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Star Trek vs Star Wars (multiple scenarios)


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Instead of the usual battles, I want to mix it up with multiple ones.


Species Rules: No force-users, military power only. No calling out-of-faction help.


The Galactic Empire(RotJ, not post-RotJ) vs The Dominion (DS9)


The Undine(Species 8472 from Voyager) vs The Yuuzhan Vong.


The Borg Collective vs the Galactic Alliance.


Klingon Empire vs The Sith Empire(TOR) (Special Rule of no Force Users stretched to allow Average Sith Warriors, etc... no big boys).

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I'm a fan of both Star Trek and Star Wars, but not the extent that I'd have any real concept of how the weapons/defenses would compare next to each other, so I might have a few misconceptions as-to the relative powers of each setting. As such, this post should only be interpreted as my opinion.


An important thing to clarify would be whether you are referring to space combat, ground combat or an all out war involving both. I've attempted to consider both options in my response. It might also help to clarify eras, for instance the technology fielded within Star Trek progressively improved (in regards to the setting), whilst technology within Star Wars was far more static.


The Galactic Empire(RotJ, not post-RotJ) vs The Dominion (DS9)


Gut feeling would be that The Dominion would win, overall.


In regards to space combat; I've always had the distinct impression that Star Trek vessels are more powerful than any portrayed in Star Wars (short of a super star destroyer, anyway) - although that could be mistaken - and The Dominion had some strong vessels even in the context of their setting. The Dominion also had a massive amount of ships to call upon, or did until the Bajoran 'Gods' intervened.


On the ground the technologies seem less biased in Star Trek's favour, and The Galactic Empire had elite soldiers in the form of Storm Troopers (even if the movies didn't paint that picture), although by this point less clones were present and the standards could arguably be slipping. In fact, this might swing in the Empire's favour, even factoring in the threat that the Dominion remained even on the ground.


The Undine(Species 8472 from Voyager) vs The Yuuzhan Vong.


I don't know much at all about the Yuuzhan Vong, but Species were a particularly dangerous foe in the Star Trek universe. They scared the Borg, to put it in perspective.


The Borg Collective vs the Galactic Alliance.


Short of Federation-developed late era technology, Species or Q, the Borg pretty much out-classed everything in the Star Trek universe. A single Borg Cube presented a threat to an entire faction (e.g. the Federation), and even fleets of vessels arguably only won due to the plot power of main characters. The Borg had a lot of Cubes, but never seemed to feel the need to field them until the late era (thinking Star Trek Online MMO time period), by which point other races (namely the Federation) had developed and shared countermeasures.


With Force users the Alliance might have stood a chance. Without, there is unlikely to be anything the Borg could not adapt to and assimilate.


Klingon Empire vs The Sith Empire(TOR) (Special Rule of no Force Users stretched to allow Average Sith Warriors, etc... no big boys).


Whilst Klingon vessels certainly weren't the most powerful for their setting, I'm still unsure any of the Empire's ships could match their biggest warships. A few of the super weapons being developed during sw:tor might have evened the playing field, but they were never finished. However this is certainly the closest of the space combat scenarios offered. Tough call.


On the ground, I'd actually feel that given the extension of the special rule, and the sheer amount of droids fielded by the Empire of this period (which seemed to have died out by the RoTJ Empire - or might have affected the first scenario), the Empire would triumph.

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I'm sure I read somewhere that the weapons in star wars are far superior to those in star trek, however, it's all fiction anyway so not to be too anal about it, star wars wins all. Nothing beats star wars. IMO of course:D
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I'm sure I read somewhere that the weapons in star wars are far superior to those in star trek, however, it's all fiction anyway so not to be too anal about it, star wars wins all. Nothing beats star wars. IMO of course:D


The weapon specc's of Star Wars were written later than those of Star Trek, specifically with the intent to make Star Wars look superior to Star Trek. So I don't believe those.


Numbers are something different, though. Federation, Klingons, etc are all much smaller than the Star Wars factions.

