content any more. Hence my departure from WoW. Along with my departure to TSW. Enjoy your game though. It's a shame how it turned out.


Will this cataclysmic failure kill the subscription model as a whole?


So, "no" then.


Well! Moving on to someone with more substantial complaints.

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I understand completely!!


PvP should be focusing on players skills more than gear, but its not cause BW is following the same old crappy model all the other MMO's are using!


Like you, I LOVE doing PvP, but only 1-49, cause thats were the real game is! No OP over-geared toon, only skills!

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Well dude.

First thing, at a 50 warzone you can't have as priority top dps, you must teamwork to win the battles so you will gear up fast.

Every War Hero guy was once at recruit armor, so get used to have worse gear and also don't just faceroll, work on your cooldowns and don't waste your powerful attacks on shielded guys. That smugler you could not beat was shielded or with a adrenal, you just need to stop facerolling at your keyboard and work on your strategies.


What you forget here is that most "War Hero" guy are playing since day 1 and they geared up during the easy days when everyone were pretty much equally geared. Now the gap between new 50's gear and War Heroes is far bigger!


Now a new 50 needs to have in mind he will get his *** handed to him not matter how good he his playing his toon and the grind is more painful and longer.

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I'd prefer Expertise to only give MINOR bonuses... maybe fullsets give up to 400-600 expertise. While PvE gear had MINOR bonuses to non-player mobs. Make PvP more about Titles, Achievements, Ranks and COSMETIC gear. make it less about grinding to be an Elite "geared" player. An Elite player shouldn't need an Expertise gear crutch. Edited by Kahldor
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This is not a suggestion post, so don't place it there. It's a *** is going on with the future of this game post. I've been a fanboy of this game but just recently started aqcuiring 50s. And what I've found out is the game suddenly stops. I mostly PVP so I know I am missing a whole lot, but it's what I enjoy. The 10-49 bracket was an absolute blast and I had fun every single match. But at 50... BLAH. The second you enter your first 50 match, ROFLSTOMPED. Even with crappy Recruit gear on. So you start your painful grind for a few measley WZ commendations per match, but you encounter endless ranked war heroes and conquerors in gear a billion time better than your own.


I have literally sat behind a scoundrel who didn't run and just went to town dpsing him and I couldn't make his HP budge. And in the 10-49 bracket I was always top dps. There was no one else healing him either. He would just throw on a heal or two and be back at full health. It's just ridiculous when it comes to the massive gap between new 50's and geared 50's. I'm sorry, but PVPing should be fun but when you hit 50 it's just not. Not to mention all the jerks who talk crap to you and laugh/spit when you can't take them down but you keep trying.


It's just demeaning and demoralizing. I know people say HANG IN THERE but really why should a player suffer this much? It seems like so many other games do PVP better, so why am I even wasting my time? There is no other way to get WZ commendations either. At least give us some other means to grind out some WZ comms when the queues aren't popping late at night or we just get tired of dealing with jerks, organized teams, and players who can 2-shot you.


Tell me again, why can't we have PVP SPACE BATTLES? I was really hoping for something reminiscent of Battlefront II when I got this game, but instead I got StarFox space battles on rails. Once you finish the objectives you can literally walk away and not touch the controls and still win the mission. Come on Bioware, I've got two accounts with you, pre-ordered the game in July 2011, and been on your side every step of the way, but I am just worn out and not having fun anymore.


Tell me Bioware, why should I keep paying and playing? Give me something to really get excited for! Whatcha got?! By the way, yes I am QQing. If you don't have QQs over some aspect of this game, then you are probably spending all your time trolling the forums instead of playing it. :rolleyes:


This is so true! Thank you for putting it into words!

The only part where I differ from you is probpably that I haven't hit 50 yet and I am glad it is that way. In fact when I saw my first buddies hit 50 and then immediately go on to their next char to go to 50 I feared that it would be exactly that what you wrote about.

I had so many hopes in this game. And at first it looked like there is only little things that would need to be done to make it great yet somehow it kept beeing disappointing.


All in all it feels like (Yes I dare say the three letters) some sort of "Speed"-WoW. This game hit dull mode in half the time WoW did. Now only after half a year you see masses of people standing bored in their fleet waiting for their next call, not to mention that they are all some sort of super-villains or super-heros with their just as unique superspecial companions.



Anyways OP: thanks for posting this.

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This is not a suggestion post, so don't place it there. It's a *** is going on with the future of this game post. I've been a fanboy of this game but just recently started aqcuiring 50s. And what I've found out is the game suddenly stops. I mostly PVP so I know I am missing a whole lot, but it's what I enjoy. The 10-49 bracket was an absolute blast and I had fun every single match. But at 50... BLAH. The second you enter your first 50 match, ROFLSTOMPED. Even with crappy Recruit gear on. So you start your painful grind for a few measley WZ commendations per match, but you encounter endless ranked war heroes and conquerors in gear a billion time better than your own.


I feel for you, I recently dinged 50 with all my eight characters and lost interest in ToR in a heartbeat.


50 Warzone PvP is the worst experience ever for new players, I dont recommend that to anyone.

Edited by Icestar
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