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Sorcs in PvP....


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Oh yeah. Without a doubt!


I just don't actually believe i'm more effective that way, that's all. I just need to learn how to mix in some DPS during down GCD times. It's hard using lightning strike/disturbance though, waiting on a cast time for offense in my/our role is a no-no, rated or not imo.


There's also little things, like in my corruption hybrid with madness, in HB I can actually solo another sage or smuggler who's camped out on the offense end after I've died. Now? Basically call for someone else to do it.


That's why I loved unlimited force lightning (in your case pebbles whatever its called). Channeled, instant first tick, break it off when needed, not a total loss of time. I'm trying to work on hitting random teammates with resurgence now during the slow periods. I'll keep at it.


Really, we just need dual spec someday so I can have my 'work' spec and my 'fun' spec. It's going to get expensive hotswapping.


The cast time issue is exactly why I stack alacrity and power. I tend to go further into the seer tree than the spec you mentioned so that probably makes our stat priorities different,


After too many attempts trying to cast heals only to be interrupted, I realized the value of weaker heals that are not able to be interrupted as easily. Are people interrupting your caster dps abilities or are they just running out of sight/out of range?


And yea, the balance seer spec definitely "flows" better. I don't know what to call it, but it just feels more fluid and like you're always doing something.


Btw I'd be interested in seeing your spec if you feel like sharing :)

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The cast time issue is exactly why I stack alacrity and power. I tend to go further into the seer tree than the spec you mentioned so that probably makes our stat priorities different,


After too many attempts trying to cast heals only to be interrupted, I realized the value of weaker heals that are not able to be interrupted as easily. Are people interrupting your caster dps abilities or are they just running out of sight/out of range?


And yea, the balance seer spec definitely "flows" better. I don't know what to call it, but it just feels more fluid and like you're always doing something.


Btw I'd be interested in seeing your spec if you feel like sharing :)


Many of the balance/madness DPS options are instacast, that's the beauty of it. Wrath procs allow for not only instacast lightning bolts/disturbance, but the heavy dot instacast as well (crushing darkness is the sorc vers).


The only DPS ability I ever use in 21/2/18 spec with a cast time is force lightning, the channeled one. It allows me the flexibility to cut back into healing whenever needed. Three dots, Death Field, Chain Shock, and when avail Lightning Strikes, all instacast.

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Many of the balance/madness DPS options are instacast, that's the beauty of it. Wrath procs allow for not only instacast lightning bolts/disturbance, but the heavy dot instacast as well (crushing darkness is the sorc vers).


The only DPS ability I ever use in 21/2/18 spec with a cast time is force lightning, the channeled one. It allows me the flexibility to cut back into healing whenever needed. Three dots, Death Field, Chain Shock, and when avail Lightning Strikes, all instacast.



What I'm curious about is when you dps in your lightning corruption spec, what is the biggest impediment to damaging others? Interrupts or them going out of range? Or is it because you can't get back to healing as fast?


If its because you cant get back to healing as fast, The cool thing about seer/tk (corruption/lightning) is that with alacrity, my lightning strike gets down to a 1.25 sec cast time. Since alacrity affects the global cooldown of abilities with activation times less than 1.5, I can actually cast a disturbance(lightning strike) and return back to healing faster than I can with instant abilities.


If you use the 4pc sage pve set bonus, you can get your lightning strikes to cast even faster, allowing you to do faster damage/healing combinations than an instant ability and a heal. It can be hard to do though because the pace can be very hard to keep up with.

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What I'm curious about is when you dps in your lightning corruption spec, what is the biggest impediment to damaging others? Interrupts or them going out of range? Or is it because you can't get back to healing as fast?


If its becaxue you cant get back to healing as fst, The cool thing about seer/tk (corruption/lightning) is that with alacrity, my lightning strike gets down to a 1.25 sec cast time. Since alacrity affects the global cooldown of abilities with activation times less than 1.5, I can actually cast a disturbance(lightning strike) and return back to healing faster than I can with instant abilities.


If you use the 4pc sage pve set bonus, you can get your lightning strikes to cast even faster, allowing you to do faster damage/healing combinations than an instant ability and a heal. It can be hard to do though because the pace can be very hard to keep up with.


Cast time, plain and simple.

I find any offensive casting time - unless it's channeled damage - irresponsible to use.


It makes you even more of a cloth turret then we already are. My lightning strike is maybe 1.38 sec I think? I run with the 2 piece PvE shell (with BM armoring, WH mods) that cuts down the channeled heal (in my case, innervate) from 9 to 7.5 sec. Then I use the mystic 2 piece set that reduces bubble time from 20 to 17 sec.


