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Clarity On What Will Be Purchasable With Cartel Coin


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I have spent alot of time speaking with my fellow guildies about this new FTP Option. The number one concern we all seem to have is the Cartel Coin. Are These Coins going to used to Purchase "Cosmetic Items/Gear" Exclusively? Or can we expect to see players bragging they just spent $50.00 and are now in full Rakata / War Hero Gear?


Clarity on This would be very helpful.

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As far as we know, you will not see the latter. The former is what the cash shop will consist primarily of, along with character slots, inventory expansions, credit expansions (since F2P accounts are limited in those three areas) and content updates. Pretty much everything a regular subscriber will get for free (and first dibs on) with the exception of the vanity/fluff items.
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As far as we know, you will not see the latter. The former is what the cash shop will consist primarily of, along with character slots, inventory expansions, credit expansions (since F2P accounts are limited in those three areas) and content updates. Pretty much everything a regular subscriber will get for free (and first dibs on) with the exception of the vanity/fluff items.


Thank you very much for the quick response! I also found this to be very helpful



All F2P games wind up with some sort of RMT currency, and SWTOR's will be "Cartel Coins". Basically, all subscribers (still at $15 a month after the conversion) will receive a not-yet-set cache of coins to spend on goods each month, while free players will have to open up their wallets to get some bank in this new type of intergalactic money. I asked the guys what sorts of stuff CC will buy, knowing just how terrified we all are of Pay-to-Win models, and they assured me they have been paying close attention to what's okay business practice with RMT and what's not. Essentially, Cartel Coins will buy a few things: actual in-game content (beyond the 1-50 experience that comes with the game now), vanity items, and convenience items (bank slots, bag slots, character slots, etc). There will be nothing you can buy with CC that will give you an advantage over other players in a competitive arena.


I hope it helps others who may of had as hard a time finding this answer as I did.

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The aritcle lists stuff including "boosts". What's, in context, the definition of a "boost"?


If I had to guess, without having much time to actually look over it in detail, boosts in this care are referring to maybe a temporary XP boost, opening up speeders past rank 1 (since F2P can't get 2 and 3), opening up quick travel and the fleet pass. Perhaps I'll take a closer look to see what they mean.

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The aritcle lists stuff including "boosts". What's, in context, the definition of a "boost"?


This one line does seem to give me a little more confidence that by boosts they do not mean something that will game breaking.


There will be nothing you can buy with CC that will give you an advantage over other players in a competitive arena.

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If I had to guess, without having much time to actually look over it in detail, boosts in this care are referring to maybe a temporary XP boost, opening up speeders past rank 1 (since F2P can't get 2 and 3), opening up quick travel and the fleet pass. Perhaps I'll take a closer look to see what they mean.
That's what I was thinking, just to realize that it sounds a lot like the already existing Legacy Unlocks. Does this mean that F2P'ers won't have access to Legacy? I havent read anything about them not being able to have Legacies anywhere.


There was an interview with a BW employee in another thread in which this employee stated that it will never become a P2W game. I don't see how "boosts" will fit in between not being Legacy unlocks and not affecting competitiveness. It strikes me as a very thin balance.


I also have a somewhat offtopic question. I've always used gamecards to pay for my sub. Will a F2P model with a potential cash shop and real money for in-game currency, in the event that I want to buy something, force me to link a credit card or can we expect prepaid currency cards in stores such as Gamestop (Kind of like XBL points)?

Edited by MidichIorian
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That's what I was thinking, just to realize that it sounds a lot like the already existing Legacy Unlocks. Does this mean that F2P'ers won't have access to Legacy? I havent read anything about them not being able to have Legacies anywhere.


There was an interview with a BW employee in another thread in which this employee stated that it will never become a P2W game. I don't see how "boosts" will fit in between not being Legacy unlocks and not affecting competitiveness. It strikes me as a very thin balance.


I also have a somewhat offtopic question. I've always used gamecards to pay for my sub. Will a F2P model with a potential cash shop and real money for in-game currency, in the event that I want to buy something, force me to link a credit card or can we expect prepaid currency cards in stores such as Gamestop (Kind of like XBL points)?


