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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

F2P Model


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Simply states that there will be no money granted for game development or expansion. The skeleton crew left fixing the game will be able to address minor bugs and add in simple upgrades and shiny objects. All other portions of the game will remain the same unless it was already in the works pre-release and even then those projects may never be seen. Every F2P game out there is a total failure this will just add to the list.
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Simply states that there will be no money granted for game development or expansion. The skeleton crew left fixing the game will be able to address minor bugs and add in simple upgrades and shiny objects. All other portions of the game will remain the same unless it was already in the works pre-release and even then those projects may never be seen. Every F2P game out there is a total failure this will just add to the list.




So deluded as to how things actually work, you are.

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really show me how this game going F2P will be a success. Also show me where all the rest of the F2P models are doing well.


LOTRO has release MANY content patches, events, and even a couple expansions since going F2P.


But SWTOR is not LOTRO. Nor is it any OTHER F2P game. It is its own game. Only the players playing it can make it a success. F2P is not a death sentence, it is more of a life support system, to try and get it back on its feet.

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Just about every MMO has one. Even your precious WoW and Guild Wars.


I dont play WoW nor do I play Guild Wars. I quit WoW years ago when I finished BC and saw the direction Blizzard was going. I never got into Guild Wars, I didnt find it anything worth wild. I played a bunch of other MMO's though and the majority went F2P. When that happened I bailed out as fast as I could. There is no sense wasting my time on a F2P game. Also you cant compare WoW in this situation. WoW has made about 5 billion in sub fee's alone since their launch, and have been around for how long now? ToR has made how much and how long has it been around?

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The larger concern is pay to win rather than game development. Assuming they use the Turbine model-p2win(not necessarily advocating here so don't get your panties all bunched up) the game could develop at a faster pace than before. DDO and LOTRO have had a reasonable rate of content output(quality vs quantity is not the issue being discussed here so don't try debating at me regarding mission X or raid Y) since becoming f2p. Yes there are some f2p games which shut down development but there are also many which continue to develop real content, quality notwithstanding. Now if the game becomes p2win its clearly entered the spiral where its necessary to shove in more and more quarters to keep on playing the game.


Personally, I'm giving SWTOR 2 months after it goes f2p to see how things go. Reason A. is because I buy time cards and so 2 months will be my test run of how they operate f2p. Reason B. is because that'll give me something to do until the Christmas season and a lot of new games release. I'm not foolish enough to go after GW2 though, launching with f2p and cash shop? Sounds as bad as the Diablo 3 real money AH.

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I dont play WoW nor do I play Guild Wars. I quit WoW years ago when I finished BC and saw the direction Blizzard was going. I never got into Guild Wars, I didnt find it anything worth wild. I played a bunch of other MMO's though and the majority went F2P. When that happened I bailed out as fast as I could. There is no sense wasting my time on a F2P game. Also you cant compare WoW in this situation. WoW has made about 5 billion in sub fee's alone since their launch, and have been around for how long now? ToR has made how much and how long has it been around?


We're not talking about subs we're talking about cash shops. Typical of you to deflect and change the topic.


If you don't like em or F2P in general then you might as well quit MMO's.

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LOTRO has release MANY content patches, events, and even a couple expansions since going F2P.


But SWTOR is not LOTRO. Nor is it any OTHER F2P game. It is its own game. Only the players playing it can make it a success. F2P is not a death sentence, it is more of a life support system, to try and get it back on its feet.


Life support? I think Valve wound rather consider it a cash cow (TF2), and EA more than likely doesn't quite dislike it either (Sims 3). There's millions of dollar going around in microtransactions, generating major amounts of income. They might easily end up generating more income through the players non-subbed lumped up together than the players subbed.

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Sounds like someone has never heard of guild wars. As proven by ArenaNet just because an MMO doesn't have a required sub doesn't mean they don't make money. GW has made them a fortune and it's been F2P from the beginning.
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Simply states that there will be no money granted for game development or expansion. The skeleton crew left fixing the game will be able to address minor bugs and add in simple upgrades and shiny objects. All other portions of the game will remain the same unless it was already in the works pre-release and even then those projects may never be seen. Every F2P game out there is a total failure this will just add to the list.


The concern is not the influx of content as they actually have motivation to increase the rate of content as a means of making people pay for the new stuff.


The bigger problem is how much the cash shop will encroach upon gameplay. LOTRO started out with a good fair balance as to how it was implemented without being to heavy handed. But over time they really pushed the cash shop aspect more and more, around the time of the last expansion I finally bowed out as it really featured too strongly by that point.


It wasn't an immediate thing, for a good year or so I think they had the freemium model in a good place, but the temptation was too much in the end.

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LOTRO has release MANY content patches, events, and even a couple expansions since going F2P.


But SWTOR is not LOTRO. Nor is it any OTHER F2P game. It is its own game. Only the players playing it can make it a success. F2P is not a death sentence, it is more of a life support system, to try and get it back on its feet.


If you read up on LOTRO each chapter they release has already been pre-packaged. They were releasing that content as a story package. It just happens that they went F2P becuase of a sharp drop in population. Matter a fact you could get a life time sub at one point in time for the game. I agree with you that F2P is putting this game on life support but i disagree that it will ever come back.


I would say this is the end of EA's involvement in MMO's. Unless they planned on killing to major games on purpose to quell competition

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Life support? I think Valve wound rather consider it a cash cow (TF2), and EA more than likely doesn't quite dislike it either (Sims 3). There's millions of dollar going around in microtransactions, generating major amounts of income. They might easily end up generating more income through the players non-subbed lumped up together than the players subbed.


if you dont mind playing a game that has micro transactions then fine go ahead and play it. Me however will never play a game where I have to pay for a single item. It takes all the fun and skill out of a game.

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Life support? I think Valve wound rather consider it a cash cow (TF2), and EA more than likely doesn't quite dislike it either (Sims 3). There's millions of dollar going around in microtransactions, generating major amounts of income. They might easily end up generating more income through the players non-subbed lumped up together than the players subbed.


And if the F2P model that SWTOR is going with ends up making a lot of money, which in turn funds more content faster, does that not give the game new life?


I think people are mixing up all sorts of issues without getting to the real issue.


SWTOR is dying! It needs to go F2P to survive!

SWTOR goes F2P! ZOMG SWTOR is dying!

(speculation below)

SWTOR F2P success! ZOMG SWTOR is alive again!

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if you dont mind playing a game that has micro transactions then fine go ahead and play it. Me however will never play a game where I have to pay for a single item. It takes all the fun and skill out of a game.




Valve does it too.

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if you dont mind playing a game that has micro transactions then fine go ahead and play it. Me however will never play a game where I have to pay for a single item. It takes all the fun and skill out of a game.


Hey here is some info for you.


You don't have to pay for a single item. Pay your subscription, and you get all content, and no restrictions.

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