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I would play a Sith as using any emotion as a means to an end, be it anger and hatred or love and kindness. Even in TOR itself you have an example of love through Darth Malgus's wife.


Yes it does... and thats the beauty...

It is not the love that makes him stronger...

It is the grief of the loss, the (sorry for the spoiler), the anger for her death... that is what makes him strong...

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Republic= liberalism and egalitarianism

Empire = order and hierachicalism

Jedi = philosophy of peace and being at one with the force and attempting to interpret the will of the force

Sith = gaining power through bending the force to your will

Light = benevolence & detachment

dark = selfishness & passion


there are varying degrees that these ideals can be mixed together and that is why it is so contentious.


good and evil are relative...


The force doesn't care about any of these trivial things.


This is my personal opinion. I have very little EU knowledge, but I enjoy the fact that these things can be debated both in universe and by those of us who have taken enjoyment from investing in a galaxy far, far away.


Yep... almost all true

the thing is, the lightside does not preach benevolence... it preaches calmness... The jedis preach benevolence....


Been a Sith or been a jedi is been a part of an order (as you said)...

The thing is... you will NOT be accepted in the jedi order if you trail the dark side path

And you will be killed by the sith order if you are a sith and you trail the light side path...


That is why you cannot be a sith and use the light side, and the same goes for the jedi and dark side...


Been dark side is a pre-requisit to be accepted in the Sith order...

IF YOU DO NOT EMBRACE THE DARK SIDE during your trainning you WILL BE KILLED.... it is as simple as that...


Been light side is a pre-requisit to be accepted in the Jedi order...

IF YOU DO NOT EMBRACE THE LIGHT SIDE during your trainning you WILL NOT BE GRANTED the title of JEDI KNIGHT, and will be EXPELLED from the Jedi Order

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The Sith Order was a sect of Force-sensitives who utilized the dark side of the Force. The term "Sith" originally referred to a species of alien native to the planets Korriban and Ziost, who were later enslaved and ruled by exiled Dark Jedi from the Galactic Republic. These Dark Jedi had once been members of the Jedi Order, a monastic Force religion dedicated to peace through the use of the light side of the Force. The Dark Jedi, who refused to rely exclusively on the light side, challenged the Jedi by giving into the dark and starting the Hundred-Year Darkness. However, they had been defeated and subsequently exiled from known space, which led to their discovery of the Sith species. Following centuries of interbreeding and mixing of cultures between the aliens and the exiles, the Sith would no longer be identified by their race, but by their dedication to the ancient Sith philosophy. This religious order would survive in many different incarnations throughout galactic history. The rise of a new leader, or Dark Lord, would often cause drastic reorganizations in the cult, however the Sith would always be characterized by their lust for power and their desire to destroy the Jedi Order.

The Sith were the most infamous of all dark side religions, and the members of the cult were often seen as the pinnacle of power within the dark side. Throughout their long history, the Sith commanded several Empires and initiated many galactic wars. With such great influence, the Sith religion inspired many cults that weren't technically part of the Sith Order, nor did they consist of actual Sith. Instead, they were founded and made up of Sith devotees and other Force-sensitives dedicated to prolonging the teachings and the memory of the Sith. Such cults included the Naddists, the Disciples of Ragnos, and the Krath.


"If you seek to aid everyone that suffers in the galaxy, you will only weaken yourself … and weaken them. It is the internal struggles, when fought and won on their own, that yield the strongest rewards… If you care for others, then dispense with pity and sacrifice and recognize the value in letting them fight their own battles."

―Darth Traya


The Sith believed that conflict was the only true test of one's ability, and so emphasized its importance. It was their belief that conflict challenged both individuals and civilizations, and so forced them to grow and evolve. They believed that the avoidance of conflict–like the pacifist teachings of the Jedi–resulted in stagnation and decline.


Another purpose served by conflict was the elevation of the strong and the death of the weak. By encouraging strife, the strong were able to exercise their power while the weak were weeded from the ranks of the Sith. A core tenet to Sith philosophy was self-reliance and the idea that an individual only deserved what they were strong enough to take. Likewise, morality was treated as an obstacle to be overcome, as it got in the way of a Sith's ability to recognize and seize opportunities for advancement and self-empowerment.


