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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ideas for Planetary Destinations


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I don't know if I'm alone here or not, but I really miss Kashyyk and Manaan. Those two planets were by far the most fun and most interesting in Kotor I. After reading the novel, I also became really interested in Nathema. I want nothing more than to see those planets in future updates. If I get enough replies then (chances are) Bioware and Lucas Arts will give it to us.
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I wouldn't mind going to Manaan. It depends on if the Selkath are still neutral. And with all out war in Chapter 3 and 4 it makes a neutral planet difficult to bring into concept in an MMO.


There's a bunch of Selkath Jedi and Selkath Scientists. I don't think they're Neutral anymore.


That said, I would LOVE the chance to get revenge on those fishy bastards.

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I mean, just think about how unexplored manaan is (same for Kashyyk). And only 1 person lives that has ever looked upon Nathema's surface (scourge). These are places that should go public because they are interesting. I'm almost certain that more people would subscribe to see the places again.
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There's a bunch of Selkath Jedi and Selkath Scientists. I don't think they're Neutral anymore.


That said, I would LOVE the chance to get revenge on those fishy bastards.


True. I'm sure if we do ever go to Manaan they'll give some sort of background of the planets history.

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Manaan was a mystery. It was one of the only planets I didnt know existed until KOTOR. I would love if it was expanded upon.


The only problem is, practically the entire planet is in water. We'd be swimming or most of our questing would take place in water caves? And have the taxi's take us through the water... I think that would be awesome...



Kashyyk would make total sense for it to be in the game versus most planets.


Considering the whole slaveyr business, it would make sense for the Emps to be there. And Reps would arrive and offer the wookiee's freedom for an alliance or something like that, I'm no writer... Also since sometime in between KOTOR and BoD(Brotherhood of Darkness) Kashyyk became an ally for the Republic... BW could explain that..

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Here's another idea. What about Malachor? I know Malachor V was destroyed by Meetra Surik and again by Meetra Surik, but from what I remember it was blown into four chunks. Those chunks may make a really good pvp area. Much like battle of Ilum, Battle of Malachor II. Imagine taking a taxi between the chunks and battling imps on them.
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I'd like to see the Tion Hegemony in greater detail; the area was cradle of Pre-Republic Galactic Civilization and was ruled by on histories most infamous warlord Xim the Despot. The quests could be interesting plus I'm curious how the planets will look. Maybe an expansion?
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I'd like to see the Tion Hegemony in greater detail; the area was cradle of Pre-Republic Galactic Civilization and was ruled by on histories most infamous warlord Xim the Despot. The quests could be interesting plus I'm curious how the planets will look. Maybe an expansion?


Well, we do know how Kaon looks, and it's one planet of the Tion Hegemony. Okay, you don't see much because it's at night, but still, you can see a little.

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Confused why they put some such UGLY planets in this game sometimes. I want Kashyyk... so bad. Manaan with the old music too. They're adding a new planet Makeb. These things take very very long times to make if it's going to be good, so I would back off on these kind of things for now. Just saying :p 1.4
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Manaan would be more of a vacation resort kind-of planet. I wouldn't walk around Ahto City expecting to be jumped by a sith. We need a planet where we can truly be at peace. I believe Manaan is that planet. Edited by Ninnocenti
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