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So no Operations for F2P - but can F2P BUY Access to it?


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Thats what I want to know and what DDO does with their F2P model.


I can understand if the base F2P player has no access to Operations. In DDO, a F2P player can pay a finite amount of Coins and purchase a raid to allow permanent access.


Will F2P players be allowed to purchase permanent access for Flashpoints and Raids, or will they be completely barred from access with no option to purchase a raid or FP in the foreseasble future?


Its the one thing that isn't clear, because on the one hand, there is the "comparison chart", but on the other hand, in the mmorpg interview w Jeff Hickman, he mentioned F2P players being able to buy "content", and content to most players isn't the cosmetic and knick knack items, but rather things like Operations, Quests, Flashpoints and PvP.


Clarity here would be most apprecaited.

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As F2P you sure can buy access to Ops... by paying a subscription. :D


I like DDO's model.


You can pay for a sub and get access to all content, and you get any new content about a week or two before the F2P players get to it.


As a F2P player, you can, once its made available in the store, either purchase the content (like an Operation) permanently and own it forever, or you can buy passes in 30 min, 60 min, or 90 min blocks to access the content - timer starts while you are in the content, and auto-stops when you are outside of it, saving your place so to speak.


I really would like to move to F2P, but only if I get to take my Ops with me - I don't care if I need to buy em seperate.

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I can't see them locking Content to just a 14.99 Monthly Sub.


Tons of people will be fluxuating in and out of servers, and if you had 250 people on the fleet, and say 50 are subscribed with all the content and the other 200 aren't (Base F2P Model) and you're queuing for the new Subscriber's Only WZ, you'll have a long queue before that pops. So I feel the idea that you'd be able to buy, say Ancient Hypergates (New WZ) for 250 CC, or all the content (PvE, PvP, WPvP[lol]) is included in the 14.99 Sub. So players can pick and choose the content they want without feeling restricted still to having to drop 15 bucks.

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I can't see them locking Content to just a 14.99 Monthly Sub.


Tons of people will be fluxuating in and out of servers, and if you had 250 people on the fleet, and say 50 are subscribed with all the content and the other 200 aren't (Base F2P Model) and you're queuing for the new Subscriber's Only WZ, you'll have a long queue before that pops. So I feel the idea that you'd be able to buy, say Ancient Hypergates (New WZ) for 250 CC, or all the content (PvE, PvP, WPvP[lol]) is included in the 14.99 Sub. So players can pick and choose the content they want without feeling restricted still to having to drop 15 bucks.


I'd still be ok with just the limited access for the F2P who didn't purchase unlimited access to a fp or raid. I can get that. But what I am really talking about is if I go F2P, I want the option to with my cartel coins purchase permanent unlimited access to a Raid or Flashpoint of my choosing.


If they don't allow for that, and force you to have a sub for that option, lets just say I won't be a very happy camper, and neither will my wallet.

Edited by ZionHalcyon
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I'd still be ok with just the limited access for the F2P who didn't purchase unlimited access to a fp or raid. I can get that. But what I am really talking about is if I go F2P, I want the option to with my cartel coins purchase permanent unlimited access to a Raid or Flashpoint of my choosing.


If they don't allow for that, and force you to have a sub for that option, lets just say I won't be a very happy camper, and neither will my wallet.


Or even worse, they only let people buy temporary access to things like Operations. Like say "500 coins buys 5 hours of Op time" kind of thing. I want to see some more specifics on how theyre going to do the F2P before I start overreacting, but this IS EA were talking about.

Edited by Achromatis
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All in this thread:


Yesterday's interview with Jeff Hickman - lots of answers :




One of the chief things Jeff and Matt expect folks to spend money on if they're not subscribed (subscribers will always receive every bit of new content, regardless of CC) are content updates. They plan on releasing these every six weeks, and they'll include different sorts of content each time: warzones, operations, public events, and so on (even a mix of all three might be possible). And while there's no set price point for each update, they plan to break it down into different options enough so that PVP folks can focus on buying the content they want, and dungeon folks can focus on what they want, while others can buy everything in one package if they want as well. Again the goal with this model, they stress, is to give options to everyone and to open the game up to get the most people playing.

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I'd still be ok with just the limited access for the F2P who didn't purchase unlimited access to a fp or raid. I can get that. But what I am really talking about is if I go F2P, I want the option to with my cartel coins purchase permanent unlimited access to a Raid or Flashpoint of my choosing.


If they don't allow for that, and force you to have a sub for that option, lets just say I won't be a very happy camper, and neither will my wallet.


Right, and while I certainly don't work for BW or have any more current information that what's generally available, I'd like to go out on an Optimistic Limb and say that we will be able to unlock permanent content in an area of your choice from Cartel Coins.


Which is what I was trying to say with the WZ example at the end of my first post.


Example: You like raiding, you can pay for just the New Raid that comes out, rather than having to resub and get a whole bunch of crap you don't want or need like a new WZ if you never pvp and its a bigger price tag, when you could essentially pick the content you like (IE Your Raid) and pay specifically for that.to permanently unlock

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Right, and while I certainly don't work for BW or have any more current information that what's generally available, I'd like to go out on an Optimistic Limb and say that we will be able to unlock permanent content in an area of your choice from Cartel Coins.


Which is what I was trying to say with the WZ example at the end of my first post.


Example: You like raiding, you can pay for just the New Raid that comes out, rather than having to resub and get a whole bunch of crap you don't want or need like a new WZ if you never pvp and its a bigger price tag, when you could essentially pick the content you like (IE Your Raid) and pay specifically for that.to permanently unlock


Yep, as long as I can permanently unlock my raids I am happy.


LOVED that system in DDO - its a real cash saver.

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