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Rated Warzone Matchmaking System


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A lot of my teammates are 2500+, and one of them is about to hit 3000 rating. Yet, we end up queuing against pugs and much lower rated teams, even when we know that other good teams are queuing.


More often thatn not, we are winning huttball 6-0, and 3 capping novare and civil war. Its not challenging, and the lack of competition is actually causing some of our players -and highly skilled players in other guilds - to lose interest in this game.


I would be willing to wait longer for a game if I knew I would be playing against a team that was closer to our rating. I would rather lose a close game to a team that is as good as us than faceroll teams that are nowhere near as good as us. If this matchmaking doesn't get fixed soon, most of the highly skilled players will quit this game out of sheer boredom.


So here's the question for the dev's:

How does the matchmaking system work and why are we queuing against low rated teams 80% of the time when we know other high rated teams are queuing?

Edited by Yestreen
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So here's the question for the dev's:

How does the matchmaking system work and why are we queuing against low rated teams 80% of the time when we know other high rated teams are queuing?


If i had to guess, i'd say the reason is that 80% of the groups queueing for rateds are PUG's.


The matchmaking system will create a match as soon as two teams are available. It does not wait till two good teams are available. So if good team A is tied up in a match against a PUG, and good team B queues while A is still fighting, B will be matched against an available PUG instead of waiting for A's game to end. Basically A and B will never face each other unless by luck, or coordinating to queue at the same time.


BW probably thinks most players prefer fast matches to tough matches(and they're most likely right). It should get better once cross-server queues are implemented and there is a bigger pool of good team s to draw from.

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I'm sure its frustrating for you guys, just like its frustrating for the pugs. This is also one of the reasons we are still in pre-season I believe, and a great reason for us not starting season 1 till all these kinks are worked out.
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There is no actual MATCHmaking. Its just a random first come, first served system. Its the reason why i want to criticize developers over and over again.


Think with time the problem can be fixed, lets be honest ranked is kinda still brand new. I don't think they need to wait around on it though and need to get the ball rolling when it comes to higher ranked teams playing each other a little more.


Yet again pugs are more often than actually guilds working, its kinda weird its like there is a pug epidemic going on when it comes to PVP in this game. I see more pugs than actually full guilds playing, sometimes don't see players tagged either.


I wonder if the lack of care to be in a guild is occurring more often than before, since this game has been in the crapper of late.

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A lot of my teammates are 2500+, and one of them is about to hit 3000 rating. Yet, we end up queuing against pugs and much lower rated teams, even when we know that other good teams are queuing.


More often thatn not, we are winning huttball 6-0, and 3 capping novare and civil war. Its not challenging, and the lack of competition is actually causing some of our players -and highly skilled players in other guilds - to lose interest in this game.


I would be willing to wait longer for a game if I knew I would be playing against a team that was closer to our rating. I would rather lose a close game to a team that is as good as us than faceroll teams that are nowhere near as good as us. If this matchmaking doesn't get fixed soon, most of the highly skilled players will quit this game out of sheer boredom.


So here's the question for the dev's:

How does the matchmaking system work and why are we queuing against low rated teams 80% of the time when we know other high rated teams are queuing?


How about you guys stop rolling with the FOTM rerollers,yah know your PT's and such stacked,yah im from the Bastion too and you Imps are as predictable as the Sun rising,try some yah know diversity in your groups.

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Think with time the problem can be fixed, lets be honest ranked is kinda still brand new. I don't think they need to wait around on it though and need to get the ball rolling when it comes to higher ranked teams playing each other a little more.


Yet again pugs are more often than actually guilds working, its kinda weird its like there is a pug epidemic going on when it comes to PVP in this game. I see more pugs than actually full guilds playing, sometimes don't see players tagged either.


I wonder if the lack of care to be in a guild is occurring more often than before, since this game has been in the crapper of late.


Ah another bastion Imp guild,how about most people do not wish to play against your stacked Maurader and PT groups? it's hard enougth for many Republic guilds to geta full group let alone cherry picking classes like you guys do,but hey you guys are great PvP'ers and would never need that,right?;)

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Ah another bastion Imp guild,how about most people do not wish to play against your stacked Maurader and PT groups? it's hard enougth for many Republic guilds to geta full group let alone cherry picking classes like you guys do,but hey you guys are great PvP'ers and would never need that,right?;)



take your QQ somewhere else.


We have the same issue on our server, most of the team getting 2.5K+ now and getting queued against pug teams even when close to equal ranked teams are q'ing. I understand why they did it like it is now though, as it is, most servers don't have a large enough ranked warzone pool to actually do equal match ups, so my guess would be that it will change when they bring x-server warzones (at least I hope so)

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take your QQ somewhere else.


We have the same issue on our server, most of the team getting 2.5K+ now and getting queued against pug teams even when close to equal ranked teams are q'ing. I understand why they did it like it is now though, as it is, most servers don't have a large enough ranked warzone pool to actually do equal match ups, so my guess would be that it will change when they bring x-server warzones (at least I hope so)


Lol take your QQ somewhere else you tell me and then validate everything i stated,shmart.

