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A very interesting SWTOR review with constructive criticism

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I lost all respect for that guy's opinion the moment he said that Star Wars fans would have been happier if Endor was in the game. Endor, really?


A majority of the commentary is the guy demanding his own personal vision of Star Wars, rather than a good game. What's wrong with Rakghouls? What's wrong with inventing new stuff for Star Wars, rather than rehashing the same stuff over and over again?


For goodness sake, he is literally asking for infinite companion conversations! How could anyone take this guy seriously?

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I lost all respect for that guy's opinion the moment he said that Star Wars fans would have been happier if Endor was in the game. Endor, really?


A majority of the commentary is the guy demanding his own personal vision of Star Wars, rather than a good game. What's wrong with Rakghouls? What's wrong with inventing new stuff for Star Wars, rather than rehashing the same stuff over and over again?


For goodness sake, he is literally asking for infinite companion conversations! How could anyone take this guy seriously?


I don't think he necessarily means infinite companion conversation but perhaps giving companions a bit more relevance in endgame. With the current framework the easiest way I could see that happening is through some daily/weekly quest related to your companion's story or create some sort of mini game involving companions. Just something to remind us of the relationship they had with our main char instead of just being a tool running next to us after completing their story.

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The real question is who is to blame? Did the designers deliberately design the game as it is now, i.e. a linear themepark with little content? Or did the designers have grand visions for a star wars experience, but were told they couldn't do it because the EA financial backers didn't want to take the risk? Was it the marketing department who decided that the biggest market out there in MMO land was the WoW crowd and thus pushed development towards creating a WoW-esque clone? Or were the developers simply incapable of developing complex sandbox elements that would have provided us with the Star Wars experience because they'd all come from console titles?


No, the designers deliberately made the game as it is now. The financial backers couldn't care less how something makes money, only that it does. The people handing out the money wouldn't go up to the devs and say, "Okay, here's a hundred million dollars for you to make a game for us. Now, this is how you're going to do it..." The people handing out the money would say, "Okay, here's a hundred million dollars for you to make a game for us. Now, go out there, and turn that into two hundred million within [insert time frame here]."


The only people who are responsible for the state of the game are the developers themselves. They thought they knew what they were doing, they believed they knew more than their customers, and they were proven wrong in both cases. The blame and responsibility lies entirely on the shoulders of Daniel Erickson, Dallas Dickinson, Rich Vogel, James Ohlen, etc. and no one else.

Edited by Kharnis
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It's a rather silly post.


I mean, look at number 2. This guy is demanding infinite quest content. I'd like infinite quest content too, uploaded to my vodka-dispensing unicorn, but I try to keep my expectations realistic.


Not really infinate quest content.


But something more than simply grinding dailys at L50 would be nice, that was old when it was first introduced 6+ years ago, and hasn't got any better with time OR repetition. :(

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I don't think he necessarily means infinite companion conversation but perhaps giving companions a bit more relevance in endgame. With the current framework the easiest way I could see that happening is through some daily/weekly quest related to your companion's story or create some sort of mini game involving companions. Just something to remind us of the relationship they had with our main char instead of just being a tool running next to us after completing their story.


Yeah, it's a big problem in a lot of MMORPGs, where the levelling world is large but the top level world suddenly becomes very small.


Unfortunately for SWTOR it's very success of engaging levelling (to a large degree even with some of the game other limitiation effecting levelling) means that the L50 cliff really does feel like a cliff.


It really does feel like you've completed the game or out run the edge of the game..... and all you have left is the terrible samey and generic daily quests.

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