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The weapon specc's of Star Wars were written later than those of Star Trek, specifically with the intent to make Star Wars look superior to Star Trek. So I don't believe those.


Numbers are something different, though. Federation, Klingons, etc are all much smaller than the Star Wars factions.


But surely(Shirley) if they were written as being more powerful, then they were?

Anyway, I'm sure Luke could take on all of star treks factions and beat them single handed lol.

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But surely(Shirley) if they were written as being more powerful, then they were?

Anyway, I'm sure Luke could take on all of star treks factions and beat them single handed lol.


I tend to ignore some parts of the EU... For the power of the ships I'd go more from the visuals. A Star Destroyer would win against Kirk's Enterprise but loose against Picard's Enterprise.


You know, there are some Star Wars fans who say "our ships one-shot the Star Trek ships, because they use much more energy, look in the tech files" and some Star Trek fans say "our shields counter laser like nothing, so the Death Star's superlaser would be totally absorbed by the shields of a small ship".


But that's no fun.


Q could take Luke single-handedly. He could take him with three fingers, just has to snap them. But we don't want to take the gods of both univereses against each others, do we?

Edited by Maaruin
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The weapon specc's of Star Wars were written later than those of Star Trek, specifically with the intent to make Star Wars look superior to Star Trek. So I don't believe those.


You don't have a choice. We have to go on what those manuals say because they create that universe. You can't determine a winner based on what you want we have to go by the "Facts" as presented by the respective IPs. Also no... Star Wars numbers were not written to be superior to Trek numbers, that is a very odd conspiracy theory.


Numbers are something different, though. Federation, Klingons, etc are all much smaller than the Star Wars factions.
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I tend to ignore some parts of the EU... For the power of the ships I'd go more from the visuals. A Star Destroyer would win against Kirk's Enterprise but loose against Picard's Enterprise.


You know, there are some Star Wars fans who say "our ships one-shot the Star Trek ships, because they use much more energy, look in the tech files" and some Star Trek fans say "our shields counter laser like nothing, so the Death Star's superlaser would be totally absorbed by the shields of a small ship".


But that's no fun.


Q could take Luke single-handedly. He could take him with three fingers, just has to snap them. But we don't want to take the gods of both univereses against each others, do we?


Actually we don't know that Q could do that. The continuum doesn't exactly like it when Q's start pulling things and we don't know how the Force interacts with a Q.

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You don't have a choice. We have to go on what those manuals say because they create that universe. You can't determine a winner based on what you want we have to go by the "Facts" as presented by the respective IPs. Also no... Star Wars numbers were not written to be superior to Trek numbers, that is a very odd conspiracy theory.


Okay, so Star Wars ships one shot Star Trek ships and Star Trek shields absorb the Death Star's superlaser. Nice. :D


Even if the numbers weren't written to be higher than Star Treks, I doubt they were written by a a scientists who analysed what the ships can do and concluded what speccs they would have. If that was the case for both manuals, they would be far closer to each other.


Actually we don't know that Q could do that. The continuum doesn't exactly like it when Q's start pulling things and we don't know how the Force interacts with a Q.


Well, Q can surely do much more than Luke, even if the continuum doesn't like it. Normally I would leave him out of the equation, though. The whole thing would become his game and end the way he likes it. I only brought him up because Luke-most-powerful-being-in-the-universe was brough up.

Edited by Maaruin
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Instead of the usual battles, I want to mix it up with multiple ones.


Species Rules: No force-users, military power only. No calling out-of-faction help.


The Galactic Empire(RotJ, not post-RotJ) vs The Dominion (DS9)


The Undine(Species 8472 from Voyager) vs The Yuuzhan Vong.


The Borg Collective vs the Galactic Alliance.


Klingon Empire vs The Sith Empire(TOR) (Special Rule of no Force Users stretched to allow Average Sith Warriors, etc... no big boys).


