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PvP level differences for Warzones


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So, I hope this is a temporary situation that is only going to happen during early access. I don't understand and can't stand the level differences in Warzones. Look, I know that they "buff" the lowbies to have greater stats, but that still doesn't make up for the fact that we have about 1/3 of the moves, thus, 1/3 of the utility of the higher level players.


Again, if this is a temporary situation, I'm ok with that; however, if this is the permanent plan when the game releases, I am NOT ok with that.


People will point out queue times and other nonsense, but I would rather wait a while longer and play with people in my level range with similar abilities rather than get face rolled by players with most of their moves already. I mean, I played as a level 14 last night going against 40s. That's insane.


And I know there will be some of you that say, "Common sense says: don't pvp until higher levels then" but I am only here for PvP. I don't care about story, flashpoints, or any of that stuff. I only want to pvp. I don't want to grind through PvE content, just to have a chance to compete in Warzones.


Am I the only one feeling like this?

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If you knew anything about how its set up, you wouldn't be complaining. They first try to set you up with close levels. When that fails they throw in anyone they got.


So, I am queuing on a server where I have to wait 1.5 hours to get in, I am in the city where I see hundreds of people in my level range, and you're telling me they couldn't match me up with people my level?


I would understand that if this were a mature game where most of the players are max level and few people are rolling alts, but were talking about a game where most of the players are my level. So, no, maybe I don't know 'how its set up."

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So, I hope this is a temporary situation that is only going to happen during early access. I don't understand and can't stand the level differences in Warzones. Look, I know that they "buff" the lowbies to have greater stats, but that still doesn't make up for the fact that we have about 1/3 of the moves, thus, 1/3 of the utility of the higher level players.


Again, if this is a temporary situation, I'm ok with that; however, if this is the permanent plan when the game releases, I am NOT ok with that.


People will point out queue times and other nonsense, but I would rather wait a while longer and play with people in my level range with similar abilities rather than get face rolled by players with most of their moves already. I mean, I played as a level 14 last night going against 40s. That's insane.


And I know there will be some of you that say, "Common sense says: don't pvp until higher levels then" but I am only here for PvP. I don't care about story, flashpoints, or any of that stuff. I only want to pvp. I don't want to grind through PvE content, just to have a chance to compete in Warzones.


Am I the only one feeling like this?


Do what I am doing. Lvl up through wz's and class quests. I went up against a lvl 50 and I was 21. It was a good match, he got me but its ok. I still led the wz in damage when it was done.

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So, I am queuing on a server where I have to wait 1.5 hours to get in, I am in the city where I see hundreds of people in my level range, and you're telling me they couldn't match me up with people my level?


I would understand that if this were a mature game where most of the players are max level and few people are rolling alts, but were talking about a game where most of the players are my level. So, no, maybe I don't know 'how its set up."


How do you know all 100 queued up? Or for that matter anyone around your level?

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I'd rather cross server with same level range (1-19 20-39 40-50) than have a full warzone with so much level difference. It makes the game so bad and unskilled.


The big main difference is skillsets.

We know the ability is bolstered, but a lvl 20 cannot have all the new skills a lvl 40 or 50 has. That's unequal and careless.

They just went the easy way to make up for population loss.


Another big difference is equip. Lvl 50 may have purple pvp gear giving them dominance or whatever the pvp stat is called, plus having more stats overall, even bolstered.


So yeah, big mistake for bioware on keeping this kind of system in warzones. I really hope they reconsider it and modify/delete it.

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I'd rather cross server with same level range (1-19 20-39 40-50) than have a full warzone with so much level difference. It makes the game so bad and unskilled.


The big main difference is skillsets.

We know the ability is bolstered, but a lvl 20 cannot have all the new skills a lvl 40 or 50 has. That's unequal and careless.

They just went the easy way to make up for population loss.


Another big difference is equip. Lvl 50 may have purple pvp gear giving them dominance or whatever the pvp stat is called, plus having more stats overall, even bolstered.


So yeah, big mistake for bioware on keeping this kind of system in warzones. I really hope they reconsider it and modify/delete it.


I full agree with everything you say and share your sentiment on all but the cross-server part. I think that destroys rivalries and makes the game feel disconnected. I absolutely love queueing and seeing people in my game that I just saw in the world and or posting in /2; I just wish they were my level :D

Edited by baznasty
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Agree with OP 100%. Every other game I've played has managed to tier their PvP warzones effectively. And what stats are being buffed exactly? Just my primary stat and my endurance? Thanks. What about PvP stats that matter like crit rating and damage reduction?


However, consolde yourself with this: they are using their high level now as a crutch to beat you. You are constantly getting better (because you have to) to continue to compete with them. When you are on equal footing level wise, you will have an advantage over them, I promise.


(Some of them, some will still melt face).

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I don't see an issue with it to be honest, yes you will have less skills but that doesn't stop you being effective and useful.


I rolled an alt last night just to do some PvP and to see how someone at low level would do.


My first warzone (Hutball) at level 10 (I joined the queue immediately after selecting my advanced class (bounty hunter merc)).


At the end of the warzone I was top damage in the game, 40 kills and 4 deaths, I was the lowest player in the game! I did another 4 games last night and came in the top 3 in every game (my class is a damage dealer so I concentrated on 'dealing damage' to help my team) with a very good kill - death ratio everytime.


Play to your classes strengths and don't just rush in. No matter what your level, if you rush in to a group of enemies you will be totally annihilated by them.

