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Stop Premades groups in WZs normal!


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If we got a ranked WZ for premades groups of 8 guys is needed also a half of premades in WZs normal of pvp lvl 50 or pvp lvl 10-49? Is not fun go to pug groups and in other side has a group of 4 premades! At most all times in tomb Freedon in Rep. side is only groups of 4 premades and we pug lost all games!


Premades: GO TO ranked WZs! BW stop groups of half premades!

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I would love this as i tired of bing put in to a premade when I solo query one of mains reason why I dont do rwz, but sadly I dont see this working unless WZ becomes Cross server, this way there more then enough of people to start solo wz queries and group. nothing is more frustrating then solo team up again premade group that one reason why some people just out right quit wz when they see the premade again team made of solo queries


In a perfect world Groups are against groups solo again solo

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I am tired of pvp lvl 50 in Pug groups...... I only see premades groups in other side of Rep at most and most of people in pug group never play and go to one point of defense and wait end of game...... is really not fun...... no game..... no play..... But i pay €€€€ all months for?


In other MMOs games only can play premades versus premades but in star wars is possible play with a half group of premades in normal solo WZs.....


is not good.... I see most of people are tired of this. Is more good if we pugs can only play with others pugs......

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It does suck to be in a pug vs a premade with voice chat, but limiting their play is a bad choice. I'm on merged server and there's lots of people but the ranked queue is slow, whereas the unranked pops regularly. I wonder though is if the ranked is slow because premades are also playing unranked and busy there while an opposing team is waiting.
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If we got a ranked WZ for premades groups of 8 guys is needed also a half of premades in WZs normal of pvp lvl 50 or pvp lvl 10-49? Is not fun go to pug groups and in other side has a group of 4 premades! At most all times in tomb Freedon in Rep. side is only groups of 4 premades and we pug lost all games!


Premades: GO TO ranked WZs! BW stop groups of half premades!


Can someone translate this?


Good God man...

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MMO- Mass Multiplayer Online


Make friends....or are you incapable of doing that in this type of game? If you are, and not trying to be hateful as some people are naturally shy, but pick up a console, don't plug in the headset, and enjoy!


Guess they could add a "solo" que only but dang, no matter what is there for the player base, there will always be a handful of people who just want it their way and are unwilling to adapt to the way it IS. Don't be afraid to go out of your shell in life to type to another stranger. With F2P on the horizon, you'll get plenty of PUGs to feel dominate over, since you know...skill > gear and since the F2P option will have fresh PUGs without the chance to get gear, people who can't make 2-3 friends in this game and refuse to try to do so, should be having a lot of fun in a few months:rolleyes:

Edited by Master_Nate
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Suck it up, learn how to play the game.


Premades do not equal victory.


The most savory wins come from beating premades.


Stop crying. This is the 11ty billionth post on this topic.


Yeah lets prevent people from playing together just to make some noobs feel better about themselves. :rolleyes:

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Suck it up, learn how to play the game.


Premades do not equal victory.


The most savory wins come from beating premades.


Stop crying. This is the 11ty billionth post on this topic.


Yeah lets prevent people from playing together just to make some noobs feel better about themselves. :rolleyes:

your post is a post of one kid.... More one! :p

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There was humor involved? :cool: but in all seriousness I think this is a bad/limiting idea too. Maybe F2P people should only be able to que solo, now THERE is an idea :)

Problem is one: Gear of F2P players..... They only can play a limited number of WZs in one week..... not good if you team has 7 f2p players with bad gear and only you is full BM/War hero....

Edited by laddpool
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If we got a ranked WZ for premades groups of 8 guys is needed also a half of premades in WZs normal of pvp lvl 50 or pvp lvl 10-49? Is not fun go to pug groups and in other side has a group of 4 premades! At most all times in tomb Freedon in Rep. side is only groups of 4 premades and we pug lost all games!


Premades: GO TO ranked WZs! BW stop groups of half premades!

Blah blah blah blah! Doesn't anyone take the time to proof read their posts anymore? That post reads like garbled crap.
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Problem is one: Gear of F2P players..... They only can play a limited number of WZs in one week..... not good if you team has 7 f2p players with bad gear and only you is full BM/War hero....


I don't follow but could be a language barrier so please bear with me. You are requesting that premades be taken out of WZ, to only allow non-premades to be able to que up. Is that what I am understanding? Where are your alternative solutions? You list none, only demands...


Okay...okay....well this is an MMO where people interact with each other virtually to achieve certain aspects of satisfaction and to have a good time doing activities, whether it be PvE or PvP, with other members of the community/server they have selected to be a part of. You are asking for this feature to be ripped from the game so that you do not have to face off against people who are friends with one another, you don't see the PROBLEM with that? What if all these "pre-mades" do is PvP? You can't just say, "Nope, you guys are too good to que together, que solo", that is not how it works.


Maybe they could implement a que solo only option, but then that is further segregating this game more into a single player game with no competition and no reason to pay a sub really. I do not think it's the worse option they could add but not the most important at this point in the games cycle...so F2P for you maybe?


Going off of my original statement, yes, their gear will not be as up to par as the others, but at least on the other side there would be other F2P pugs and you guys can stand there hitting each other till your fingers bleed. You would have the optimal gear at this point since you are a subscriber. This would give you the advantage that you are REQUESTING since again, you are in denial that this is an MMO :rolleyes:


In all actuality, I do hope they implement something along these lines, where F2P que solo. Not that I am against the F2P model, I have no opinion on something I have not experienced for myself, but I do not see it getting any more competitive when the flood gates are about to open with fresh green wearing opponents. Competition in this game is pretty lackluster at this point so I'd hate to see them disable it anymore. (Meaning that there aren't many rival guilds going at it anymore and rated somewhat tanked with the exploits, speaking from my own server experience of course)


Let me be clear, I am by no means a WZ god, i lose as much as I win and do not care because I play for the fun of the game with the mentality of wanting to win. Winning is not my end goal, however competition and having fun is. And yes, I can be competitive while losing to a tough premade team even if the PUG team I am on isn't worth a hoot. If you do your part, other players will recognize and will invite you to group up, that is how an MMO works. This is even why I miss my older server some, people stood out that actually could perform. Since the merge, lots of people can perform so sometimes finding that crowd is harder but it is possible as are all things.


Honestly, I can't imagine it being ANY fun steamrolling over the F2P crowd, since gear will be a HUGE deciding factor....even more than it can be now since they won't be able to acquire it as quick as the sub players. Competition will cease to exist for a few months I think, at least for me, when F2P hits.


Again this is all personal opinion and only illustrating my opposition to your initial request. As for the F2P peeps coming being of no competition, I could be wrong and sincerely hope that I am!

Edited by Master_Nate
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