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Why do people hate SWTOR, really?


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for me, ive been in from the start and its still the same as the start just a "few" less bugs. My biggest gripe is the crafting system, its out dated and needs updating along with the gtn.


The crafting system treats you like its a grind and how much hours can it hold you in the game will trying to run missions. I think this game should be beyond the point of using the crafting system to waste your hours away becuase of lack of content in other places. Plus with half the recipes being out dated even high end items like rakata craftables never went bind on equip so are basically redundant now verses the mats need for them. Its obvious its moving on from its original concept so why not revamp it rather than just leaving the old carcas in place for us to step over daily.


I shouldnt have to spend the majority of a night trying to send all my chars comps out on misssions and relists endless items on the gtn becuase they dont stay up for long enough.


You can try and defend it but its just one massive great example of something which needs attention but just gets ignored update after update after update. I just want some effort from them in something other than adding a couple of schemes every 3 months and ignoring all the other stuff we spent AGESss unlocking.


One might say the f2p model has something incommon with the crafting system and how people who spent the time maxing out one proffession just get ignored and stuck with a worthless proffessions and hundreads of pointless schemes.

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Ah yes, obviously successful as seen by the millions still playing... oh wait.


Ultima Online? The game involving Player Killers that brought griefing to an art form? The game that gave such delightful terms as 'entrails of test'?


I believe they are still going-perhaps you should play them such they've had so much time to build momentum.


By badmouthing the grandfather (and resounding success, despite the infamous player killing reputation it had) of all MMORPGs, you've only stated that you're either A) too young to have played it in its heyday yourself through the years (read: not months) it enjoyed massive success financially and artfully, or B) you haven't played it yourself, and in fact have little experience in how MMORPGs work.


Well done.

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People hate this game because they were promised a game that took the foundation wow built and then expand upon it. What we got was a game that randomly took a few of the things wow did and copied them (poorly) and then added their own halfbaked ideas on top. Which even then might have still been acceptable if they knew the mmo basics before hand, instead of making every possible noob mistake other than launch server instability, which they avoided by not letting half the people play in the first place.
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because it's a boring and uninspired game. it was supposed to be the next big thing, but it turned out to be a game that lacks pandas.


another reason people despise swtor is due to bioware being bads.


What do you find most boring?


I think most people would disagree with you about Bioware being "bads". They have produced several awesome games KOTOR being one of them. I will leave open the possibility that EA had a hand in the downfall. Whether that means being too business-like and unable to take a risk, or buying a company for a name and reducing quality, I don't know.

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There are a few things I wish would change (daily quest system, world pvp, and other minor issues), but nothing is really a big enough deal to un-sub for me.


So what is the problem? Maybe one of you can enlighten me.


The lack of World PvP is not a minor issue, its a massive piece of content that is missing.

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The lack of World PvP is not a minor issue, its a massive piece of content that is missing.


Especially when there is also no random world pvp either, and the warzones allow match ups between premades and solos, and the warzone results are often predetermined by gear differentials.

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I think no one really hates the game, I think it is just the timeing of this game, the model of play is getting old to allot of people, and out side of the story lines, Tor did not really bring anything new, the end game is a good example, for a new game there is allot of stuff to do, but the problem is, most people did the same thing in the game they just came from, and the game before that, be it with a different skin, plus I think a huge IP like Star Wars does not get a fair shake, super high expections, under the microscope of not only fans but the industry, I knew from day one this game would have a hard time, the mmo industry as a whole is suffering from a lack of diverse game play and features just copy and pasted from game to game I am going to keep playing and keep my sub, to see how everything plays out. I hope they stick to thier word about the added content every six weeks, the only problem will be is it something new or just another ferris wheel in the park that already has 10 ferrris wheels..:)
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By badmouthing the grandfather (and resounding success, despite the infamous player killing reputation it had) of all MMORPGs, you've only stated that you're either A) too young to have played it in its heyday yourself through the years (read: not months) it enjoyed massive success financially and artfully, or B) you haven't played it yourself, and in fact have little experience in how MMORPGs work.


Well done.


So Ultima, Dark Age, and I assume Everquest are how MMOs work? So it should take months to grind to max level? All missions should be forced grouping?


By that logic Dungeons & Dragons is how all RPGs should work since it was first. And black-and-white silent films should be how all films are made. Your logic is truly amazing.


Again, please explain your rant signature:


If after my 2 month game card runs out, TOR isn't running without memory leaks and stuttering on my HIGH-END MACHINE (and everyone else's), I won't be re-subscribing.


Why won't you give this game the time it needs to build momentum? Impatient people like you will kill it.

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The lack of World PvP is not a minor issue, its a massive piece of content that is missing.


At least there were a few quests and mechanics to promote World PVP on Ilum, but they were removed completely, great now we can sit on the fleet all day while we wait for our warzones, thanks Bioware

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So this is something I've been turning over in my head lately, and yesterday's F2P announcement has driven me to ask this out loud (so to speak). Why do people hate SWTOR so much?


I love this game. It has great immersion, really awesome class stories, it runs well on my computer (which I wouldn't consider high-end", and BW managed to balance things out so Jedi didn't steam-roll everyone.


There are a few things I wish would change (daily quest system, world pvp, and other minor issues), but nothing is really a big enough deal to un-sub for me.


So what is the problem? Maybe one of you can enlighten me.


Its boring. 4 pvp mini games, a couple credit grinds, and run of the mill raiding.

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People hate this game because they were promised a game that took the foundation wow built and then expand upon it. What we got was a game that randomly took a few of the things wow did and copied them (poorly) and then added their own halfbaked ideas on top.


Can you give examples? I really want to know.

