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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Savage pvp !!!!


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When are the devs going to reward people doing savage pvp ?


Without that pvp is completly useless !


I come from Star Wars Galaxies and when i wanted to pvp with friends we could get a fight everywhere we wanted on every planet the game proposed !


In a player city guildn, a Starport, Mos Eisley cantina on Tatooine etc.... and when we killed an ennemy from the other faction we had faction points to spare on stuff "factional armor, weapons, special stims or item to decorate our house" !!!


Here we get nothing. The Battleground are fine for sometimes then complety boring, to repetitive allways doing the same arena ! If you had done differrent arena for the different game type that would have change something.


But no it's allways the same *********** huttball arena ! the 3 others are the same everytime and u can't choose what type of BG u want to do !!!


Come on give us 5 or 6 huttball arena and the same for the others gametypes and most of all give us rewards when we do savage pvp !!!


You've could have done something so great if you had take ideas from Star Wars Galaxies and not copying WOW and change some idea from it !!!!

Edited by Uludelu
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I just wish we would get valor points for killing someone in the world...try to do world pvp events on server or even start something up but no one wants to stay because you don't get anything for winning other than bragging rights. I spent 3 hours the other night on voss in a back and forth melee with reps over who gets to summon and kill NP while holding off the opposing faction. It was pretty fun but the big let down and reason people on my faction started logging out or leaving...they weren't gaining anything from killing the other guys. Please bioware at least give us valor points for the kills or bring back merc commendations for killing someone in the world. Just impose the kill limits etc that you did with ilum gamewide that way people can't exploit it too much.
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Don't play huttball then...?


You do knwo we are getting another WZ right.[/QUOT


Thats what hes saying... HE CANT CHOOSE NOT TO PLAY HUTTBALL. Its a random que, which is ridiculous.


It isn't ridiculous. It means all the different types of game arenas have plenty of players playing them, rather than most everyone deciding to play 2 different arenas and the others staying mostly unused.

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The truth is that I get more fun playing bombing ball on Unreal Tournament with all the maps that this mod have rather than playing only one huttball arena !


Huttball can be fun if they were more arena. It's all repetition and it boring playing the same arena everytime !


Guys go on youtuve and watch some star wars galaxies pvp battles and you'll see what this game is missing !

Edited by Uludelu
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When are the devs going to reward people doing savage pvp ?


Without that pvp is completly useless !


I come from Star Wars Galaxies and when i wanted to pvp with friends we could get a fight everywhere we wanted on every planet the game proposed !


In a player city guildn, a Starport, Mos Eisley cantina on Tatooine etc.... and when we killed an ennemy from the other faction we had faction points to spare on stuff "factional armor, weapons, special stims or item to decorate our house" !!!


Here we get nothing. The Battleground are fine for sometimes then complety boring, to repetitive allways doing the same arena ! If you had done differrent arena for the different game type that would have change something.


But no it's allways the same *********** huttball arena ! the 3 others are the same everytime and u can't choose what type of BG u want to do !!!


Come on give us 5 or 6 huttball arena and the same for the others gametypes and most of all give us rewards when we do savage pvp !!!


You've could have done something so great if you had take ideas from Star Wars Galaxies and not copying WOW and change some idea from it !!!!


After you spent 2 hours getting everyone in group 6 rows of buffs so you could roll eveything in your path then wait 2 more hours while the other side buffed up too and waited out your buffs.....yeah, SWG pvp as so much fun.....

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It isn't ridiculous. It means all the different types of game arenas have plenty of players playing them, rather than most everyone deciding to play 2 different arenas and the others staying mostly unused.


Yeah it is ridiculous. If i dont want to play huttball i shouldnt be hearded into huttball. Its not my problem that everyone would decide to play the "fun" wzs.

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