Such philosophies were embraced and taught at Sith academies, where students were encouraged to challenge one another and fight for prestige that would be recognized by the headmaster of the academy. At the academy on Korriban during the Jedi Civil War, students were tasked with gaining prestige so they might become one of the "chosen few" accepted into the ranks of Darth Malak's Sith Empire. The strife to achieve prestige caused rivalries and animosity between the students, as there were few tasks that offered prestige, and many prospective Sith. Similarly, the students of the academy during the New Sith Wars were pitted against each other in dueling sessions atop the academy. It was during these dueling sessions that intense rivalries were formed - rivalries that resulted in the deaths of students Fohargh and Sirak at the hands of Darth Bane.


Empowered by PassionEdit

"What fuels your power with the Force but your passion? The stronger, darker emotions. Anger, hatred, fear… these passions empower us."

―Yuthura Ban


The cornerstone of a Sith's power was emotion. While the Jedi taught that fear, anger, and pain were negative emotions to be overcome, the Sith believed that these strong emotions were natural, and aided individuals in their survival. By harnessing their emotions rather than suppressing them, the Sith believed they could achieve true power. This belief was in stark contrast to that of the Jedi's, who strived to place themselves beyond such base emotions. Indeed, the Sith saw passion as the only real way to fully understand the Force. However, the Sith believed strongly that the worthy could control their emotions and use them, while the weak were ruled by them. In accordance, Dark Lady Lumiya refused to accept Jacen Solo as a Sith Lord until he was able to control his anger instead of becoming a slave to it, and Freedon Nadd renounced his faith in Exar Kun shortly before his destruction, when he discovered the limitless ambition Kun served.


However, not all emotions were embraced by the Sith. They, like the Jedi, considered 'love' a dangerous emotion, but for different reasons. The Jedi discouraged love because it led to attachment, but the Sith taught that love led to mercy, which was anathema to them. While Darth Sidious preyed on Anakin Skywalker's love for his wife in order to corrupt him, he had no intention of allowing the relationship to survive Skywalker's fall to the dark side. Darth Bane had fallen in love with fellow Sith pupil Githany, however he did not allow himself to retain any connections to her, and did not regret her death on Ruusan. However, this didn't stop some Sith from taking lovers and allowing themselves to feel this emotion. Darth Malgus, for example, had a lover, Eleena Daru.


Powers of the SithEdit

Main articles: Sith alchemy and Sith magic

"A rare few have a natural affinity for the dark side itself. They can delve into the depths of the Force and summon arcane energies to twist and warp the world around them. They can invoke ancient rituals of the Sith; they can invoke power and unleash terrible spells and dark magics."

―Darth Bane, on Sith sorcery

As the Sith were a cult not only devoted to the dark side, but the accumulation of power by way of the dark side, many dark side powers were known exclusively to them. Their ancient and infamous practices of Sith alchemy allowed for the creation of monsters and other terrors, while Sith magic focused more on mental manipulations and physical manifestations of the dark side.

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I hope this help you understand that been a Sith is been a part of a religious order...

You have beliefs, rituals, cults... They are all connected to the dark side... you cant strip one from the other...

If you deny that, you are denying what makes you a sith in the first place, therefor no longer been a Sith...


And what is the base of everything... The Sith Order was created when members of the Jedi Order were expelled becouse they though the dark side was the "right path"...

The sith order was created and ruled by dark side worshipers and users...

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Noop, you are wrong my friend...


You can't channel the dark side powers while you are in peace, calm

You can't channel the light side powers while you are on the edge


The calmer, the more peaceful you are, the stronger you are in the light side

The More on the edge you are, stronger you are in the dark side...


That's why you can't be both... if you live in the middle group.... you are not strong... you will never be...


I personally can be peacefull, calm, empassioned, and enraged at the same time. And I am at my best when I’m in that state.


Schizophrenics or people with Multiple Personalities can switch between the two possibly without realizing it. So why couldn’t there be a Dr Jedi and Mister Sith? Both the jedi and Sith weed these people out early on and deny training cause they are afraid they’ll loose power to one that can be the middle. What you say is just the propaganda of those in power.


Revanites have it right.

Edited by Bromoc
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I personally can be peacefull, calm, empassioned, and enraged at the same time. And I am at my best when I’m in that state.


Schizophrenics or people with Multiple Personalities can switch between the two possibly without realizing it. So why couldn’t there be a Dr Jedi and Mister Sith? Both the jedi and Sith weed these people out early on and deny training cause they are afraid they’ll loose power to one that can be the middle. What you say is just the propaganda of those in power.


Revanites have it right.


First of all

Multiple personalies theory has never been proven, and is largely disbelifed now days...

You can use both, you will just not be really strong on any of em.... you can't be really calm and really angry at the same time....