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It's evidently cool to hate on things, especially bandwagon hating. There are people who have legitimate gripes and issues and then those who blindly hate on the game (or anything else for that matter) with little rhyme or reason.


Usually those in the first camp are amiable and open to logical discussion while those of the second camp will immediately dismiss you as a troll (or on this forum, "fanboi") because you disagree with them. That's usually the best way to tell a hater from someone with a complaint.

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WoW lite cannot compete with WoW. Even WoW with Panda Power.


People get ticked off when you mention this, but it's true. When you launch a standard Themepark MMO you are NOT competing with WoW from several years ago. You are competing with WoW now. This is why trying to compete with WoW while following their model is folly.


As are these calls for patience and giving the game a chance to grow.


No. That's not how it works. We have here a by the numbers Themepark MMO. These games are designed for constant progression, reward and demand massive amounts of content. Thats all there is to it.

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Many are ex SWG vets bitter that TOR closed down their pice of crap game and now wish TOR would fail so they can take revenge in their minds.




The SWG forums were ripe with positivity about this game, and much like many WoW players thought this game would be the next great thing.


Heck it had plenty of knowledge at its finger tips on how to make a great game and the funding that could support a small country. Plus a list of do not's as well.


Yet, from day one we had no chat bubbles, no day/night, a limited character creator and just very linear gameplay.


Many accepted that and moved on, but then there was space on rails and some of the most ridiculous end game gear ever (space samurai outfits).


Its not that SWG players hate SWTOR, its the opposite. They want TOR to succeed.


Its the only starwars MMO out there and SWG players want it to be good. Chances are is TOR fails, you may not see another Starwars mmo....ever.


Its just not immersive, its based around the reroll and repeatitive gameplay.

This galaxy here is stale, the enivroments are boring and leaving the fleet is practically unheard of.


I think the gameplay here is better than SWG over all, but aside from rinse/repeat warzones or flashpoints there is nothing to really do once you finish the main storyline (which is alot of fun)


The problem is that its been 8 months and the suggestion forum has been full with the same unanswered stuff.


Heck, how many post have we seen in the last 2 months about "paid transfers" and we have heard NOTHING.

Edited by kirorx
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So Ultima, Dark Age, and I assume Everquest are how MMOs work? So it should take months to grind to max level? All missions should be forced grouping?


By that logic Dungeons & Dragons is how all RPGs should work since it was first. And black-and-white silent films should be how all films are made. Your logic is truly amazing.


Again, please explain your rant signature:


If after my 2 month game card runs out, TOR isn't running without memory leaks and stuttering on my HIGH-END MACHINE (and everyone else's), I won't be re-subscribing.


Why won't you give this game the time it needs to build momentum? Impatient people like you will kill it.


If you've got a problem with how this genre of PC gaming has been run, you've got broader issues than just TOR. To fix that, I suggest you get a job in the industry with the aim to work your way up the corporate ladder with an aim to change at the core how things have worked for many years. Or, at the very least, stop trolling forums so much, enroll in a university program of study, and write a research paper that could actually make a difference.


As for my sig, I did give BioWare a chance to fix the memory leaks, which they did. I never had to unsub. I made bug reports and a couple phonecalls too, and within about two months I saw the leaks were fixed on their end somehow. The sig is still there because in general I don't spend enough time on these forums to care about figuring out how to delete it. If you have instructions on how I can do that (which I'm assuming you do), be a pal and drop them right here.

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So this is something I've been turning over in my head lately, and yesterday's F2P announcement has driven me to ask this out loud (so to speak). Why do people hate SWTOR so much?


I love this game. It has great immersion, really awesome class stories, it runs well on my computer (which I wouldn't consider high-end", and BW managed to balance things out so Jedi didn't steam-roll everyone.


There are a few things I wish would change (daily quest system, world pvp, and other minor issues), but nothing is really a big enough deal to un-sub for me.


So what is the problem? Maybe one of you can enlighten me.

It was pushed out way to soon me and my guild where lvl 50 around mid jan and the endgame is what killed it,It was so buggy it was pretty much unplayable it took BW MONTHS to fix Ops and by then it was to late 70% of my guild had left to go back to their other games.


Not only that but I really think ppl thought there was going some big epic story chain at 50 (I did) one that lasted like a few weeks at lest (you know because story was BW big selling point right) and there was nothing. Not to mention the stuff that happened to ILUM pvp.


While lvling is great in swtor everything else falls short.It's just to much like WoW and I think that most ppl didn't want another WoW they wanted some new and BW failed to deliver that and just made a WoW clone with cutscenes.

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Blame the mind-set of modern gamers and the saturation of MMO games on the market. Hell... you can't even find a good turn-based RPG anymore because people want action action action. ToR, like many MMO's, harbored people that bought the game, rushed to the level cap, and then whined about lack of content. I've been doing each planet's story-line thoroughly for about 8 months and I think it's an incredible game. People are just impatient and want it all here and now.
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Blame the mind-set of modern gamers and the saturation of MMO games on the market. Hell... you can't even find a good turn-based RPG anymore because people want action action action. ToR, like many MMO's, harbored people that bought the game, rushed to the level cap, and then whined about lack of content. I've been doing each planet's story-line thoroughly for about 8 months and I think it's an incredible game. People are just impatient and want it all here and now.


I think you nailed it.


Nice to see someone on here with good sense.

Edited by undeniablyjeff
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Its the only starwars MMO out there and SWG players want it to be good. Chances are is TOR fails, you may not see another Starwars mmo....ever.


This is probably true, and makes me sad. :(


I enjoyed WoW, but Star Wars is where my heart is. I guess I'm hoping (and BW is too) F2P will revitalize the game, as it has for LOTRO, and STO.


I have already made the decision to remain subbed after the F2P conversion, if for nothing else to show my support to the game I love.

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