I can't give a 100% answer but I imagine we'll see something similar. Just basing this on my experience with SoE but they had cards you could buy at say Wal-mart that were worth a certain amount of ingame currency. It's not unreasonable to assume the same here.

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I also have a somewhat offtopic question. I've always used gamecards to pay for my sub. Will a F2P model with a potential cash shop and real money for in-game currency, in the event that I want to buy something, force me to link a credit card or can we expect prepaid currency cards in stores such as Gamestop (Kind of like XBL points)?


IMO thats not off topic at all, and a very good question that would be awesome if answered! I for one am a prepaid time card buyer, and would never link my personal billing information to an online game. So the ability to buy Cartel Coin from a store such as Gamestop on a prepaid card would be amazing!

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IMO thats not off topic at all, and a very good question that would be awesome if answered! I for one am a prepaid time card buyer, and would never link my personal billing information to an online game. So the ability to buy Cartel Coin from a store such as Gamestop on a prepaid card would be amazing!
Yeah I've never played an MMO before so this is all new to me. One problem I see is that they must have planned this for a long time for the cards to be out by the time F2P launches. Or are the cards something they can finish and ship in 2-3 months?
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The thing I want to know is this:


They say F2P is not able to access Ops and limited access to PvP and FPs.


Yet in that conference call, they say you can use coins to buy "content".


The two are slightly at odds, because when I think Content, I think Ops, FPs, and PvP.



So then in that list, is the F2P limitations based solely on those who have not purchased anything from the store? Can access to say, Explosive Conflict be purchased as a free to play player?


Its not clear really - you think it is, then you read something contradictory from the guy spearheading the move to F2P. Would LOVE some clarity on this.

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The thing I want to know is this:


They say F2P is not able to access Ops and limited access to PvP and FPs.


Yet in that conference call, they say you can use coins to buy "content".


The two are slightly at odds, because when I think Content, I think Ops, FPs, and PvP.



So then in that list, is the F2P limitations based solely on those who have not purchased anything from the store? Can access to say, Explosive Conflict be purchased as a free to play player?


Its not clear really - you think it is, then you read something contradictory from the guy spearheading the move to F2P. Would LOVE some clarity on this.


OPs I'm fairly certain are a 100% no you can't do them as F2P. I interpreted content to mean new content, like a new planet, new races, new classes (if it ever happens), or a level cap increase. In the case of a discrepancy, I prefer to yield to information that is printed on the website as opposed to what someone says in an interview as words can be interpreted several different ways.

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Well, I can give you examples of what LOTRO did, the other game that went hybrid sub/f2p that I know off...


- Bonus to all your stats, exclusive for the store.

- Food that regenerates your health, exclusive for the store.

- In-combat resurrection, exclusive for the store.

- Faster leveling end-game weapons, exclusive for the store.

- Faster travels, exclusive for the store.


And yes, this is called ''convenience'' according to their marketing team.

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The thing I want to know is this:


They say F2P is not able to access Ops and limited access to PvP and FPs.


Yet in that conference call, they say you can use coins to buy "content".


The two are slightly at odds, because when I think Content, I think Ops, FPs, and PvP.



So then in that list, is the F2P limitations based solely on those who have not purchased anything from the store? Can access to say, Explosive Conflict be purchased as a free to play player?


Its not clear really - you think it is, then you read something contradictory from the guy spearheading the move to F2P. Would LOVE some clarity on this.


For me this is one of those "duuhhhhh" answers. F2P users will be able to use CC to Purchase In Game Content on a limited basis I would assume. Something to the effect of "25 Cartel Coins to unlock a certain Operation for a certain amount of time" But I do fully agree this is another area that should have some clarity added to it by someone that knows what they are talking about.

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This one line does seem to give me a little more confidence that by boosts they do not mean something that will game breaking.


I could see boosts being '120% speeder travel' 'quick travel reduction' 'xp boosts for leveling'. I don't see however them putting in any items that aren't cosmetic yet. Down the road when we have the next few sets of gears added I could see them saying 'alright so you can play catchup quicker you can buy columi for $5' while leaving the high level gears off the market

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The thing I want to know is this:


They say F2P is not able to access Ops and limited access to PvP and FPs.


