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Thank you!


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I wanted to take a moment to say "Thank you" to everyone who participates in the fan fiction area. I don't always comment, but I can assure you I read every word. Sometimes I don't comment because I just can't find the words. I can tell you that I've enjoyed every story, every exchange in this forum.


I'm not signing off, or going anywhere. I just became aware today that this community keeps me going on days when I have trouble walking, or a worried mind, or just feel alone. I can come here, and there's always something new to read. I wanted you all to know that you have helped me and fed my mind and my addiction to reading. You've all also helped me become a better writer.


So, Thank You all, your contributions here have improved my life, and I treasure you all.

Edited by Magdalane
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I have an alphabet soup of mood disorders and stuff that is usually fun to me goes unfun with alarming regularity.


But hanging out with you guys and reading everyone's stuff and finding inspiration for my own stuff is the best thing to come out of this game. My family is very happy that I'm writing again because I'm always more stable when I can be creative. So thanks! I'll keep it coming if you all do!

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Well, you are very welcome!:) I've been very happy reading everyone's stories over the past couple mothes and it has really improved me as a writer. You all have been so great and I just really can't wait to see more from all of you (myself included):)


Great Work people!:D

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This is where I met most of my wonderful guild members. There isn't a day I don't count myself lucky in meeting such a group that can connect and work together. Though we have moved to doing our roleplay on our guild site due to some problems so I just want to say Thank you as well.
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