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How many of you are staying when GW2 launches?


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I doubt it.


Unless SWTOR can start adding more story content, space revamp, and things for players to do end-game outside of gear grind.


If they can do that, I'll come back...oh and keep it F2P and not Pay 2 win.

Edited by Crash-X
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GW2 is a good game , i have the game and i'm in beta but no will not leave for GW2, why ? game is to easy and boring

a solo players game with no raids no trinity no real challenge and after a few weeks even the bigg bosses in the events will be boring because it's pretty much tank and spank without the challenge, lie hald dead while someone is healing you over and over while you throw rocks no thanks.Also fantasy sucks, i need sci fi to live.Did i mention pvp is easy and require no skills what so ever, but there is dodge so you get to use 4 more key binds....

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Especially when SWTOR goes F2P (I'll likely keep subbing but I like options incase I can't play much during a certain month) I'll stick around.

That being said I have preordered GW2 and plan on playing it VERY casually (I'm playing it for the sandbox open world feel and more interesting combat I want out of an MMO) and I'll still play SWTOR (for my guild and because it has Star Wars in the name).


If there were some sort of elusive Star Wars MMO that was set up as a sandbox that'd be the grail for me...now I'm going to not go nostalgia over SWG for an hour. (not trying to talk about SWG just went there accidentally...)

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with all due respect to the creator of star wars, George Lucas is an idiot for a lot of the crap he has brought into the star wars universe and is completely out of touch with his fans. I don't believe in any such thing as science fantasy.


Star was is defiantly fantasy, not sci-fi.


....But there are no elves, So I'm ok with it.

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Honestly, my beta time wiht GW2 was very dissapointing. I was literally killing spiderrs and collecting apples within the first 30 min of gameplay. This is supposed to be revolutionary? Really...it's not. Some of the bestt MMO hype since...well...SWTOR.


I'm sorry guys...but based on SWTOR, TSW, GW2, MoP, the genre is dead: there's no entertainment to be found in MMO's today. It's all WoW (or EQ1,if you're old enough to understand) regurgitated. No thank......

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Honestly, my beta time wiht GW2 was very dissapointing. I was literally killing spiderrs and collecting apples within the first 30 min of gameplay. This is supposed to be revolutionary? Really...it's not. Some of the bestt MMO hype since...well...SWTOR.


I'm sorry guys...but based on SWTOR, TSW, GW2, MoP, the genre is dead: there's no entertainment to be found in MMO's today. It's all WoW (or EQ1,if you're old enough to understand) regurgitated. No thank......


TSW and GW2 are not anything like WoW or EQ1 regurgitated.

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GW2 for sure... one go at it...and you will be hooked quicker that a junkie. It is ALL that you could ever want/need in an MMO and so SO SOSOSOSO ....so much more


I played the beta's. I got bored within the first day.


What does GW2 offer? Kill mobs, pick up items, escort npc's, crafting etc.


Downscaling you to the area you are in is actually lame. Virttually no xp from killing mobs....but you can buy xp boosts in the cash shop!


It doesn't have a sub and I see this as a minus point. No sub means they have to make their money elsewhere and that's called a cash shop. And although I don't mind a cash shop with cosmetic items and services, GW2 is already on the edge of crossing that line and they will advertise their cash shop to entice you to buy stuff. I don't want to play in a live commercial.


Events some people say....well in SWTOR we call the AREA quests. The difference is that in GW2 everybody can join in, which is a nice feature, but it's just a zerg idea without any tactics, so it does get boring quickly. At least it did to me. And really? Picking up apples and feeding cows? Thx but I am over 12 years of age.

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I dont care so much about GW2 but when MOP hits I think it will be adios from me for this game.


I had enough , WoW feels like sandbox compared to this game , this game probably has most lifeless gaming world I ever seen in any MMO , besides PvP is crap here and endgame is just dull once players hit level cap.

Edited by Lunablade
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I played the beta's. I got bored within the first day.


What does GW2 offer? Kill mobs, pick up items, escort npc's, crafting etc.