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I think a lot of this will be solved when Season 1 actually starts. Once players can queue solo for RWZ's it'll be a point of rep to have a decent ranking. Now, I remember reading that the queue system works by trying to find you a similar-rated team first, but starts widening the search over time till it finds you a match. So.... when more people have rankings, you'll start getting matched with players of equal rank more often than stomping some pug.
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Ah another bastion Imp guild,how about most people do not wish to play against your stacked Maurader and PT groups? it's hard enougth for many Republic guilds to geta full group let alone cherry picking classes like you guys do,but hey you guys are great PvP'ers and would never need that,right?;)


I don't think you understand what you are saying, you are just blabbing about class balance, this thread is about ranked guilds and teams facing each other.


Nerf Mars and PT'S is that way -------> :p

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Here is the answer, it's easy:


If you are a PUG, or a non-optimized team, or just a pretty-good-but-not-very-good team, and you get in a match against that team on your server that curbstomps everyone, just quit. You were going to lose that rating anyway. Would you rather drag out a losing match for paltry comms, or try immediately for a better matchup?


Plus, it forces the fotm team with fully augmented/optimized warhero to twiddle their thumbs for 8 minutes if they don't want to lose rating.


I recommend everyone do this as long as the top teams continue to 3-cap pugs, making sure they get as few medals as possible and perpetuate the gear gap. What they should be doing is two-capping and using /say to encourage some friendly skirmishes or something.

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I don't think you understand what you are saying, you are just blabbing about class balance, this thread is about ranked guilds and teams facing each other.


Nerf Mars and PT'S is that way -------> :p


Well said. Please stop derailing the thread Caeliux. As a side note, we have recently stacked more sorcerers than marauders and powertechs, so your arugment is also invalid.



Here is the answer, it's easy:


If you are a PUG, or a non-optimized team, or just a pretty-good-but-not-very-good team, and you get in a match against that team on your server that curbstomps everyone, just quit. You were going to lose that rating anyway. Would you rather drag out a losing match for paltry comms, or try immediately for a better matchup?


Plus, it forces the fotm team with fully augmented/optimized warhero to twiddle their thumbs for 8 minutes if they don't want to lose rating.


I recommend everyone do this as long as the top teams continue to 3-cap pugs, making sure they get as few medals as possible and perpetuate the gear gap. What they should be doing is two-capping and using /say to encourage some friendly skirmishes or something.


We are still gearing up some of our members and our alts.


Also, we tend to use games against pugs at practices where we can try out new strats or micro-gameplay (such as positioning, cc, etc) that we can then use against more difficuly teams.


I dont like the idea of sidestepping the competetive intention of rated warzones to allow pugs to get more comm's and medals. They will get gear eventually; it doesn't take that long. I encourage pugs to keep queuing and take the loss because they will still get a decent amount of commendations, and they will queue into other pugs 80% of the time.

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We are still gearing up some of our members and our alts.


When you gear alts, do you actually play the alts? Lots of top teams play their mains and legacy-mail the gear to their alts so they are never sub-optimal in a rated.


I dont like the idea of sidestepping the competetive intention of rated warzones to allow pugs to get more comm's and medals.


I thought the competitive intention of rateds was to face similarly skilled opponents.


They will get gear eventually; it doesn't take that long...if you play and win rateds ALL THE TIME


I encourage pugs to keep queuing and take the loss because they will still get a decent amount of commendations, and they will queue into other pugs 80% of the time.


How exactly do you encourage them? By three-capping or scoring 6-0 in 2 minutes and making sure they get the least possible reward for queuing against you? And they will not face another pug 80% of the time if pugs stopped queuing because they can't get a decent match.


Responses in red. Note I'm not saying your team is necessarily at fault, but this is the behavior of the majority of top teams who just want to get the match over with as fast as possible and then whine when no one queues.

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Responses in red. Note I'm not saying your team is necessarily at fault, but this is the behavior of the majority of top teams who just want to get the match over with as fast as possible and then whine when no one queues.


Lol yes we actually play with our alta when they have half wh.


And I agree our guild is not at fault. The matchmaking system itself, the queue dodging, and the small pool of teams to goose from is at fault.

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A lot of my teammates are 2500+, and one of them is about to hit 3000 rating. Yet, we end up queuing against pugs and much lower rated teams, even when we know that other good teams are queuing.


More often thatn not, we are winning huttball 6-0, and 3 capping novare and civil war. Its not challenging, and the lack of competition is actually causing some of our players -and highly skilled players in other guilds - to lose interest in this game.


I would be willing to wait longer for a game if I knew I would be playing against a team that was closer to our rating. I would rather lose a close game to a team that is as good as us than faceroll teams that are nowhere near as good as us. If this matchmaking doesn't get fixed soon, most of the highly skilled players will quit this game out of sheer boredom.


So here's the question for the dev's:

How does the matchmaking system work and why are we queuing against low rated teams 80% of the time when we know other high rated teams are queuing?


