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X-Wing: Mercy Kill [Spoilers]


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I thought the spoiler tag might be appropriate considering the recent release, but I'll try to stay low on them in the OP.


So. At long last another X-wing book. What do you think about it?


In my opinion. While not quite good as "Iron Fist", Mercy Kill was still an X-Wing novel and still darn good. After the 21 book nightmare that was Dark Nest, LOTF and FOTJ, I finally found a new post RotJ book that Is worth reading a second time and didn't read something like "with a flick of his wrist and minimal effort Luke kamehamehad and blew all the sith and mandos and bad admirals and lovecraftian entity’s away. His power level was most definitely over 9000." .


Who would've thunk that a book with a Gamorian retired pilot/mathematics professor as its main POV character would be so good? ( I love Piggy. He was awesome in this book, and *gasp* actually exhibited character growth!!!)

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Who wrote this one? Allston or Stackpole?




I can see we are polar opposites I loved the story from The Dark Nest - Fotj but I never had any interest in reading any of the X-Wing books lol.


Thats fine, everyone has their own likes and dislikes. I bet you are really looking forward to "Crucible" while I am not, so it all evens out in the end.

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So not looking forward to crucible, unless it ends with "The Big Three" sealed away for a long time.


Seriously, all the complaints lately have been about how little time to shine the younger generation has had, constantly overshadowed by their parents. Now the "younger generation" is at midlife crisis time, and we're destined to repeat the cycle with the grandkids. Oh sorry Amelia, I know you're in your 20's now, but we can't have you going around doing dangerous things. Leave that to your 80 year old grandparents who have been doing this thing since before they were your age.

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So not looking forward to crucible, unless it ends with "The Big Three" sealed away for a long time.


Seriously, all the complaints lately have been about how little time to shine the younger generation has had, constantly overshadowed by their parents. Now the "younger generation" is at midlife crisis time, and we're destined to repeat the cycle with the grandkids. Oh sorry Amelia, I know you're in your 20's now, but we can't have you going around doing dangerous things. Leave that to your 80 year old grandparents who have been doing this thing since before they were your age.


They're getting too old for this sh- Hmm, I guess not...


Anyway, loved Mercy Kill, another great Allston book, liked how it explained what happened to Runt and some of the other Wraiths.

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