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Can we all have speed hacks plz?


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Why doesn't Bioware do something to stop these people that use perma force speed?


Before you cry "haxx", please be aware that there are legitimate ways to run fast in Warzones.


Inquisitor/Counselor has speed boost: http://www.torhead.com/ability/4KE9V3L/force-speed

Maurader/Sentinel has a party speed boost: http://www.torhead.com/ability/e6Gx7aj/predation

Speed Boost Pickups are available as well: http://www.torhead.com/ability/f1ZvQDM/speed-boost

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Before you cry "haxx", please be aware that there are legitimate ways to run fast in Warzones.


Inquisitor/Counselor has speed boost: http://www.torhead.com/ability/4KE9V3L/force-speed

Maurader/Sentinel has a party speed boost: http://www.torhead.com/ability/e6Gx7aj/predation

Speed Boost Pickups are available as well: http://www.torhead.com/ability/f1ZvQDM/speed-boost


No ****. But none go from one end to the other and there are no speed boost pick ups in Huttball. The class boost last a few seconds. Not a whole match. People speed to end zone, then teleport back to the ball, rinse and repeat. One guy scored the other teams 6 goals in 4 minutes

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No ****. But none go from one end to the other and there are no speed boost pick ups in Huttball. The class boost last a few seconds. Not a whole match. People speed to end zone, then teleport back to the ball, rinse and repeat. One guy scored the other teams 6 goals in 4 minutes


That does sound suspicious. But just so you know there are speed boost pickups in Huttball. And a good team can let someone get that speed boost. Pull him up to main lvl, toss him the ball and have him run to the goal in a very short amount of time through fire traps. The whole thing, if coordinated right can be a score in well under 10 seconds without using any speed boost abilities.

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No he's referring to people who before the speeders land in Civil war have all 3 turrets already. Or the sith sorceror from the opening sequence has the ball and is already at your goal line before you hit the top of the ramp. It's a 50 premade Empire team on Ebon Hawk that's notorious for it. Despite multiple reports.
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no ****. But none go from one end to the other and there are no speed boost pick ups in huttball. the class boost last a few seconds. Not a whole match. People speed to end zone, then teleport back to the ball, rinse and repeat. One guy scored the other teams 6 goals in 4 minutes



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.... and there are no speed boost pick ups in Huttball.


hahaha.. HAHAHAH good one


oh wait .. you are serious?!


The class boost last a few seconds.


Marauders' last like... 10 secs? I don't know the exact number, but it lasts a good enough time.


...teleport back to the ball


Friendly sorc pull? Charge? Intercede? And also how is your latency?


One guy scored the other teams 6 goals in 4 minutes


Entirely possible with 1 sorc, 1 jugg and controlling the mid. Could even be faster if there are 2 sorc and 2 jugg.


Finalyl, fraps or it did not happen.

Edited by Ghostuka
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I play a carnage marauder, and that speed buff can be cast twice for a duration of 20 seconds of stupid fast run speed.


Build 30 stacks of fury, cast predation, use frenzy(instant 30 stacks of fury), cast predation. Its cheap, but not a hack.

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There are numerous hack programs for swtor out there, anyone who thinks there isnt is delusional. On the other hand, fortunately the abusers of such things are a tiny minority and you will rarely see anyone using them as most "hacks" are down to a lack of class knowledge (I was being accused of cheating as CC wasnt working on my juggernaut but I was vengeance specced and unstoppable is awesome)


The hacks exist because games put too much power client side and if they exist there will always be one ******* who will use them, just report them. Sadly I suspect the situation may get much worse when the game goes f2p

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is there an ignore feature on the forums? I feel like if you could ignore terrible posters then you might filter out all the whining/garbage and you might find the constructive threads more often.


but how would you read your own posts then????

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So the answer is, yes we can all has speed hacks just bring a marauder or two.

Predation is nowhere near Force speed in terms of speed (50-80% vs 150%).


I myself have seen speed hack in action with a solo juggernaut running at 200% while in fight without any marauder anywhere near us, interestingly enough, after 3 days not seeing him, his run speed went back to normal.


Some shadows are suspect too, with really fast fighting movements, faster than their claimed passive speed boost and about the same level as Force speed. It's hard to be sure, though, as you can't read the buffs fast enough and if you want to play a screenshot isn't really a good idea.


BTW, the combat log could theorically show speed hackers by looking at attacks frequency since they're impacted too, adding to the imbalance.

Edited by JMCH
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