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Does anybody ever regret picking the wrong advanced class?


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Does anybody ever regret picking the wrong advanced class. or just wanting to try out the other one?

Well recently I started a Jedi knight build and I accdiently picked the wrong advanced class.

I wish they would give you the opinion to pay to reset it, or how about paying credits to combined both advanced classes. I wouldn't mine paying 5,000,000Credtits to reset it or 50,000,000credits to combine both advance classes.

Please leave your feedback.

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When i made my first character (gunslinger), i had almost no idea about the games mechanics, and by the time i saw how awesome scoundrels were it was too late.


However, the starting planets take maybe 2-3 hours max to complete every quest, heroic and bonus objective and hit the fleet at lvl 10 (assuming you know where you're going, where to get quests etc), so its not like its a massively wasted effort.


Honestly, i think changing your advanced class would be a good idea if they limited it to changing within 1 level of when you first picked. Level 50s getting bored as a healer and reclassing as tank is too far, that basically leaves us with consulars and troopers (inquisitors and bounty hunters) that, with the right funds, could fill any group role whatsoever.

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I accidentally selected Marauder when I wanted to be a tank. Sort of regretted it but at the same time, enjoyed playing it. The only thing that made me regret it is I had to spend another month of leveling a Jugg again so I can tank.
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Immediately upon choosing each of my advanced classes I regretted it, even though I had put a lot of thought into it.


I think this is pretty natural; sort of a buyers remorse situation ;)


I have been since consoled by the fact that I really, really enjoy each Advanced Class I've picked immensely. I couldn't imagine my Shadow as a Sage now, or my Operative as a Sniper.


That last one was probably the one I regretted the most but I have -- by far -- the most fun in combat with it. The versatility, from ranged to melee to simple poison, makes it always the best combat experience.


- Arcada

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Yes and no.


At times leveling my Jedi Sage Healer felt like I was doing too little damage to advance as quickly as I wanted, but I do enjoy the class and being a Healer means never having to wait long to join a group.


I just wish I had more character slots. I have 7 builds going, but none of them using any of the advance classes that have stealth capabilities (saving my 8th slot for a new race for now). I enjoy each of the classes I play but in different ways, and have come to appreciate the difference in play-styles. I may never be a great tank, but I have a tank know the fundamentals of playing that type of toon. More importantly I have a much greater appreciation for the people who play as tanks and play them well.

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I rolled my Trooper as a commando and wish I would have gone vanguard now. I like tanking and usually just roll tanks but I already had a JG so I decided to roll as commando. Now I realize I want to play all three tank classes so I wish I had gone Vanguard in the beginning.
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The only time I have been indecisive with picking an advanced class was with my Inquisitor back when SWTOR first came out. I ended up rolling several SI's, partly because of a majorly annoying bug at the time, but I did eventually get an Assassin to 50. And the whole time I kept eying the Sorcerer, wondering. So when I moved to a different server, pre-server transfer, I simply rolled a Sorcerer.
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Yes, I do regret my choice on my gunslinger smuggler. I hate the duck behind cover where it loads a hotbar over my #1 hotbar so that I can DPS. Only reason I will not delete and re-roll the character because he is maxed out in crafting and investigation. Normally I play a tank or a healer and I figured hey why not try to be a dps for once which I have regretted.
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Yes, I do regret my choice on my gunslinger smuggler. I hate the duck behind cover where it loads a hotbar over my #1 hotbar so that I can DPS. Only reason I will not delete and re-roll the character because he is maxed out in crafting and investigation. Normally I play a tank or a healer and I figured hey why not try to be a dps for once which I have regretted.


You can actually remove that. Go into Preferences- User Interface and unselect the 'Enable Cover Bar' option under General.

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Yes frequently,


I completly understand the desire to make that choice meaningful and they dont want people jumping back and forth. For me it was with my inquisitor. I wanted to tank as one, I could not find a regular group as a tank for the longest time. They all wanted DPS; I hate DPS'ing as an Assasin (just a personal preferance - I think they do fine DPS). So I would have loved to switch to a sorceror, I would have been able to find a group and play. Instead I had to start leveling a second toon just to play in the end game in a way which was fun.


My solution to this mess is that I wish we could send characters off for "retraining," a period of say 2 or more weeks where the toon is unusable. This benifits those of us who wish we picked a different AC with giving us an alternative. With all the story and personal choices we make I would hate to replay it to have the same person. It also prevents people from AC hopping to fill raid/rated slots. Still makes the choice meaningful.

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