Downscaling you to the area you are in is actually lame. Virttually no xp from killing mobs....but you can buy xp boosts in the cash shop!


It doesn't have a sub and I see this as a minus point. No sub means they have to make their money elsewhere and that's called a cash shop. And although I don't mind a cash shop with cosmetic items and services, GW2 is already on the edge of crossing that line and they will advertise their cash shop to entice you to buy stuff. I don't want to play in a live commercial.


Events some people say....well in SWTOR we call the AREA quests. The difference is that in GW2 everybody can join in, which is a nice feature, but it's just a zerg idea without any tactics, so it does get boring quickly. At least it did to me. And really? Picking up apples and feeding cows? Thx but I am over 12 years of age.



It amazes me how people try to spread misinformation about games.

Edited by Crash-X
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I'm sorry guys...but based on SWTOR, TSW, GW2, MoP, the genre is dead: there's no entertainment to be found in MMO's today. It's all WoW (or EQ1,if you're old enough to understand) regurgitated. No thank......


Maybe some people played MMO for 5+ years and are already tired of the genre? doesnt mean the genre is dead.


Yeah you're gonna be killing spiders or other kind of enemies in every single MMORPG not sure what else you expect, to have dinner with Charlize Theron in the 1st 5 minutes of the game?

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I won't go over to GW2. I'm wait a month or two to see how it does after the hype is over. I'm guess it goes the route of fps games. When first released huge amount of people playing, but in the next couple of months there is a lot of drop off and many people stop playing. There is nothing I'm particular excited about this year. It's the same bs of last year and previous year.
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I said that after swg I wouldn't bother with another mmo period. After quitting that and trying Aion and conan I should never say never again heh. Tbh I enjoy swtor, all mmos now to be primarily single player content being led by the nose through zone after zone. Aion suffered from that so did Conan. I'll stay here for the duration. Edited by Tsukuni
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It amazes me how people try to spread misinformation about games.


It's not misinformation. My experience may be different than yours but that's my experience. I didn't like it at all, other's love it. It's the way it is.

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I played the beta's. I got bored within the first day.




What does GW2 offer? Kill mobs, pick up items, escort npc's, crafting etc.

Now you just sound like a hater. SWTOR you do the same thing...well except mostly kill 10 of this or that. There are a few escort missions though.


Downscaling you to the area you are in is actually lame. Virttually no xp from killing mobs....but you can buy xp boosts in the cash shop!


What MMO gives you a lot of XP from killing mobs? Also you get bonus XP for killing them in a row and killing ones that have been a live longer. Grinding mobs is NOT what this game is about thankfully.


It doesn't have a sub and I see this as a minus point. No sub means they have to make their money elsewhere and that's called a cash shop. And although I don't mind a cash shop with cosmetic items and services, GW2 is already on the edge of crossing that line and they will advertise their cash shop to entice you to buy stuff. I don't want to play in a live commercial.


SWTOR doesn't have a sub any more either. So this point can be made about SWTOR as well. GW2 will rely more on expansion packs though.


Events some people say....well in SWTOR we call the AREA quests. The difference is that in GW2 everybody can join in, which is a nice feature, but it's just a zerg idea without any tactics, so it does get boring quickly. At least it did to me. And really? Picking up apples and feeding cows? Thx but I am over 12 years of age.


This part irks me. To say Dynamic Events are anything like SWTOR's area quest is nearly a lie. The biggest difference that everyone can join in?


That's not the only difference. Do Area quest chain into other events? DEs are actually the quest, it is the core quests in the entire game. People don't realize this, and DEs actually happen in the world WITHOUT the player. They actually SHAPE the world.


So if for example Barbarians raid a town, and no players come to stop them...the next DE will be to eliminate the barbarians. Again they are NOTHING like Area quests.


They are more like Rifts and WARs Public events but they have expanded upon it. According to them there are thousands and they will make new ones and rotate them in and out (according to them) Only time will tell. But some people are playing DEs wrong. Focusing on hearts and at times actually leaving a DE before it chains or continues.

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