And what is the most important thing, I am not sure if you read my post, but the dark side is addicitve, is like a norcotic, a drug... you can't get rid of it....


And lets assume you are right... ok ? You could use both...

You would not be a Sith Nor a Jedi, becouse, you would not be accepted on any of the orders... just proven my point with your own words....

" Both the jedi and Sith weed these people out early on and deny training"

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Revanites have it right.


Should I remember you tha the Revanites are not accepted by the Dark Council ?

And therefor they are NOT Sith ?


They are hunted by the Sith Order it self... that is way they are called THE REVANITE ORDER


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Excellent way of explaining that. Most Sith would be considered Lawful Evil in which that they are morally evil, but have rules and regulations. Even though it may not seem like it sometimes.


But again... Chaotic Evils can't be part of an order, becouse they can't follow the Order rules.

Do you agree?


And again, have you ever seen some one in a calm state summoning a lightning ?

No, you have not... becouse you can't tap the dark side while in calmness, that is what the light side requires from you...

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I hope this help you understand that been a Sith is been a part of a religious order...

You have beliefs, rituals, cults... They are all connected to the dark side... you cant strip one from the other...

If you deny that, you are denying what makes you a sith in the first place, therefor no longer been a Sith...


And what is the base of everything... The Sith Order was created when members of the Jedi Order were expelled becouse they though the dark side was the "right path"...

The sith order was created and ruled by dark side worshipers and users...


Very informative post, but now connect it back to the light side sith warrior storyline. The most defining characteristic of the ls sith warrior is that he is merciful. It's okay to accept that mercy is at odds with sith religion and with the dark council - the sith warrior acknowledges this by masking his mercy with ulterior reasons, such as honor and alliance. But you can still practice dark side force wielding while displaying mercy, can't you? Lack of mercy was supposed to be a guiding principle for the sith order more for philosophical reasons than because it impeded dark side usage. Else, how do you explain the existence of my ls sith warrior, who is savantlike in the powers of the dark side?

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Very informative post, but now connect it back to the light side sith warrior storyline. The most defining characteristic of the ls sith warrior is that he is merciful. It's okay to accept that mercy is at odds with sith religion and with the dark council - the sith warrior acknowledges this by masking his mercy with ulterior reasons, such as honor and alliance. But you can still practice dark side force wielding while displaying mercy, can't you? Lack of mercy was supposed to be a guiding principle for the sith order more for philosophical reasons than because it impeded dark side usage. Else, how do you explain the existence of my ls sith warrior, who is savantlike in the powers of the dark side?


The same way I started my first post... Bioware got it wrong... I am sorry...


Mercy goes against the sith beliefs... if you are weak you will die....

Many siths are honored, but mercy and honor are 2 diferent things.


Mercy is not against the dark side... mercy is not an emotion... mercy is against the sith orders beliefs.... A "Merciful" Sith is POSSIBLE to exist, (i am not saying it make sense, I am saying it is not against the dark / light side rules). He prolly wuold have failed his Sith Test...

You do realize that the final test to become a sith is to kill your own friend right ?

A merciful person would NEVER past this test...

But again, mercy is not against the dark side... nor is a light side thing...


What I am saying is this... been merciful is not the same as been light side alliegned

BUT a Sith would never be powerful enough been merciful... why ?

Becouse you need need to slay ppl to rise in the sith ranks... and that's my friend... is not mercy

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Ok, bottom line...


Show me 1 single Sith Lord, Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth, or WHAT EVER, that was Light Side...


You will say Revan ? Revan was 100% Dark side when he was The Dark Lord of the Sith...

The Revanites ? They are a buch of lunatics, weaklings, misguided fools.... Here is the Holocron of Darth Revan himself...


"I am Darth Revan, Dark Lord of the Sith. Those who use the dark side are also bound to serve it. To understand this is to understand the underlying philosophy of the Sith. The dark side offers power for power's sake. You must crave it. Covet it. You must seek power above all else, with no reservation or hesitation. The Force will change you. It will transform you. Some fear this change. The teachings of the Jedi are focused on fighting and controlling this transformation. That is why those who serve the light are limited in what they accomplish."