Yet in that conference call, they say you can use coins to buy "content".


The two are slightly at odds, because when I think Content, I think Ops, FPs, and PvP.



So then in that list, is the F2P limitations based solely on those who have not purchased anything from the store? Can access to say, Explosive Conflict be purchased as a free to play player?


Its not clear really - you think it is, then you read something contradictory from the guy spearheading the move to F2P. Would LOVE some clarity on this.

I read through the Jeff Hickman interview and it sounds a lot like F2P'ers will be able to buy individual Operations or access to more PvP and that they will drop new content every 6 weeks. I'm sceptical about the 6 weeks thing. Again, if they were to drop content every 6 weeks it must mean that they've planned for it and held back on content up until now. It just doesnt add up. Or is this 6 week thing not going to start until a year from now, when they've had time to accumulate enough content? So many questions.

Edited by MidichIorian
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The thing I want to know is this:


They say F2P is not able to access Ops and limited access to PvP and FPs.


Yet in that conference call, they say you can use coins to buy "content".


The two are slightly at odds, because when I think Content, I think Ops, FPs, and PvP.


Yes, they say the exact oposite now, they say that f2p can only play a limited number of FPs a week.


But it would be really, really dumb of them if they don't allow f2p to pay extra $$$ to unlock more WZ, FPs and Ops with coin. There is alot of money to be made there.


And, quite honestly, I wouldn't mind if f2p-ers can unlock the FPs and Ops and WZ with coin, I would not mind that. That is not an advantage against us, subscribers (unlike a whooole lot of other stuff they could sell them, like higher stats and so).


It would mean that they flat out lie on their site right now, but that's what marketing people do.

Edited by Yogol
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Yes, they say the exact oposite now, they say that f2p can play a limited number of FPs a week.


But it would be really, really dumb of them if they don't allow f2p to pay extra $$$ to unlock more WZ, FPs and Ops with coin.


There is alot of money to be made there. And, quite honestly, I wouldn't mind if f2p-ers can unlock the FPs and Ops and WZ with coin, I would not mind that. That is not an advantage against us, subscribers (unlike a whooole lot of other stuff they could sell them, like higher stats and so).


It would mean that they flat out lie on their site right now, but that's what marketing people do.


Man, your posting is all over the place as far as tone goes. Reading some of your posts makes me want to reach for the ignore button but then others, like this one, are really well put together and actually make sense. Consistency please! I'm only teasing, of course.


I understand your aversion to F2P due the chances it has to devolve into simple P2W, it's something I'm wary of myself, but it seems like the system they've got cooked up will work, at least for now.

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As far as we know, you will not see the latter. The former is what the cash shop will consist primarily of, along with character slots, inventory expansions, credit expansions (since F2P accounts are limited in those three areas) and content updates. Pretty much everything a regular subscriber will get for free (and first dibs on) with the exception of the vanity/fluff items.


I wonder if subscribers will have to pay for character slots above 8, or that is hardcoded and it will only allow freebies to buy up to 8..

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... Basically, all subscribers will receive a not-yet-set cache of coins...


I'd just like to point out real quick that this is mistaken. I'm not sure when this info was originally posted but the number of Cartel Coins subscribers will get is now set. We get 150cc for each month prior to July 31, 2012 and 200cc for each month thereafter.


That means that if you have been playing since launch (Dec 20, 2011), you will get 1200cc for December - July (assuming they count December as a full month), plus 200cc for each month until F2P officially launches.


Just FYI.



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I wonder if subscribers will have to pay for character slots above 8, or that is hardcoded and it will only allow freebies to buy up to 8..


I imagine that since the limit (as far as we know) is 8 characters per server, the freebies will only be able to buy up to 8 slots. I could even see that being limited and the full amount of character slots only being available to us subbies. If/when more slots are added, we'll see then. I'd think that the subbies will get the extra slots for free while the freebies will have to pay for them.

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