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Rakghoul Companion Skins


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Back during the Rakghoul event (awesome job btw BW;)) I bought 8 Companion skins and got 6 duplicates!


That's right, the cruel goddess of RNG toyed with me. Though lady luck is a fickle mistress I was hoping you could remedy this.


I've kept my extra 6 skins and was hoping that I could trade them for the ones I don't have, which would give me a full set.


If I traded a Rakghoul comp skin for the ones I wanted at 10 Cartel Commendations, that would mean I could get my beloved full set for 60 Cartel Commendations.


I really, really want 1 companion on all my toons to look like zombie, it would make a very happy PAYING customer.:):):)

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