―Darth Revan's avatar


"True power can come only to those who embrace the transformation. There can be no compromise. Mercy, compassion, loyalty: all these things will prevent you from claiming what is rightfully yours. Those who follow the dark side must cast aside these conceits. Those who do not—those who try to walk the path of moderation—will fail, dragged down by their own weakness. Those who accept the power of the dark side must also accept the challenge of holding on to it. By its very nature the dark side invites rivalry and strife. This is the greatest strength of the Sith: it culls the weak from our order. Yet this rivalry can also be our greatest weakness. The strong must be careful lest they be overwhelmed by the ambitions of those working beneath them in concert. Any master who instructs more than one apprentice in the ways of the dark side is a fool. In time, the apprentices will unite their strengths and overthrow the master. It is inevitable; axiomatic. That is why each Master must have only one student."

―Darth Revan's avatar


Darth Revan's Holocron contained the Sith Lord's teachings and beliefs on both Sith philosophy and the dark side of the Force. The Holocron also explained the purpose and nature of ancient Sith rituals, some of which were considered dangerous for even a Sith Master to attempt. One of the rituals taught by Darth Revan's Holocron was the thought bomb; the ancient Sith used the Force to create a power sphere, and when the thought bomb was detonated, the bodies of Force-sensitive individuals were destroyed, with their spirits trapped inside a vacuum created at the detonation's focal point. The Holocron also instructed a student how to counter and nullify poisons with the Force.

Darth Revan's instructions in the Holocron taught that an individual who used the dark side was also obligated to serve it, and that understanding this principle meant that the person comprehended the inherent philosophy of the Sith. The Holocron stated that the dark side offered a person power for its own sake and encouraged the learner to covet power and seek the dark side's strength with no reservations. It further taught that the Force would transform the user and recommended that the user embrace the change that came with accepting the dark side's power, arguing that the Jedi were limited in their accomplishments due to the fact that they focused on controlling the Force's transformation of the individual. Darth Revan's teachings maintained that true power came only to people who fully accepted the Force's transformation of them, claiming that traits such as loyalty, mercy, and compassion prevented an individual from claiming what was theirs.


The Holocron taught that an individual who accepted the dark side's power also had to accept the challenge in retaining their hold on that power. It stated that the dark side's nature of rivalry and strife was not only the Sith's strength, but that these traits were also the Order's weakness. Darth Revan's avatar opined that a Sith Master who trained more than one apprentice in the dark side was a fool, stating that multiple students would combine their efforts and overthrow the Master. As such, the teachings advised a Master to instruct only one apprentice at a time, lest the Master become overwhelmed by the weaker students who allied to defeat the Master. Darth Revan taught that the Sith should only have one Dark Lord of the Sith, who embodied the dark side's strength and power, and that when the Dark Lord grew weak a challenger needed to seize the mantle from the reigning Dark Lord. The Holocron theorized that the weak were meant to serve under the rule of stronger individuals. After the Holocron's user went through all of its teachings, Darth Revan informed the learner that the lessons were finished and instructed the individual to take the instructions he had imparted to the student and use them well

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Very informative post, but now connect it back to the light side sith warrior storyline. The most defining characteristic of the ls sith warrior is that he is merciful. It's okay to accept that mercy is at odds with sith religion and with the dark council - the sith warrior acknowledges this by masking his mercy with ulterior reasons, such as honor and alliance. But you can still practice dark side force wielding while displaying mercy, can't you? Lack of mercy was supposed to be a guiding principle for the sith order more for philosophical reasons than because it impeded dark side usage. Else, how do you explain the existence of my ls sith warrior, who is savantlike in the powers of the dark side?


Revan himself said you are wrong my friend...

I am sorry....

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First of all

Multiple personalies theory has never been proven, and is largely disbelifed now days...

You can use both, you will just not be really strong on any of em.... you can't be really calm and really angry at the same time....

And what is the most important thing, I am not sure if you read my post, but the dark side is addicitve, is like a norcotic, a drug... you can't get rid of it....


And lets assume you are right... ok ? You could use both...

You would not be a Sith Nor a Jedi, becouse, you would not be accepted on any of the orders... just proven my point with your own words....

" Both the jedi and Sith weed these people out early on and deny training"


You can be really calm and really angry at the same time. the human brain can hold two diametricly opposed concepts in their brain at the same time. The biochemcal side effects of being in this state is absolutely amazing.


Okay so your saying orders will kick people out. Sure when ther order is small they could police them selves better, but once a group gets larger then 130 people, they can no longer use shame and guilt to police themselves. But when your fighting for your vary survival you can miss things either intentionally or not.


Over time the rules of the orders can change. Luke lifted the no romances rule.


Any addiction can be kicked, Anakin came back, Luke came back. The Whole Starwars Universe is nothing but redemption story after redemption story.


Relgions and Orders can change there beliefs. Happens all the time.


