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How many of you are staying when GW2 launches?


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The original Guild Wars was my first MMO (Not counting Runescape), and I fell in love with it. To date, I have never played ANY MMO as long as I have GW. I squeed when I saw the trailer for the second, and I fell in love with it after playing in the Beta weekend. I look forward to early access with eager anticipation.


And yet, when TOR goes F2P, and I feel in the mood, I'll come back. I still have three class stories to do before I'm fully finished with it. I was just feeling the grind badly after the fifth completionist run.


I'm not quitting TOR. Just taking an Extended Hiatus from it..

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with all due respect to the creator of star wars, George Lucas is an idiot for a lot of the crap he has brought into the star wars universe and is completely out of touch with his fans. I don't believe in any such thing as science fantasy.


Well then you'd be wrong, because it has knights and space magic. It focuses very little on the why's and how's of science and technology, or social issues of a galactic community, and is far far more about mysticism and good vs evil philosophy than any science fiction.


Science fiction is a genre of fiction dealing with imaginary but more or less plausible (or at least non-supernatural) content such as future settings, futuristic science and technology, space travel, and aliens. Exploring the consequences of scientific innovations is one purpose of science fiction, making it a "literature of ideas".


Science fiction is largely based on writing rationally about alternative possible worlds or futures. It is similar to, but differs from fantasy in that, within the context of the story, its imaginary elements are largely possible within scientifically established or scientifically postulated laws of nature (though some elements in a story might still be pure imaginative speculation).


A definition offered by Rod Serling holds that science fiction is the improbable made possible, while fantasy is the impossible made probable. The meaning is that science fiction describes unlikely things that could possibly take place in the real world under certain conditions, while science fantasy gives a scientific veneer of realism to things that simply could not happen in the real world under any circumstances. Another interpretation is that science fiction does not permit the existence of fantasy or supernatural elements; science fantasy does.


An example of this is Star Wars, a borderline case in which a mystical power known as the Force lends a strong fantasy element to the science fiction veneer. The main difference between the two is that science fiction is largely based on established scientific theories, while science fantasy is largely implausible.

Edited by Gungan
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I've had fun here. I'll probably stick around until Blizzard launches Starcraft Universe ... sorry I mean "Project Titan" ... and then I'll go there for a real MMO fix. Until then I'll enjoy playing through the class stories here and getting my Star Wars fix :)


Blizzard already confirmed Titan is an entirely new IP, and it is (unfortuantely) targetted to the casual market.

Edited by Gungan
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with all due respect to the creator of star wars, George Lucas is an idiot for a lot of the crap he has brought into the star wars universe and is completely out of touch with his fans. I don't believe in any such thing as science fantasy.



He created it, he owns it. If he says it is science fantasy then it's science fantasy.



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with all due respect to the creator of star wars, George Lucas is an idiot for a lot of the crap he has brought into the star wars universe and is completely out of touch with his fans. I don't believe in any such thing as science fantasy.


Dood, SW is science fantasy, ask in the SW general forum. Think about it....


Force = Magic.

Jedi Knights

Sith Lords

A Princess in distress.

A diminutive but wise little jedi (mage) tutoring the young inexperianced hero in the ways of the Force (magic).



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I am staying but will be playing GW2 more. Much more depth in the game, this will be a side thing when that comes out. I'm a hardcore Star Wars fan I love Lightsabers and all that. But the game is lacking, when they catch up with other mmos I may devote more time here. Edited by spectreclees
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I'll be subbing to SWTOR AND playing GW2. GW1 was my first MMO and most of my friends are from that game and we plan to move in to GW2 as soon as it launches, but I will be speeding around on my mount on Belsavis too:cool: I don't have a problem with fantasy games and since I never played WoW I guess I am not that disheartened about SWTOR yet either :eek::p Edited by Zoheb
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I am a Guild Wars addict, I have played 8k+ hours in GW, and will continue to play that game until they take the servers down or hell freezes over whichever comes first. I've played all GW2 Beta events, and so far it looks like GW2 is going to be the best MMORPG yet (but I am a GW junky so I may be biased). Admittedly I've only been playing SWtOR for a couple of days, but I'm liking it enough to know it too will not be leaving my PC for a long while yet. I will be playing all 3 for a long time to come.