In a straight up brawl The Galaric Empire might have lost to the Dominion. My ST is rusty but I think the Dominion had more of a numbers advantage. But the Empire did have it's Special Forces and some very brilliant commanders (if they survived a run in with Vader that is). It would be close but I think the Empire would pull off a win by the hair on it's backside. Now if we factor in the Death Star then the Empire has a much better chance.


Don't know anything about the Undine as I have not watched a lot of Voyager. I have to skip on this one.


Borg vs GA. The GA has something that the Federation, now any other faction in Star Trek had as far as I know, and that is Ion Weapons. With these they could effectively shut down the Borg and destroy them. So I would have to give the advantage to the GA.


Onevsone a Sith warrior and a Klingon warrior would be a close fight. Once the Sith starts Force Choking or using lightning the scales tip in his favor. Imperial troops vs Klingon troops I give the advantage to the Sith Empire. At range. Close quarters fighting the Klingon get the advantage. in Space I think the Imperial ships have too much firepower but the Klingon vessels have more manuverability and can cloak. Uing hit and run attacks the Klingons can be effective. But they can't go head to head with the Sith vessels. Overall I think the Sith Empire wins. Not without very high losses though. The Klingons will make you pay for a victory.

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The excellent reply to that is: Trek lasers=! Wars Lasorz.


If you can say that, I can also say: The units used in the Star Wars datafiles are not the units in the Star Trek datafiles.


So I personally always say: They have comparable weapons with comparable energy levels. If not we will only get


Star Wars >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Star Trek




Star Trek >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Star Wars

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If you can say that, I can also say: The units used in the Star Wars datafiles are not the units in the Star Trek datafiles.


So I personally always say: They have comparable weapons with comparable energy levels. If not we will only get


Star Wars >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Star Trek




Star Trek >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Star Wars


That was what I was thinking, they are on an even level weapons wise, enough to pose a significant threat o each other ship to ship.

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I'm going to vote for star wars. The sheer size of their ships dwarfs anything the trekkies have including borg cubes. Also, the ability to blow up entire planets is nothing to sneeze at.


Check out this link for some obviously biased but entertaining analysis: http://www.stardestroyer.net/


Also, there is some really good fan fic: http://www.stardestroyer.net/Empire/Fanfic/Conquest/index.html


and in pdf format: http://www.stardestroyer.net/Empire/Fanfic/Conquest/Conquest.pdf

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The "Trek ships are immune to lasers" argument simply doesn't fly. They never made a definitive statement that no lasers could penetrate Trek shields for one, they specifically referred to a specific laser being used.


The other argument is this...


Star Wars doesn't use lasers.


Star Wars uses blasters. Though they are often called turbolasers on capital ships, that terminology isn't correct. In Star Wars how blasters function is simple...


The Star Wars blaster has a cylinder which fills with tibana gas. Tibana gas has special properties that violate every known law of physics and give you more energy out then was put inside of it. The Tibana gas is heated by an "energy stream" (what kind of energy stream it is, we don't know, all we know is that it super heats the Tibana gas) then the Tibana gas is ejected out of the cylinder and out of the barrel.


This attack is known as "Plasma" and in Star Trek "Plasma" has been shown to be ridiculously effective.

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Species Rules: No force-users, military power only. No calling out-of-faction help.


The Galactic Empire(RotJ, not post-RotJ) vs The Dominion (DS9)


Dominion would probably win, hyperdrives may be able to traverse distances more quickly, but they are vulnerable to Mass Shadows, while Warp Drive is not. Turbolasers are plasma-based weapons which Star Trek shielding would be rather effective against (plasma weapons are a known weapon type in Star Trek and is sometimes considered outdated). Also if you want to get really technical, an Oberth class science vessel could serious wreck a planet due to the fuel supply (large quantities of anti-matter).


This would be a closer fight than say the Empire (RotJ) vs the United Federation of Planets (DS9 or TNG era), because Dominion Attack ships didn't exactly have good shielding, the larger Dominion Cruisers however would probably decide the fight. TIE fighters would be a nonfactor due to lack of any shielding whatsoever.