My mind set is always heal first, but DPS when it rationally makes more sense to.

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I tend to agree with you in the fact that it's a shame you have to resort to a spec you don't necessarily prefer in order to be effective.


If you like the class, stick it out the best you can. Nerfs come and go and usually it comes back around so that you'll be able to be the spec you want. That's just my advice (not that you were asking for it) :D


Being in a good guild of high quality players is awesome, it just means that your performance comes before your preferred spec. Obviously you realize this, I'm just saying its the unfortunate price we pay to be competitive :(


This is what most assassins feel like. Most have to go darkness if they want to do rateds. I love madness as I can push out way more damage but if I do not have a tank or healer I can get destroyed quickly in most warzones.

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This is what most assassins feel like. Most have to go darkness if they want to do rateds. I love madness as I can push out way more damage but if I do not have a tank or healer I can get destroyed quickly in most warzones.


Good to know I'm not alone here :D


Again, part of it is simply a matter of me 'figuring out' how to make more DPS out of the lightning side.

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Cast time, plain and simple.

I find any offensive casting time - unless it's channeled damage - irresponsible to use.


It makes you even more of a cloth turret then we already are. My lightning strike is maybe 1.38 sec I think? I run with the 2 piece PvE shell (with BM armoring, WH mods) that cuts down the channeled heal (in my case, innervate) from 9 to 7.5 sec. Then I use the mystic 2 piece set that reduces bubble time from 20 to 17 sec.


My mind set is always heal first, but DPS when it rationally makes more sense to.


Yep you and I use the same set bonuses. Nice combination there :)


At least (with the right points) casting lightning strike will give you some extra force regen to be able to afford more inefficient healing in a pinch (benevolence).


But yes 7.5 sec cooldown healing trance is the way to go.

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I can tell by your post you do not play very competent marauders or Bastion has an incredibly low skill-cap.


It doesn't matter if you back-pedal because I can keep you slowed or rooted as a Marauder. If you are not slowed or rooted 90-100% of the time you are facing a terrible marauder. Secondly from your post it seems like they're using their breaker without a full resolve bar - which tells me you really are facing a baddies on your server.


Good pyro powertechs never loose to sorcerers. To even suggest you are winning against them tells me Bastion has very little skill.



Also your statement about 1v1 and 1v2 situations being invalid tells me you are not in any significantly skilled rated team. It tells me you lack understanding of player-trading at the off-objective.


Lol, people on this forum are just as bad as the people on the sorc forums QQing saying our class is unplayable in dps or healing tree. what is funny about that is i was told my class would never get into rateds and i would have my spot taken by mara/PT's/snipers. and look at me now, GM of the best pvp guild on the bastion for an easy farm to rank 1 b4 we all quit this horrid low skillcap game to play LoL and GW2. The real sad thing is not that i can beat the best mara/pts on my server over 50/50 winrate, its that there are prolly 0 good sorcs on your server.

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Lol, people on this forum are just as bad as the people on the sorc forums QQing saying our class is unplayable in dps or healing tree. what is funny about that is i was told my class would never get into rateds and i would have my spot taken by mara/PT's/snipers. and look at me now, GM of the best pvp guild on the bastion for an easy farm to rank 1 b4 we all quit this horrid low skillcap game to play LoL and GW2. The real sad thing is not that i can beat the best mara/pts on my server over 50/50 winrate, its that there are prolly 0 good sorcs on your server.


While I agree with you that the sage class isn't broken, it's kinda ironic that you announced your pvp success before calling the game "low skillcap." it's almost like you're making fun of your own success because the game doesn't require much effort to be the "best." (your words)


In all seriousness, congrats to you for being in a high ranked guild as a sorcerer. I'm glad to see some fellow sages showing our class's potential.

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Lol, people on this forum are just as bad as the people on the sorc forums QQing saying our class is unplayable in dps or healing tree. what is funny about that is i was told my class would never get into rateds and i would have my spot taken by mara/PT's/snipers. and look at me now, GM of the best pvp guild on the bastion for an easy farm to rank 1 b4 we all quit this horrid low skillcap game to play LoL and GW2. The real sad thing is not that i can beat the best mara/pts on my server over 50/50 winrate, its that there are prolly 0 good sorcs on your server.


I actually think marauders are easy too. Of course most will jump in and say "sub 50 blah blah blah", but good to see a 50 Sorc that's saying exactly what I expect from 50. It's those damn vengeance jugs that are annoying. :eek:


Another thing I agree on is we def have a fair share of good sorcs and sages on Bastion. Don't know what other servers look like, but there's a few here that are pretty beast.