And to the guy/gal who said they wouldn't play GW2 because SWtOR had blasters whilst GW2 had bows, I have one thing to say CHARZOOKA :)

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Even though GW2 is traditional fantasy (and I am bit of sick of fantasy due to the game oversaturation), I will be playing it instead of SWTOR because I am disappointed with the direction the game has taken.

Many of my friends have stopped playing SWTOR back in March, with only me staying because I paid for 6-month subscription =.=, foolishly believing that this game would turn around for the better.


I have 4 50s, completed all their storylines, and have no desire to keep rerolling alts. I participated in operations pretty heavily when my friends were still playing and got to see Karagga's and EV and even done hardmodes, got one character to War Hero but the same 4-warzones over and over again got too boring.


With the F2P announcement and the massive loss of subscribers, I am seeing the writing on the wall, and I do not foresee any meaningful content to come, just cash shop items. I was hoping to continue my classes' storyline, but SWTOR has already been considered a failure by EA and tossed to the F2P bin.


Many people will probably play GW2 alongside with SWTOR because the former is B2P and that's fine. However, since my time of the day is limited, I only play MMOs one at a time. So I will be playing GW2 with my friends in the coming months.

Edited by corebit
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Well then you'd be wrong, because it has knights and space magic. It focuses very little on the why's and how's of science and technology, or social issues of a galactic community, and is far far more about mysticism and good vs evil philosophy than any science fiction.


star wars has always been about science and technology and the galactic community. Just because they call them selves knights is not an argument. the only real evidence of fantasy is the force. but i seem to be over ruled 3 to 1 so i will drop my case, but still follow my own beliefs.

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Blizzard already confirmed Titan is an entirely new IP, and it is (unfortuantely) targetted to the casual market.


My guess is after seeing how this game has done with the target being casuals, Blizz is probably reconsidering that.

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I for one will still be here and on my operative ( love my gimp class ) who else will be staying? I honestly think GW2 is just another hyped up game that will lose alot of player's after the first few months


I will stay for a time. I have a couple friends who are gonna check it out and since theres no monthly there it wont cost me anything more then the box/dvds

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star wars has always been about science and technology and the galactic community. Just because they call them selves knights is not an argument. the only real evidence of fantasy is the force. but i seem to be over ruled 3 to 1 so i will drop my case, but still follow my own beliefs.


I've read over 50 Star Wars novels, and never have they made any effort to explain how the technology works using actual scientific postulates, only what it does and how it applies to the events at hand (a storytelling tool). They have never, ever explored the consequences of scientific innovations like Star Trek does, because apparently the Star Wars universe exists in limbo at some multi-millenium spanning technological apex.


One of the grandfathers of science fiction, writer Robert A. Heinlein, said that, "a handy short definition of almost all science fiction might read: realistic speculation about possible future events, based solidly on adequate knowledge of the real world, past and present, and on a thorough understanding of the nature and significance of the scientific method."

Edited by Gungan
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I am here to stay. I enjoy the game immensely and having fun getting all my eight chars to 50. Got two there so far and two more a couple of levels off.. Enjoying crafting, 50 plus content, doing ops and hard modes.


Guild Wars 2 holds no interest for me whatsoever. I love TOR, brought another player to TOR yesterday and after playing on an agent for a couple of hours, bought the game and a two month subscription.

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Star Wars is a fantasy story that is attempting to be science fiction; science fantasy.


It's not attempting to be science fiction - it's space opera. There's nothing science-fiction about it. There's not even anything sciencey about it.

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After playing 3 of the Beta weekends in Guild Wars 2, I will be playing GW2 on Aug 25th. I told myself no more fantasy "orc/elf" type MMO's but Guild Wars 2 really hooked me in.


But since GW2 is B2P, I will also be staying with SWTOR and will see how the F2P goes.

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