Only spoiler in all of this would be the Death Star II, and quite frankly due to transporters, a Death Star can be negated, not to mention the superlaser would have a hard time targetting many of the Dominion vessels (Star Trek ships were usually smaller that Star Wars capital ships).


I would say the Galactic Alliance may actually have a better chance against the Dominion because starfighters become a factor since all Alliance Fighters have shielding.


The Undine(Species 8472 from Voyager) vs The Yuuzhan Vong.


Difficult to say, Species 8472 is telepathic and their ships are entirely organic in nature, would probably give the Yuuzhan Vong a serious religious conundrum.


From what we've seen of 8472, they are immune to assimiliation, which negates quite a few of the more terrible Vong weapons (ridiculously good immune systems kinda defeats the point of a germ or bacterial based bio-weapon).


While the mini blackhole shield/drives may pose a problem for species 8472 at first, I doubt it would be for long because their ships are biological in nature, not mechanical and can rapidly adapt.


Species 8472 has an across the board advantage when it comes to dishing out damage too, even their smaller ships pack a serious punch.


Species 8472 is the most likely to win, they are able to adapt to an enemy more rapidly than even the Borg in some ways. They can match the Vong on coordination rather easily, they have the firepower advantage, and I doubt the Vong would figure out how to invade fluidic space.


The Borg Collective vs the Galactic Alliance.


The Borg would win unless we had Jedi involved and even then the Borg would likely win. The Alliance would do better than the Empire, because the Alliance was more unorthodox, and Borg weapons had a harder time targetting smaller craft. Mon Cal cruisers and their redundent shield generators may have some options to block some attacks, but all in all the Borg would have too much of an advantage.


Klingon Empire vs The Sith Empire(TOR) (Special Rule of no Force Users stretched to allow Average Sith Warriors, etc... no big boys).


Well having Sith Warriors (average ones) in the fray gives the Empire a chance, but quite frankly the Klingons are more likely to win.


In combat:

Standard Sidearm for Klingon warrior is a disruptor, its' lowest setting is kill, and has higher settings including vaporize, it makes a blaster rifle look like a toy water gun...


In ship to ship:

Photon Torpedoes pack more of a wallop than Star Wars proton torpedos and concussion missiles (to give you an idea a standard photon torpedo at rest has the destructive potential of 64 megatons, you see torpedos being lobbed at targets at speeds of at least .25c (25% of the speed of light).


Disruptors: They probably can do more damage than turbolasers.


Cloaking Device: Klingon vessels at least in TNG were usually equipped with a cloaking device.


Transporters: The ability to beam troops or explosive devices onto enemy ships without having to dock or use some sort of pod to deliver said troops or devices, gives the Klingons a pretty big advantage that the Sith Empire would have no answer to.

Edited by GarfieldJL
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The "Trek ships are immune to lasers" argument simply doesn't fly. They never made a definitive statement that no lasers could penetrate Trek shields for one, they specifically referred to a specific laser being used.


The other argument is this...


Star Wars doesn't use lasers.


Star Wars uses blasters. Though they are often called turbolasers on capital ships, that terminology isn't correct. In Star Wars how blasters function is simple...


The Star Wars blaster has a cylinder which fills with tibana gas. Tibana gas has special properties that violate every known law of physics and give you more energy out then was put inside of it. The Tibana gas is heated by an "energy stream" (what kind of energy stream it is, we don't know, all we know is that it super heats the Tibana gas) then the Tibana gas is ejected out of the cylinder and out of the barrel.


This attack is known as "Plasma" and in Star Trek "Plasma" has been shown to be ridiculously effective.


I like you Prof. You use facts to represent your argument and try to keep things respectful. I try to do that as well.


Now, as to the topic at hand. I think Star Wars would win. I think Star Wars weaponry is far more effective against trekkie stuff, like Walsh said. Plasma is very effective against Billy Shatner and his ship.

