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When will I see republic players?


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I'm lvl 22 currently on Nar whatever. I figured in lvl 20 zones I would start to see republic players (I'm sith playing on a PVP server). Is the PvP like WoW where players from the other side can be in your zone? Or is it just the PvP you get from PvP battle zones?
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I'm lvl 22 currently on Nar whatever. I figured in lvl 20 zones I would start to see republic players (I'm sith playing on a PVP server). Is the PvP like WoW where players from the other side can be in your zone? Or is it just the PvP you get from PvP battle zones?


tatooine, hoth, belsavis, and black hole.

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I didnt start seeing Pubs till Hoth, though Tat usually has enough around that like to Gank lowbies but i only did class story there because of that factor.

The quest areas are spread out enough you really have to go out the way to find the other side.

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as others said, Tatooine.....maybe


For the most part you really dont see other faction till you reach Corellia and Ilum


The game is designed in such a way that the ONLY REASON to go into other faction lands is map clearling and pvp

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When you get to black hole you'll see enemy players more often. Sometimes in the form of Zerg squads steamrolling everything in their path.


They should add PvP dailies to Black hole, that would be kickass.

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I'm lvl 22 currently on Nar whatever. I figured in lvl 20 zones I would start to see republic players (I'm sith playing on a PVP server). Is the PvP like WoW where players from the other side can be in your zone? Or is it just the PvP you get from PvP battle zones?


The areas, mainly with the exception of planetary quests, are designed for minimal cross-over between factions, if you want to pvp on your server you'll likely have to make the effort to move toward the Pub Bases on the planets and you'll begin to see more, probably more than most people could handle alone. ;)

Edited by Xairon
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When you get to black hole you'll see enemy players more often. Sometimes in the form of Zerg squads steamrolling everything in their path.


They should add PvP dailies to Black hole, that would be kickass.


this one is wise.

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My first toon at launch, I saw them at Tatooine and about every planet after I think. I will say, a higher level just chased me off so a toon closer to my level could do their quest and otherwise left me alone, but outside of that, the fight was on! Was a lot of fun to, excpet for the Shadow and Smuggler duo that must have been bored to be stealthing around the Imperail bases on Hoth.
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I'm lvl 22 currently on Nar whatever. I figured in lvl 20 zones I would start to see republic players (I'm sith playing on a PVP server). Is the PvP like WoW where players from the other side can be in your zone? Or is it just the PvP you get from PvP battle zones?

You could run into some republic players on Nar Shaddaa. I was on my Trooper vanguard yesterday and saw some Sith players.

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Ran away from a pair of sentinals yesterday on Voss. Trying to 1v1 a sentinal on my sorc is crazy enough but two is suicide. Found them later though with a juggernaut and needless to say we beat them at their own game. Edited by Chikun
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I actually wonder why more people don't go looking to cause trouble on these planets. I mean, not specifically to gank low level players, but to start a fight.


All this complaining about no open world PvP but it aint like the game stops you from doing so on PvP servers.

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I actually wonder why more people don't go looking to cause trouble on these planets. I mean, not specifically to gank low level players, but to start a fight.


All this complaining about no open world PvP but it aint like the game stops you from doing so on PvP servers.


Ah, you've found the crux of it have you?


PPL will piss and moan that theres no world pvp but at the same time wont go world PVP...welcome to MMO's post Warcraft, if theres no shiney carrot to chase after they wont bother.

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I was Nar Shadaa with my guild (first guild I've ever been in and first mmo I've played) I was lvl 30 and we were doing an operation (first one for me) killing something called the Siege Breaker (Mecha Godzilla). Everything was going fine and then it happens. Someone yells JEDI'S!!! I turn around to see 15-20 Jedi's coming strait at us. Now were fighting MECHA GODZILLA and a bunch of DAMN JEDI'S. It was CRAZY people were flying every where, force powers were being used. It was freaking WAR!!!! But, my guys came out on top we got the Jedi's and Godzilla. I'm not even on a PVP server I'm on PVE. THEY WILL COME WHEN YOU LEAST EXPECT IT!!!
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as others said, Tatooine.....maybe


For the most part you really dont see other faction till you reach Corellia and Ilum


The game is designed in such a way that the ONLY REASON to go into other faction lands is map clearling and pvp


This pretty much.

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