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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why complain??


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Life is grand, folks.


Do you think the game isn't worth your money?

- Spend your money elsewhere.


Do you think the game could be better?

- Every game is this way. If you'd prefer to play something else, you won't be missed. Before you leave, can I have your stuff?


Do you find yourself bored ingame?

- Great! Time to do something creative and healthy. Go outside. When it rains, read a good book.


Do you find yourself enraged because you were so looking forward to the game, your life revolves around it?

- Get a life. Get a job. Have some kids, and grow them up right. Pour your anger into something positive, because this is a hobby to enjoy, not bring you down.


Are you're not happy with Bioware because they don't listen to your feedback?

- Stop playing NOW. Start a game company, build a game your way, get it released and then try to make everyone happy. You can't please everyone. If it upsets you that Bioware can't make you happy, get over it. That's life. If you let your hobby dictate your happiness, you're in for a long, hard life.


It blows my mind how much people complain. Folks, find something in life that makes you happy, grab onto it and don't let it go. If it's not this game, oh well. I'm sure Bioware and EA will recover. Just to reiterate though, if you DO leave, can I have your stuff first?

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A sensible adult weighs in! Agree with you, man, I do. Say the same things myself when some players go on and on. I love this game and its not cos its Star Wars or cos its better then this or that. Its cos its a lot of fun and easy to get into. Right from level one I felt like I was playing a character that was an up and comer in the world. Was awesome!
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Short answer...


If you pay for a game, with services supplied, you expect those services in full. No exceptions. So I'll complain all I like, because venting makes me feel better.


If it makes EA feel bad, good.


In real life you rarely get what you pay for for anything. It doesn't make EA feel bad at all. They laugh at you for continuing to pay for something you clearly despise.

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Are you're not happy with Bioware because they don't listen to your feedback?

- Stop playing NOW. Start a game company, build a game your way, get it released and then try to make everyone happy. You can't please everyone. If it upsets you that Bioware can't make you happy, get over it. That's life. If you let your hobby dictate your happiness, you're in for a long, hard life.


You know....I had this rather long semi-rant/semi-productive thing written on how I agree with this point here fully. Then I realized I'm on official message boards with a lot of disgruntled people that will want to poke holes in it just to argue and say, "NO! I'M RIGHT and YOU'RE a stupid n00b that doesn't know anything and BW/EA is the DEVIL!!11!11!!"


So I said F%*( it. I don't wanna put up with that. So, yes. I agree with this point.

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I always wonder if any posters making sensible 'stop complaining' posts are secretly BW employees? If I were one of them, I would do some harmless (and anonymous) venting to tell the whiny community to take a chill pill. Just sayin :p
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Life is grand, folks.


Do you think the game isn't worth your money?

- Spend your money elsewhere.


Do you think the game could be better?

- Every game is this way. If you'd prefer to play something else, you won't be missed. Before you leave, can I have your stuff?


Do you find yourself bored ingame?

- Great! Time to do something creative and healthy. Go outside. When it rains, read a good book.


Do you find yourself enraged because you were so looking forward to the game, your life revolves around it?

- Get a life. Get a job. Have some kids, and grow them up right. Pour your anger into something positive, because this is a hobby to enjoy, not bring you down.


Are you're not happy with Bioware because they don't listen to your feedback?

- Stop playing NOW. Start a game company, build a game your way, get it released and then try to make everyone happy. You can't please everyone. If it upsets you that Bioware can't make you happy, get over it. That's life. If you let your hobby dictate your happiness, you're in for a long, hard life.


It blows my mind how much people complain. Folks, find something in life that makes you happy, grab onto it and don't let it go. If it's not this game, oh well. I'm sure Bioware and EA will recover. Just to reiterate though, if you DO leave, can I have your stuff first?


The words of a true fankiddie :)

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Not a fanboy.


Not a BW/EA employee.


Not complaining.


I deal with some pretty ugly things at work every day, and coming to a game to escape a little is the order of the day. It just seems like so many people invest so much in a hobby that they forget what is really important in life.