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The "Trek ships are immune to lasers" argument simply doesn't fly. They never made a definitive statement that no lasers could penetrate Trek shields for one, they specifically referred to a specific laser being used.


The other argument is this...


Star Wars doesn't use lasers.


Star Wars uses blasters. Though they are often called turbolasers on capital ships, that terminology isn't correct. In Star Wars how blasters function is simple...


The Star Wars blaster has a cylinder which fills with tibana gas. Tibana gas has special properties that violate every known law of physics and give you more energy out then was put inside of it. The Tibana gas is heated by an "energy stream" (what kind of energy stream it is, we don't know, all we know is that it super heats the Tibana gas) then the Tibana gas is ejected out of the cylinder and out of the barrel.


This attack is known as "Plasma" and in Star Trek "Plasma" has been shown to be ridiculously effective.


True. But in most cases plasma is not ridiculously effective, it is effective. Plasma weapons are standard weapons in Star Trek throughout the ages. A little less effective than Phasers, but still dangerous. Especially if you remember that Star Wars ships have lot's and lot's of turbolasers/plasma cannons, while Star Trek ships only have a few phasers or disruptors.


Now, I think I also should say a little about these different battles.


Instead of the usual battles, I want to mix it up with multiple ones.


So battles, not all out wars, right? Because in all out wars, most Star Trek powers would probably loose. They are minor powers in the Galaxy compared to the big Star Wars powers. It would be like Advozse Hegemony against Republic.


The Galactic Empire(RotJ, not post-RotJ) vs The Dominion (DS9)


I haven't seen DS9, so I cant really answer this.


The Undine(Species 8472 from Voyager) vs The Yuuzhan Vong.


I know too little about the Yuuzhan Vong to answer this.


The Borg Collective vs the Galactic Alliance.


I know not much about the Galactic Alliance, but I tend to give this to the Borg.


]Klingon Empire vs The Sith Empire(TOR) (Special Rule of no Force Users stretched to allow Average Sith Warriors, etc... no big boys).[/color]


Finally something I can say about. In a battle I think it will boil down to the Fleet Commanders talents.


First both fleets would fire at each other. Klingon weapons are probably more destructive, but the Empire's ships have more turrets. The Sith come in fighter range, and there it gets interesting: Fighters probably couldn't do much damage, but bombers could. Klingon ships don't have phasers, so they might have difficulties with countering the bombers.


The Sith will start sending boarding parties, some will get shot down, others will come through. The Klingons probably can repell them, exept it is a flashpoint with player characters. Now the Klingon beam over. The question is:


Would the Klingons be smart enough to beam into engineering and sabotage the ship instead of trying to conquer it?


Because if they try to conquer it, they will get problems with the Sith and probably wouldn't succeed. I think a Sith Lord can solo eight Klingon warriors at once and an apprentice at least four. And a Darth would just snap their necks.


On the other side: the Sith Empire's ships have weapons all around, while klingon ships have mostly frontal main cannons.


Will the Empire's admiral be smart enough to position his ships in a way that he can fire and the Klingons can't?



In general I'd give this to the Empire, if the bombers can do considerable damage on the Klingon ships.




Now, I have to questions:


Would the Klingons join Darth Malgus?


Would the Federation and Republic be allies or would they decide to merge?


Who would the Romulans ally with?


Would all Vulcans become Jedi? Would they ask the Jedi to teach them the ways of the Force? (I think they are Force sensitive, because they are telepats and can do some weird things.)


And last but not least:


Can the Tal Shiar compete with Imperial Intelligence?

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True. But in most cases plasma is not ridiculously effective, it is effective. Plasma weapons are standard weapons in Star Trek throughout the ages. A little less effective than Phasers, but still dangerous. Especially if you remember that Star Wars ships have lot's and lot's of turbolasers/plasma cannons, while Star Trek ships only have a few phasers or disruptors.


Now, I think I also should say a little about these different battles.


Hold on there just one second.


Here is the problem.


The Tibana gas ability to get MORE energy out than what is put in is by FACTORS so...