Edited by Loxion
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They will solve this i think. The reason they do this is probably because of all the level differences. in the current situation all levels can join. it would be ''unfair'' if higher leveled players couldnt get in the que. on other hand , they could have leveld a lot slower then they did. its and arguable point.
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They will solve this i think. The reason they do this is probably because of all the level differences. in the current situation all levels can join. it would be ''unfair'' if higher leveled players couldnt get in the que. on other hand , they could have leveld a lot slower then they did. its and arguable point.


This is what I'm hoping for. If it's temporary, I'm 100% ok with that.

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This seems to me like something someone would complain about prior to trying it. I have no problem fighting higher levels. Sometimes they get me, sometimes I get them.


Seems more realistic to me anyway. A newer warrior would have less moves but he'd still be able to kill a vet if he was good enough.

Edited by HouseMcCune
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So, I hope this is a temporary situation that is only going to happen during early access. I don't understand and can't stand the level differences in Warzones. Look, I know that they "buff" the lowbies to have greater stats, but that still doesn't make up for the fact that we have about 1/3 of the moves, thus, 1/3 of the utility of the higher level players.


Again, if this is a temporary situation, I'm ok with that; however, if this is the permanent plan when the game releases, I am NOT ok with that.


People will point out queue times and other nonsense, but I would rather wait a while longer and play with people in my level range with similar abilities rather than get face rolled by players with most of their moves already. I mean, I played as a level 14 last night going against 40s. That's insane.


And I know there will be some of you that say, "Common sense says: don't pvp until higher levels then" but I am only here for PvP. I don't care about story, flashpoints, or any of that stuff. I only want to pvp. I don't want to grind through PvE content, just to have a chance to compete in Warzones.


Am I the only one feeling like this?

It's temporary for the simple reason that as you level you will catch up with the higher levels in skills and ranks. Trust me, once you get into your 20's, you'll have enough skills to keep you busy.

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I think it depends on class. I jumped straight into the PVP as my powertech and my gunslinger and was immediately a useful part of the team. Getting just under 100k of damage per battle. These two classes were able to mix it up from an early level with the skills available, some of the others i wouldn't be too sure about. I dont think the Sith Inquisitor or the Jedi Consular would be so easy to compete at level 10 in pvp.


At level 14 things become much easier in pvp as you are then able to sprint, the powertech and vanguard also get thier guard ability at 14, making them much more useful.


The Powertech / Sniper and Vanguard / Gunslinger buddy combo in pvp is pure win, even at level 10.

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After the beta (only weekends) I really expected that this would be my opinion too. But so far it isn't. Being lower level has not stopped me from making a meaningful contribution.


Higher level players have a clear advantage. No question. But the pvp mechanics (long TTK, complex cc immunity mechanic, 3 effective ranges etc etc) really favour player skill over pure numbers and the warzones make coordination essential. In huttball a premade of teen level players will wipe the floor with a pug of higher level players who don't play together.


I expect that at 50 this will break down. Gear scaling and the pvp stat (forgot what it's called now) will likely confer too much of an advantage, so there probably will be a separate bracket for 50s (I believe BW has hinted as much?)

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I'd rather cross server with same level range (1-19 20-39 40-50) than have a full warzone with so much level difference. It makes the game so bad and unskilled.


The big main difference is skillsets.

We know the ability is bolstered, but a lvl 20 cannot have all the new skills a lvl 40 or 50 has. That's unequal and careless.

They just went the easy way to make up for population loss.


Another big difference is equip. Lvl 50 may have purple pvp gear giving them dominance or whatever the pvp stat is called, plus having more stats overall, even bolstered.


So yeah, big mistake for bioware on keeping this kind of system in warzones. I really hope they reconsider it and modify/delete it.


cross server is fail

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Maybe you should be less bad. Between 14-20 I did numerous warzones and defeated many 25+ characters. I'd like to see some bracketing, because at 50 characters are going to continue to grow past normal leveling power. But it doesn't need to be 10-19 garbage we see in every other MMO. 10-24, 25-49, and 50 should suffice.
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Scaling makes pvp completely pointless. 10-49 was extremely lazy descision that makes those matches pointless slaughter.

And I already see the signs like one team having half the members then other team, chain CC etc. same things that killed WoW.


Come on dude, man code. Don't post right after someone with the same avatar.


Seriously though, it's not a game breaker, and I am starting to level through the worst of it, but at least two tiers would help tremendously.

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Seriously though, it's not a game breaker, and I am starting to level through the worst of it, but at least two tiers would help tremendously.


Yeah, it badly needs more tiers or nobody will ever take those matches seriously and come there only to chaindie and fool around.

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It took me 4 days to get level 30 through content I've never done and a generous amount of screwing around. When people level that fast the last thing you need to do is shrink the size of their BG pool.


Low level PvP isn't supposed to be ultra-competitive. I don't mind playing with a little handicap, but if you do then just level up and be glad that it only takes you a week or two to be mathematically equal or superior to everyone in your match.


Compare this to how long it takes to get decent PvP in Aion, or how long it takes you to wade through twinked brackets and gear up in WoW even... I can't think of an MMO PvP system I'd rather be using at the moment.

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Let's put it this way.

A good lvl 40 will always beat a good lvl 20, even a boosted one.


Better gear + More skills will always win in similar skill level players.


And for some chars like Jedi Sentinel, the difference in those 20 levels is huge.


So no, it doesn't work ATM, and needs better balancing.

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most crap bg system what ive ever seen, without lvl separations, with poor target system, with horrible lagg, with random bg queue, with unbalanced reward system. I dont mind, what others says, but not so funny to get 3 lvl30+ enemies on my back, when im lvl15-20. Also when Ill hit lvl50, I dont want to fight against lvl10-49 players.
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