Enjoy. Be healthy. Be happy.

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i get to save money via F2P. i am a little disapointed because i feel like i wasted 6 months of subscription....oh well. maybe theyll give all us current subscribers the expansion for free.


and i dont know how i feel on the idea of paying for "Cartel coins".

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OP I agree 100%, I've been saying this since the knives came out on the forums......if you don't like the game unsub and don't linger around on the TOR forums spreading negativity. Move onto something else that you may enjoy, or go back to what you were doing before TOR, and be happy.

And as you also state the bad things in this game (because lets face it there are faults) are very very insignificant in the grand scheme of things yet people rant on and on about the faults of a computer game as if it is the end of the world.

Personally I can't wait for GW2 to be released so "the next big thing crowd" that are still here will move on and start ripping that to bits and the people who enjoy TOR can be left to enjoy it without the crying and whining.

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OP I agree 100%, I've been saying this since the knives came out on the forums......if you don't like the game unsub and don't linger around on the TOR forums spreading negativity. Move onto something else that you may enjoy, or go back to what you were doing before TOR, and be happy.

And as you also state the bad things in this game (because lets face it there are faults) are very very insignificant in the grand scheme of things yet people rant on and on about the faults of a computer game as if it is the end of the world.

Personally I can't wait for GW2 to be released so "the next big thing crowd" that are still here will move on and start ripping that to bits and the people who enjoy TOR can be left to enjoy it without the crying and whining.


This is how I've felt for while now. It's an odd feeling, wanting a game I have no intention of playing and no interest in to drop, just so it will remove annoying whiners from a game I do play.

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Life is grand, folks.



If it upsets you that Bioware can't make you happy, get over it. That's life. If you let your hobby dictate your happiness, you're in for a long, hard life.




If it guarantees a long hard life I am taking up a Hobby immediately!

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i get to save money via F2P. i am a little disapointed because i feel like i wasted 6 months of subscription....oh well. maybe theyll give all us current subscribers the expansion for free.


and i dont know how i feel on the idea of paying for "Cartel coins".



It´s free to play only up to lvl 15. How are your money lost?

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Short answer...


If you pay for a game, with services supplied, you expect those services in full. No exceptions. So I'll complain all I like, because venting makes me feel better.


If it makes EA feel bad, good.


Actually it doesn't. Venting, as a form of coping mechanism, increases stress rather then decrease . While acceptance, humor and positive reframing helps to decrease the stress and cope with perfection tendencies (i.e. expecting services in full).

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People will complain about anything, its the human nature. I understand why God destroyed complainers after he rescued them from Egypt, makes perfect sense after playing an MMO.


This is the only game on the market that has a Kotor feel in an MMO. No game is perfect, enjoy it or keep complaining, I dare you ;)

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It's just funny to me that some people get so emotionally invested. I work a lot and have a young family and like to play to free my mind and have a little respite from the the daily grind (see what I did there?). There are so many more important things in life to get up in arms about!
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I'd never thought I'd quit SWTOR so soon, but now the game is going F2P, I'm done. STO went downhill fast when it became F2P, and I doubt either game will continue to exist for very long. I guess it's time to consider checking out The Secret World ;)
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I'd never thought I'd quit SWTOR so soon, but now the game is going F2P, I'm done. STO went downhill fast when it became F2P, and I doubt either game will continue to exist for very long. I guess it's time to consider checking out The Secret World ;)


Why not just stick with it and see how it goes, at the minute nobody really KNOWS how it is going to affect our gaming. I for one will be just going on as normal until I stop enjoying the game....for whatever reason.

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It's just funny to me that some people get so emotionally invested. I work a lot and have a young family and like to play to free my mind and have a little respite from the the daily grind (see what I did there?). There are so many more important things in life to get up in arms about!


I don't want to generalise and prejudge too much but I will ;)...I believe most of the people who do most of the griping are the people who regard the game as their life and don't have enough of a real life to be able to put things into perspective. I just hope there is enough people like us, who have a real life, with real achivements and real problems to make a decent community for this game.

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