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why is it still view negatively, when its standard mmo business these days?


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Im a big fan of this game, still am, and I have played A LOT of mmos. There really isnt many at all that dont offer a freemium version of the game. In fact, it tends to be a good thing for games overall.


I thought and hoped they would offer this eventually and they have. Players these days dont like the sub restrictions and its quite obvious this business model is the future for mmos. AAA titles like LOTRO, AOC, EQ2, DCUO and some others have all switched to this model and they are more successful because of it.


I am just curious how people can view this model negatively now a days with how proven a track record it has.


I understand how hyped this game was and all that but they still should have launched with this model. The mmo markets is just too competitive to offer only the archaic sub model.


At some point, everyone needs to come to the realization that offering a f2p version of the game doesnt mean the game failed, it just means that they are remaining competitive with the market.


Even WOW has a F2P version

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The fact that this game cannot stand up to WoW, with all its money and the reputable developer using the subscription model is pretty much proof that no other mmo will be able to. WoW has simply gotten too big.


F2P is pretty fail for an mmo imo, especially one this young but it looks like BW have to take some desperate measures to keep this game going. The reality is most people won't pay a sub for WoW 0.5 so they have to appeal to potential mmo customers by other means.

Edited by Nyoro
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The fact that this game cannot stand up to WoW, with all its money and the reputable developer using the subscription model is pretty much proof that no other mmo will be able to.


F2P is pretty fail for an mmo imo, especially one this young but it looks like BW have to take some desperate measures to keep this game going. The reality is most people won't pay a sub for WoW 0.5 so they have to appeal to potential mmo customers by other means.


is it the game that can't stand up to WoW? or is it what WoW has done to the playerbase?


Do you think if WoW launched today it would be as succesful?

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The fact that this game cannot stand up to WoW, with all its money and the reputable developer using the subscription model is pretty much proof that no other mmo will be able to. WoW has simply gotten too big.


F2P is pretty fail for an mmo imo, especially one this young but it looks like BW have to take some desperate measures to keep this game going. The reality is most people won't pay a sub for WoW 0.5 so they have to appeal to potential mmo customers by other means.


you say F2P is fail but its proven to be a more successful business model once games that were sub model only, switched to it. Thats anything but fail.

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Because F2P is a HORRIBLE idea, that's why.


you arent offering a reason as to why it is. Furthermore, how many mmos out there dont offer this now. very very few. If you are an MMO gamer, it is time to expect that this business model is the the standard.

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no its not its a trial account extended demo if u will


now swtor f2p is the full game dont try to compare and say they are the same


I didnt say they were the same, they are both F2P versions of the game. SWTOR's version just offers more, which makes it better. It doesnt offer the whole game though. Very few people play an mmo just to level, dont kid yourself

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u see WOW F2P yet ? :rolleyes: when u see WOW go f2p then u kno u make more money that way


The difference is that WOW is supported by old players with old toons. It doesn't need to attract or retain new subbs or revenue because it has many, many loyal players already. I personally tried WOW for a little while about a year ago, but couldn't get into it because it's just kind of boring for me, but I'm sure if I had some 5 year old level capped toons I'd be more than willing to pay the sub.

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then why does Blizzard call it Free to Play?


they call it free to play* see that little mark look for small print ....


ok go make a blizz account lvl up to 85 without paying and come back to me hey its f2p right :rolleyes:

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Im a big fan of this game, still am, and I have played A LOT of mmos. There really isnt many at all that dont offer a freemium version of the game. In fact, it tends to be a good thing for games overall.


I thought and hoped they would offer this eventually and they have. Players these days dont like the sub restrictions and its quite obvious this business model is the future for mmos. AAA titles like LOTRO, AOC, EQ2, DCUO and some others have all switched to this model and they are more successful because of it.


I am just curious how people can view this model negatively now a days with how proven a track record it has.


I understand how hyped this game was and all that but they still should have launched with this model. The mmo markets is just too competitive to offer only the archaic sub model.


At some point, everyone needs to come to the realization that offering a f2p version of the game doesnt mean the game failed, it just means that they are remaining competitive with the market.


Even WOW has a F2P version


Its standard buisness for a failed mmo, every one of those mmos you listed are failed mmos that had to go f2p, some failed from age, others because they were an inferior game (like swtor) but the one thing they all have in common is failure.

And the only track record F2P has is lifesupport for a failed game.

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The difference is that WOW is supported by old players with old toons. It doesn't need to attract or retain new subbs or revenue because it has many, many loyal players already. I personally tried WOW for a little while about a year ago, but couldn't get into it because it's just kind of boring for me, but I'm sure if I had some 5 year old level capped toons I'd be more than willing to pay the sub.


they making their games to casual for us old timers 2bh they driving us away for the new crowd of non gamers that want all gear in 10mins of playing the game

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is it the game that can't stand up to WoW? or is it what WoW has done to the playerbase?


Do you think if WoW launched today it would be as succesful?


It absolutely would not be. WoW had the luxury of being able to falter and grow into itself - no other MMO can ever have that luxury again. That is why so many "fail" in this stage. WoW would have done the same if it had to contend with a 10M sub game at the time.

Edited by Typeslice
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you say F2P is fail but its proven to be a more successful business model once games that were sub model only, switched to it. Thats anything but fail.


Most of those games were out for a lot longer than eight months. Only one of those games were based on an IP that can even begin to rival Star Wars and none of those games had a developer with the reputation of BW. Now the hype this game generated and the fact EA actually expected this game to be their WoW cashcow are the icing on the cake. Overall I consider this game going f2p so early to be the biggest failure in MMO gaming history.

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