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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Lightening Strike?


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*** is the point of this spell? My Healing specced Inquis casts it and does almost no damage with it. That's after the rediculous charge time. Is there a point to keeping it on my cast bar?


It is an ability which is only really useful when talented, and even then it is more or less just a filler in your rotation as lightning spec. It procs Chain Lightning as lightning spec, and aside from that the only other time to use it is as Madness spec with your Wrath proc if Crushing Darkness is on cooldown and you need to hit someone on the move.


Lightning Strike is not something you should be using as a healer though. At most the only damaging abilities I ever use when healing spec are shock, force lightning or force storm to interrupt cappers. Anything else is unnecessary and frankly you shouldn't be doing any damage unless all of your nearby team mates are at max health and have the upper hand in the fight.

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Thanks guys, appreciate the feedback. I solo alot but am Healing specced, so I need to be able to do damage when soloing while leveling (Only 8 more levels to 50!) so it is good to hear this really is a lame ability under my current spec.
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it's only of any use if you go lightning tree, then it can be talented to do cast another strike right after dealing 30% damage (iirc) and increase force regen, this allows for spamming it with hits inbteween aswell.


If it procs for a second activation(Chain Lightning aswell) it increases your bonus-dmg by 1%, whcih stacks three times for a total of 3%.

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Lightning Strike is the weakest 1.5sec self rooting casted filler attack in game.


Trust me my Assault, aka Auto Attack on my full WH marauder does 20% more damage than lightning strike (on my fully BiS'ed WH Sorc) and generates 2 rage.


But yea its a main filler for deep lightning spec... nothing too special about it other than that... and even worse its one of the few fillers that do not benefit from its own bonus critical damage talent in its own tree.

Edited by warultima
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I use it IF my I'm in my Wrath proc, Crushing Darkness and Death Field are on cooldown, Affliction is still up, and I don't think it is a good idea to stand still/I want to finish the enemy quickly. So yep, pretty situational.
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When I briefly specced corruption, I did use this occasionally, but mostly because it was more resource efficient than shock. When I specced corruption/lightning hybrid, I used this all the time. Now that I'm back to madness, I'll have a reason to use this, like, once every 5 raids. I get more use out of tumult than lightning strike.
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yeah you will only use lightning strike when you run a full lightning spec. The spell does such low damage that even when used with the wrath proc from madness (20% extra damage and instant cast) it is still a dps loss over just casting force lightning again.


kinda sad really.

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