A Star Trek ship is flying around... When they scoff at the "out dated" plasma... When that plasma hits their ships with a force 1,000 times more powerful than plasma should be.


That is where the Star Wars weapons have an edge, the physics defying capabilities of Tibana multiply the force output that plasma can have... Which jacks the power of a plasma bolt up by TEN FOLD what is even capable by physics.


As long as Star Wars has Tibana gas they win. Because getting hit by 1 blaster bolt, to trek, is like getting hit by 1,000 plasma bolts simultaneously all at the same location.


According to the numbers a lone X-Wing could fire a bolt at the NCC 1701-E, a single bolt mind you, that would plow through the shields, through the hull, through the ship, out of the other side of the hull, and punch through the back of the shields.


Star Trek is out gunned. Even the smallest Wars ship could pulverize the most powerful Federation vessel.

Edited by ProfessorWalsh
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Let's imagine for a moment that this is not an argument about which side's tech is more uber. In fact, take all the fancy schmancy phasers and blasters that defy physics out of the equation. Let's simply look at the respective size of each government entity.


In one corner we have the Empire:

The Galactic Empire's territory at its peak consisted of some one and a half million member and conquered worlds, as well as sixty-nine million colonies, protectorates and puppet states spread throughout the entire galaxy, stretching from the borders of the Deep Core to at least Wild Space.


In the other corner we have the Federation:

The Federation is described as an interstellar federal polity with, as of the year 2373, more than 150 member planets and thousands of colonies.


The Empire would very likely crush the Federation just in manufacturing might alone. Heck, they could build a steel moon and ram it into a planet for giggles and Federation weaponry would probably not dent it before it impacts the planet. The Empire can build ships the size of cities that Federation ships would get lost in. They chew up entire worlds for raw materials. They would throw a billion troopers in mass planetary invasions without batting an eye. They are more merciless than the Borg. How does one compete against that kind of power?

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You don't have a choice. We have to go on what those manuals say because they create that universe. You can't determine a winner based on what you want we have to go by the "Facts" as presented by the respective IPs. Also no... Star Wars numbers were not written to be superior to Trek numbers, that is a very odd conspiracy theory.


Once can realize those numbers are utter nonsense by watching actual film/ clone wars series footage.


Look f.e. on slave one... it´s turbolasers are suppesed to have terawatt output... with that even glancing shot hitting unshielded starfighter should have pulverized (When Bobba tried to destroy it in Clone wars) it... but no... it justs scratches a long range transmiter away.


Using manual energy for a blaster rifle single hit should have make your body explode, (or at minum make half of your body water boil up) It has hard time. Yet it only blackes a wall (or a trees on Endor). (Truth be told it would be rather idiotic to fire such weapons on starship anyway since they should easily make a hull breach)

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I like you Prof. You use facts to represent your argument and try to keep things respectful. I try to do that as well.


Now, as to the topic at hand. I think Star Wars would win. I think Star Wars weaponry is far more effective against trekkie stuff, like Walsh said. Plasma is very effective against Billy Shatner and his ship.


He isn´t right at one thing... SW blasters do not use "electric" plasma like Star trek... they use "heat" plasma. (where they simply fire superheated particle bolt with relatively low kinetic energy)


Plasma weapons are effective because of their effect on shields- true plasma is supercharged (but still quasi-neutral) state of matter where electrons travel freely around super-ionized atoms. That means insane electric gradients inside of it. Which cuts with certain types of shields with absurd ease. And it has rather devastating effects on hull matter too.

(One could argue though... that technology capable of producing non-discipative "electric" plasma bolt/beam would be on itself more devasting a weapon than the beam/bolt itself)


Mass Effect like kinetic barrier would stop it, but that would fall into a trap of quickly discipating it around the ship and that would rather quickly melt the ship hull as the byproduct- heat- destroys target.


Generaly only thing against plasma beam would be Asgard/Ancient shields from stargate- Since they actualy create plasma barriers around the ship.

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