Season 1 - The system will be in place to match you accordingly. From what I read, if after X amount of time there is no queue pop, it will give you a game with the highest possible team. But yeah, season 1 needs to get here ASAP, cause it's not fun for either team in that scenario.

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We cannot blame people for organizing themselves, gearing up and play at their best. But we can certainly blame the developers for not making a system providing an adequate challenge for every possible player. Geez.. Why dont we have a ladder system?


As for season 1, haven't you guys noticed that they removed the text about season 1 offering single queues and cross server?

Edited by NoTomorrow
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Can you show me that link, not sure where they posted that, thanks mang.


I am ok with no single queues, but no cross server?!?!?! What were they thinking?!?!


Maybe they are focusing more on f2p to implement cross server rateds, but they needto do something soon to provide a larger pool of high ranked teams

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I am ok with no single queues, but no cross server?!?!?! What were they thinking?!?!


Maybe they are focusing more on f2p to implement cross server rateds, but they needto do something soon to provide a larger pool of high ranked teams


Yeah, I used to be onboard with single queues, but the more I think about it, it really is a terrible idea. However, I might be ok with 4 man groups getting matched up with another 4 man for a full rated group. Regardless, they better get cross server going soon, and if they push this back, the PvP in this game is going to be pretty much dead. I can't speak for all servers, but from some of the posts hint that on most servers, only about 4 teams are worth their salt in rateds. Also, I hope they do not seperate cross server rateds by playstyle (PvP, PvE, RP, RP-PvP), cause if they do, then they might as well just do another round of server transfers and be done with it.

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I can't speak for all servers, but from some of the posts hint that on most servers, only about 4 teams are worth their salt in rateds.


Actually, if BW were to implement a real matchmaking system, the lack of cross-server would be a lot more tolerable. Peeps would have time to build some chemistry with other players and develop some combat strats against like opponents. Would create the possibility for more competitive teams to emerge. Right now that type of progression through the ranks simply does not exist.


Cross-Server would be more of a boon for a 2600 rated team simply because they wouldn't have to wait several days to play another equally rated team. It would also be almost impossible for rating padders to queue dodge when another high rated team is in queue, which happens all the time right now.

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Actually, if BW were to implement a real matchmaking system, the lack of cross-server would be a lot more tolerable. Peeps would have time to build some chemistry with other players and develop some combat strats against like opponents. Would create the possibility for more competitive teams to emerge. Right now that type of progression through the ranks simply does not exist.


Cross-Server would be more of a boon for a 2600 rated team simply because they wouldn't have to wait several days to play another equally rated team. It would also be almost impossible for rating padders to queue dodge when another high rated team is in queue, which happens all the time right now.


Well, this is pre-season so I knew there would be no match system, but they have stated that Season 1 will have this so...not sure why peeps were expecting this for pre-season lol. But yeah, once this is in place, I'm sure it will help for the most part. But honestly, this game is losing PvP'ers by the day in droves, heck I don't even see the queue dodgers queue'ing up anymore. And it's not BW that needs to do anything, it's the mythic team that is failing to do this, with EA right behind them calling the shots. Both are cancers, and have pretty much sunk BW as a result of their failures.

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Season 1 - The system will be in place to match you accordingly. From what I read, if after X amount of time there is no queue pop, it will give you a game with the highest possible team. But yeah, season 1 needs to get here ASAP, cause it's not fun for either team in that scenario.


Yeah, bioware is clearly aware that cross server with semi-intelligent match making is needed. All that is left to say now is <rage>WHY ISN'T IT READY YET! BW DEVELOPERS SUCK ET CETERA</rage>. ;)

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I am ok with no single queues, but no cross server?!?!?! What were they thinking?!?!


Maybe they are focusing more on f2p to implement cross server rateds, but they needto do something soon to provide a larger pool of high ranked teams

Stealth Removal

There was no announcement per say, BW just stealth removed the in-game text referring to Season one having Cross server and Single Ques. ( Text was right at bottom under warzone information @ Join wz button )

I used to reference that when talking to friends etc. Then one day it was gone ....

Could mean anything though but lack of cross server will bury competitive element left in this game. Sure there will be more people playing when f2p hits but competitively it is headed to boring-ville.



As for the original topic, I mentioned this in first 2 weeks of pre-season but was duly brushed off. It is kinda obvious something was wrong when watch streams + listen to guild chat + other friends also qued. " Matchmaking" is a very loose term right now ...


Damage Done ??

Back then i mentioned this issue in the context of DAMAGE it was doing to teams that were not ready and needed time to get stuff sorted etc. Having 1000 rated teams going up versus 1800 / 2000 rated over and over kinda destroyed the overall teams pools. Seems all those Bioware fabled Internal matrices are off marginal value. Also have to question why BW have no grasp on likely player psychology when outcome XXX happens over and over. Bound to happen that only the most resilient teams would stick through getting hammered day in and out. Very few would be capable of holding onto a rooster with depth. Probably one of the reasons you see more mixed groups these days.

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