Nice vid btw... add me on Bastion.


Uglymrj: PT

Uglymr-j: Marauder

Awshii'et: Sorc

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While I agree with you that the sage class isn't broken, it's kinda ironic that you announced your pvp success before calling the game "low skillcap." it's almost like you're making fun of your own success because the game doesn't require much effort to be the "best." (your words)


In all seriousness, congrats to you for being in a high ranked guild as a sorcerer. I'm glad to see some fellow sages showing our class's potential.


you stumped me lol what do i say back to this...yea the game is prolly one of the lowest skillcap games i have ever played other then mario bros...well i take that back dodging red and green shells is tough work.

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I actually think marauders are easy too. Of course most will jump in and say "sub 50 blah blah blah", but good to see a 50 Sorc that's saying exactly what I expect from 50. It's those damn vengeance jugs that are annoying. :eek:


Another thing I agree on is we def have a fair share of good sorcs and sages on Bastion. Don't know what other servers look like, but there's a few here that are pretty beast.


Nice vid btw... add me on Bastion.


Uglymrj: PT

Uglymr-j: Marauder

Awshii'et: Sorc


i would but i hardly play this game now lol. the skill level of players just makes it not fun and meh wtb arena 3v3 not gay 8v8 zergfest of boring-ness.

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i would but i hardly play this game now lol. the skill level of players just makes it not fun and meh wtb arena 3v3 not gay 8v8 zergfest of boring-ness.


3 v 3 was a zerg fest too what are you talking about....GW2 is gonna be an even bigger zergfest so???

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thanks for leaving my Gunslinger alone. :D


secondly you should already know why all the complaints.....


If someone dies to something else its 1 of 2 things.


a) other class is OP


b) class they are playing is UP


Either way, its never about the person posting just being really really really freaking bad.


You forgot something;



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I think we're all anxious to know how this project is coming along. 50 yet?`


Going well so far... never made so many teams quit before.


Been taking a break to gear out my PT how was being neglected but plan on getting some sorc action in again soon. Hit level 30 in 2 weeks but haven't been on much since.


Click the sig for updates.


We get a little sloppy sometimes with our DCD's but all in all... winning the majority of our games. Near as effective as running our Op healer with my Pyrotech spamming taunts on him. But when we're on point (sober) it's pretty brutal.

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Going well so far... never made so many teams quit before.


Been taking a break to gear out my PT how was being neglected but plan on getting some sorc action in again soon. Hit level 30 in 2 weeks but haven't been on much since.


Click the sig for updates.


We get a little sloppy sometimes with our DCD's but all in all... winning the majority of our games. Near as effective as running our Op healer with my Pyrotech spamming taunts on him. But when we're on point (sober) it's pretty brutal.

Just about to check one of your vids and I'm noticing a weird mask on your character in the login screen. Where did you get that? Isnt that one of the masks they were going to add when they launched the coin system?


I noticed something els, you're holding back on force slow. Regardless of who I'm fighting it's always the first thing I put on them. It's incredibly frustrating to be "slowed" so even if there's no need for the ability it might distract them. Only has a 12s cooldown so unless they have a ball carrier in your line of sight too you're not actually wasting it.

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Just about to check one of your vids and I'm noticing a weird mask on your character in the login screen. Where did you get that? Isnt that one of the masks they were going to add when they launched the coin system?


Just a heads up... some of the content doesn't match the title. But there's plenty of sorc footage in there.


The mask is just a medium armor head piece, probably from the GTN... if you're talking about the one with the hood on the marauder.


Edit: It might look different because of the inquisitor chest piece. Yes, I sacrifice a little bit of armor to look different. :eek:

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Just a heads up... some of the content doesn't match the title. But there's plenty of sorc footage in there.


The mask is just a medium armor head piece, probably from the GTN... if you're talking about the one with the hood on the marauder.

Yeah at the start in the latest "sorc" recording. Don't think I've ever seen that one before. Weird.
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I noticed something els, you're holding back on force slow. Regardless of who I'm fighting it's always the first thing I put on them. It's incredibly frustrating to be "slowed" so even if there's no need for the ability it might distract them. Only has a 12s cooldown so unless they have a ball carrier in your line of sight too you're not actually wasting it.


Just noticed this too.... but yeah. I pretty much only use slow when I have someone in my face. I spammed it a lot early on but I found myself putting myself in bad situations so I've been in the habit of being more selective with my slow, knock back, stuns etc. You'll notice I don't use any of em unless necessary. Especially when the lightning spam itself is a slow...

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