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Digital Deluxe Players Should Get Heroes' Banner as well


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If they'd give us nothing, why was the DDE even an option?




CE players did get extra items.. physical items.. they should not get extra digital items as well, that completely defeats the purpose of purchasing the DDE..



Sorry, but that is a very "entitled" flavor of statement


Clever person. You hide entitlement behind your choice of the word "logical".


You paid for what was advertised at the time you purchased the DDE or CE.


And by your ridiculous logic CE players also got what advertised...except they are getting even more now and DDE players aren't..



You are COMPLETELY missing the point of my post, obviously. I'm NOT saying you want them to make the Party Jawa/Rancor Hologram/Throne exclusive to DDE/CE. I'm simply stating that we saw this type of thread last year, asking why CE players got something that DDE players did not. And it spawned numerous "class warfare" threads where some of the CE buyers kept poking at the DDE buyers, making them angry to the point of madness.


I didn't participate in it back then, but it sure was funny to watch.


Edit: I guess I should add that, as a CE buyer, I don't care if the DDE people get the banner or not. All those in-game items (apart from the STAP and VIP lounge wristband) got shoved in my bank on day 1 anyway.


Im not complaining that CE players got physical items that DDE players didn't get (Obviously), I'm simply stating that it makes no sense for CE players to get digital items that DDE players DO NOT get.

Edited by SharpG
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Sorry, but that is a very "entitled" flavor of statement


Clever person. You hide entitlement behind your choice of the word "logical".


You paid for what was advertised at the time you purchased the DDE or CE.


1000 f2p credits and a banner were not advertised as part of the CE when you purchased it.

Edited by Ratham
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Im not complaining that CE players got physical items that DDE players didn't get (Obviously), I'm simply stating that it makes no sense for CE players to get digital items that DDE players DO NOT get.

Are you seriously arguing with the CE owner who says he doesn't care if you get the same banner that he does? do you not see that I'm on your side here? I never once said you were complaining. Seriously. Read it again. Not once does the word "complain" nor any of its conjugations or synonyms appear in my posts in this thread.

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I'm going to go with NO!.


You did not buy the CE, so you don't get the perks of the CE. Next time buy the CE. I think they are still on sale some places.


Did you also notice you don't get he 1000 cartel coins either? :D


Now now you are just rubbing it in .... don't want to be seen as a h@7r do ya? :D


shadenfreudelicous 4teh win! :D

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Are you seriously arguing with the CE owner who says he doesn't care if you get the same banner that he does? do you not see that I'm on your side here? I never once said you were complaining. Seriously. Read it again. Not once does the word "complain" nor any of its conjugations or synonyms appear in my posts in this thread.


I apologize <3, I misinterpreted your post.

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As a CE purchaser I will agree. Anyone who bought the game for the full price regardless of the edition should get extras. Dropping the price to $14.99 is a bit of a slap in the face for those who paid full price less than a year ago. Everyone should get something based on the edition they bought. Seriously it's only pixels and yet it will make your paying player base happy for a bit longer.
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I could buy 10 accounts now for the price of my CE - thanks for screwing us over EA/Bioware.


I am a CE owner. You roll the dice. Your car depriciates when you drive it off the lot too. And you don't know if you are going to be in an accident or not. :rolleyes:


The cost was for the book, statue, Music CD, etc ... pricey? Yes. Screwed over? Matter of opinion. :D

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As a CE purchaser I will agree. Anyone who bought the game for the full price regardless of the edition should get extras. Dropping the price to $14.99 is a bit of a slap in the face for those who paid full price less than a year ago. Everyone should get something based on the edition they bought. Seriously it's only pixels and yet it will make your paying player base happy for a bit longer.


CE owner here, I don't feel like it's a "slap in the face" that the price is going down at all. I've had HOURS of fun and entertainment with this game and it's been well worth the money. Rather than a typical game where it lasts 4-6 hours and then you don't touch it for months and pay £40-60 for it.


For me, I'm happy that they're putting the price down, new people come to the game and that's fine by me.


But really. the way I see it, it was well worth my purchase (I only got the CE for the Malgus statue anyway) and well worth the money.

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Dropping the price to $14.99 is a bit of a slap in the face for those who paid full price less than a year ago.


Ummm... game was on sale last month for 19.95 for the regular edition. So $14.99 as a promotion ahead of the Freemium release is hardly a slap in the face.


