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Star Wars fanboys playing SWTOR???


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Not a fanboy, love the original trilogy, had some Star Wars toys as kid, played most Star Wars pc games, as a twen I was disappointed by the new movies, found some Clone Wars episodes fun and read the Dark Empire comics (which were awful). Hard to be a Star Wars fanboy when the few gems are buried under a ton of garbage.


Liking mmos and playing since the days of UO and SWG, but Swtor is terribly mediocre.

Edited by HammersteinSW
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I'm a Star Wars fanboy through and through, I also like MMO's but mainly Star Wars ones. I actually dislike a LOT of what Bioware have done with this era, but I'm sticking around because a) They closed SWG, and b) I'm hoping they'll add some MMO stuff soon :)
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Both - have seen the original trilogy countless times, managed to force myself to watch the prequels a couple of times each. Played numerous SW games etc. and used to spend more hours playing WoW and Guild Wars than most people do at work.


I remember when SWTOR came out and the naysayers were all "This game sucks - it's just WoW with lightsabers". To which my immediate reaction was "OMG! WoW with LIGHTSABERS...that sounds awesome!". XD

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I'm particular about the MMOs I play in.

I've played Ultima Online, World of Warcraft, City of Heroes, EVE Online, Lord of the Rings Online, & Champions Online.


None of these MMOs had what it took to keep my subscription.


Star Wars does. Not only do I like Star Wars, but I like this MMO above all others I have ever played.

After 10 years of MMOs, I finally feel like I found the perfect game for me.

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Star Wars fan. Not really an MMO fan at all. I played STO for a while, and the appeal of STO was the featured episodes which added a continuous story to the game. But after SWTOR, anything with less story and no voice over just feels lame. But yeah, Star Wars fanboy through and through. Still waiting for that Heir to the Empire movie. Come one Lucasfilm... nudge nudge...
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SW univers is nice but Im not a big fan of it

Some MMO is nice too but this is the one I enjoy to play so I would say I'm a small fan of the SW universe.


I was just thinking that this game looked interesting when I heard about it. dident even know that It was going to be a MMO and the fact that its in a time 3000 year befor the movies looked interesting to me :). So playing TOR was just to try it and I liked it. becaus of that many started to take me for a SW fanboy but I'm not really :)

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i am a star wars fan, i love watching the movies, the original trilogy and yes the prequels also but im not gonna be pissy and QQ because a perticular jedi does not have the correct saber color blade or wearing the correct robe or that kind of crap to that extreme. I love playing swtor, i loved playing KOTOR but didnt care that much for KOTOR 2 and other BW games but this one i really enjoy playing along being a star trek fan, YES OMG i said it. I also like star trek and enjoy playing STO as well (OMG the world is gonna end LMAO) but as a fan of both i am gonna give both games its time and hey i bought them im gonna stick with them to the end.
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I was a Star Wars fan before there were mmo's, then I became a mmo fan then a Bioware fan, I been a fan of computer gaming since the C64..:) I am gaming fan, in general, like all kinds of video games. Edited by kevlarto
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I wouldnt be here if it wasnt star wars, i stuck with SWG for 8 years simply because it was a generic space mmo with a star wars skin on it...what can i say? Im a Lucas whore.TBH the mmo nomad players are the ones that left, we SW fans are most likely the biggest group left.
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I'm just curious: How many of you playing SWTOR is Star Wars fanboys?

And how many are MMO fans?


I like the Star Wars movies, but I don't consider myself a fanboy, and I'm generally not a fan of MMOs either. I play because I like Bioware games and single player RPGs, and this sort of passes for that.

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I'm just curious: How many of you playing SWTOR is Star Wars fanboys?

And how many are MMO fans?

I'm asking because its seems that's less and less Star Wars fanboys ingame...


Im both


Though im not comfortable with being called the term fanboy after watching the behavior and lack of respect fanboys have shown others here on the general forums


I am simply a fan for MMORPGs and Star Wars/sci fi/fantasy


Ive been playing MMORPGs (its sad that the modern era constantly negelects the RPG portion of the call letters when refering to MMORPGs) for over 21 years now and seen the good and the bad.


TOR could have been so much more then it is, but blame (contrary to EA exes who constantly blame the player base) has to fall squarely on EA and every one associated to this game development and design.


It simply is not the product they promised or advertised for so many years building up to release!


It should have been much more and if it was, they had 2.1 million people buy the game ready to pay a monthly sub if the game delivered.


If they made the game the genre needs to be made (and again, game they advertised with heroic content and battles at all levels in all fights), they would still be a sub game fopr many years with no talk of F2P.


anyways, fan of both but refuse to lower myself to fanboy status!

Edited by Kalfear
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Huge star wars fan here. Probably the only thing that is keeping my sub alive. If this was any other game i would have quit long ago.


But it is really cool to be a dark lord of the sith. I just wish there was something for me to do at level 50 besides grind

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I'm particular about the MMOs I play in.

I've played Ultima Online, World of Warcraft, City of Heroes, EVE Online, Lord of the Rings Online, & Champions Online.


None of these MMOs had what it took to keep my subscription.


Star Wars does. Not only do I like Star Wars, but I like this MMO above all others I have ever played.

After 10 years of MMOs, I finally feel like I found the perfect game for me.


I agree with you, I have played WOW, AOC, Aion, Rift and this is the only game that will hold my Sub. The only thing rift has on this game is their Devs are always comunicating with their community, and they are always around in both the forums and in Game. but i am burned out on the high fantasy genre.

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