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Lucas, Herbert, or Roddenberry?


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My question to everyone is "Who contributed more to the world of Sci-Fi?"

Frank Herbert with the Dune series?

George Lucas with Star Wars?

Gene Roddenberry with Star Trek?


Also, I'm curious as to why you think the author of your choice is the best. I'm going to remain completely neutral here. Have fun. :)


Honestly, as others have said, they are all intertwined and therefore all have equally contributed to Sci-Fi. That being said, Star Wars is more Science-Fantasy because its roots can be derived from Classical Greek tragedy. Star Trek however starts from "real" theoretical science: faster than light travel, anti-matter, worm holes, matter/energy conversion are all things that real world science has theorized and in some cases (like anti-matter) has already developed, albeit in miniscule amounts.

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Ray Bradbury, Doc Smith, Philip K Dick, Heinlein, Harlen Ellison, Asimov, Clarke Larry Niven, Jerry Pournelle, any of them contributed more to Science Fiction to me than the "big three" mentioned in this thread.


Its from people like these that Lucas borrowed ideas from to weave the tapestry that is Star Wars. Lucas himself says Doc Smith was an influence on Star Wars. Ellison even wrote episodes of Star Trek (anyone remember "The City on the Edge of Forever"?) And if you liked Blade Runner, Total Recall or The Minority Report you can thank Philip K Dick. He wrote the books or stories all were based on (and many more as well,)


If you want to really experience the feast that is science fiction, don't just nibble on the fancy appetizers, go explore the vast menu of delicacies and delights from other chefs...


PS: For a more modern cuisine, look to folks like: David Weber, David Drake, Eric Flint and John Ringo, to name just a few.

Pssst. Don't tell TKMaster (I might get in trouble, you know)


But I happen to agree with you. :)

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