It's called marketing.... you discount product to encourage sales. In the case of an MMO you discount the product to entice people to play the full game and then subscribe (even though you offer Freemium).

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oh... I'm sorry.... did you get everything from the CE when you bought the DDE?


No, didn't think so. ;)


No, but I still got the digital deluxe edition and should be getting 500-750 of these coins for the f2p conversion.. not nothing...


I paid more than the standard price yet I get the same as them. Why am I being treated as though I bought the $60 standard version?

Edited by Ratham
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Ummm... game was on sale last month for 19.95 for the regular edition. So $14.99 as a promotion ahead of the Freemium release is hardly a slap in the face.


It's called marketing.... you discount product to encourage sales. In the case of an MMO you discount the product to entice people to play the full game and then subscribe (even though you offer Freemium).


Well it's just one players opinion. I know they need to do something to get players in.

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1000 f2p credits and a banner were not advertised as part of the CE when you purchased it.


Hence, you are NOT entitled to decide who gets it and who does not. That is Biowares choice and they clearly have chosen to reward CE purchasers here.


Get over it. They made their decision and DDE owners whining about it here in the forum is..... whining.

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No, but I still got the digital deluxe edition and should be getting 500-750 of these coins for the f2p conversion.. not nothing...


I paid more than the standard price yet I get the same as them. Why am I being treated as though I bought the $60 standard version?


Well, you got digital items they did not and you were all thrilled about it at the time. So you made a choice. As did those who put down a good extra chunk of change for the CE edition.


Now, it's possible that they are giving the CE folks the tokens in lieu of additional content on the CE vendor. We won't know for a while on that. You know.. the vendor that only CE owners have access to and have often whined themselves about a lack of love for the vendor content.

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Well, you got digital items they did not and you were all thrilled about it at the time. So you made a choice. As did those who put down a good extra chunk of change for the CE edition.


Now, it's possible that they are giving the CE folks the tokens in lieu of additional content on the CE vendor. We won't know for a while on that. You know.. the vendor that only CE owners have access to and have often whined themselves about a lack of love for the vendor content.


Yes, I was thrilled about it.


But it didnt say anywhere that "If swtor goes f2p, CE owners will receive lots of f2p coins!"


It just boggles me that Bioware is going to screw over DDE buyers

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Yes, I was thrilled about it.


But it didnt say anywhere that "If swtor goes f2p, CE owners will receive lots of f2p coins!"


It just boggles me that Bioware is going to screw over DDE buyers



Bioware didn't say it back then because they thought they would never go F2P. Things change and like I said before yeah I personally think everyone should get something for paying for the game prior to F2P based on the edition they bought. It is up to Bioware to make that call. Hopefully they will hear the cries for the DDE buyers.

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Bioware didn't say it back then because they thought they would never go F2P. Things change and like I said before yeah I personally think everyone should get something for paying for the game prior to F2P based on the edition they bought. It is up to Bioware to make that call. Hopefully they will hear the cries for the DDE buyers.




Should we get the same/more as CE owners? No

Should we get SOMETHING? Yes!

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like I said before yeah I personally think everyone should get something for paying for the game prior to F2P based on the edition they bought.


Everyone gets tokens for every month of paid play they have for the game. CE gets a bonus for buying CE.


Should DDE get bonus tokens too? Well, considering that the incremental cost from regular to DDE is pretty small and they got almost all the digital perks the CE did at launch.... I really don't see a compelling case for it. I see plenty of whining.... but whining =/= a compelling case.


And I seem to remember back at launch time, lots and lots of DDE owners were taking shots at CE owners for being so stupid to buy the CE when it had almost the same digital content as DDE yet cost a ton more. Karma baby, Karma she's a biach.

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No idea what a 'Hero Banner' is (if it follows the pattern established by the flare gun, holodancer, and targetting droid, it is going to be some item that you have to have in your inventory to use but that serves no useful purpose, so usually ends up taking up space in cargo), but maybe the answer is a second, different banner.


People that have entered a CE code get a 'Hero Banner'. People that enter a DDE code get a 'Champion Banner'.

Might just be a color difference, but it would give the people that paid more for the DDE a little something extra, too, without detracting from what the CE owners get (to whatever degree these silly little things can detract from something else's 'value).


And, for the record, I am a CE owner.

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