How do we know that the Jedi Code is compleate and unaltered since it was first written down? History is written by the victors.


And Besides no light sith and no dark jedi would make for a very boring bioware game.

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Ok, bottom line...


Show me 1 single Sith Lord, Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth, or WHAT EVER, that was Light Side...


You will say Revan ? Revan was 100% Dark side when he was The Dark Lord of the Sith...

The Revanites ? They are a buch of lunatics, weaklings, misguided fools.... Here is the Holocron of Darth Revan himself...



That’s his beliefs at the time he made the holocrons. But maybe not the beliefs at the time of his Death, if he is even dead at this time. And also the oppinions of one man that people followed. There are alot of Sith Lords unknown to us in those 3000 years. Gives Lucas Arts alot of room to inovate philosphies. :)

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You can be really calm and really angry at the same time. the human brain can hold two diametricly opposed concepts in their brain at the same time. The biochemcal side effects of being in this state is absolutely amazing.


Okay so your saying orders will kick people out. Sure when ther order is small they could police them selves better, but once a group gets larger then 130 people, they can no longer use shame and guilt to police themselves. But when your fighting for your vary survival you can miss things either intentionally or not.


Over time the rules of the orders can change. Luke lifted the no romances rule.


Any addiction can be kicked, Anakin came back, Luke came back. The Whole Starwars Universe is nothing but redemption story after redemption story.


Relgions and Orders can change there beliefs. Happens all the time.


How do we know that the Jedi Code is compleate and unaltered since it was first written down? History is written by the victors.


And Besides no light sith and no dark jedi would make for a very boring bioware game.


Ahhhh no... you can't be really angry and really calm at the same time... dood, how old are you ? Do you have any idea of what you are talking about ? Seriously, I am not trying to be an *** right now... I am sorry if it sounded like that...

I am just trying to understand where you are getting those things from...


"And Besides no light sith and no dark jedi would make for a very boring bioware game."

You got that right...


"How do we know that the Jedi Code is compleate and unaltered since it was first written down? History is written by the victors."

Becuuse we have records dating 25.000 BTY that shows the same code


"Okay so your saying orders will kick people out. Sure when ther order is small they could police them selves better, but once a group gets larger then 130 people, they can no longer use shame and guilt to police themselves. But when your fighting for your vary survival you can miss things either intentionally or not."

Dood... do you have ANY idea of what you just said ?

So what you are saying is that in the military force you have no way to punish the corrupt ones ? nice...

You do realize that the Sith Order is damn militar alike rigth ?

The stronger rules, what is even worse...


Yes Luke did take that out...When he did it ?

When he was the JEDI MASTER.... have you seen any alterations yet by the Emperor himself ?


Last point...

Show me 1 Light Side Sith Lord, Darth, Dark Lord, so on....

Just 1

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That’s his beliefs at the time he made the holocrons. But maybe not the beliefs at the time of his Death, if he is even dead at this time. And also the oppinions of one man that people followed. There are alot of Sith Lords unknown to us in those 3000 years. Gives Lucas Arts alot of room to inovate philosphies. :)


Yep, it does give them alot to work on...

But come on, give me some love here... we have over 100 listed sith lords...

not 1 of them has ever been light side follower...

That sugestion is just a paradox.

It is the opnion of 1 man. And that I do accept that exist. But the thing is, he is weak...

Since he is no Darth or anything like that... So, isn't it possible that that is the reason why he is weak ?

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Yep, it does give them alot to work on...

But come on, give me some love here... we have over 100 listed sith lords...

not 1 of them has ever been light side follower...

That sugestion is just a paradox.

It is the opnion of 1 man. And that I do accept that exist. But the thing is, he is weak...

Since he is no Darth or anything like that... So, isn't it possible that that is the reason why he is weak ?


So your now calling Darth Revan weak? that one man i was talking about was Darth Revan. :) Sorry for the confusion. Was saying his holocrons was his opinion of things at the time he made it.And Since he was made a Legend, people follow it. there is no denying it works. But there is never one way to do things.


I don't think we have one Sith Lord that is light, cause i think they were too indoctrinated so that no one tried.

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So your now calling Darth Revan weak? that one man i was talking about was Darth Revan. :) Sorry for the confusion. Was saying his holocrons was his opinion of things at the time he made it.And Since he was made a Legend, people follow it. there is no denying it works. But there is never one way to do things.


I don't think we have one Sith Lord that is light, cause i think they were too indoctrinated so that no one tried.


Ya, but thats the thing man. The only one who says he was both sides are the Revanites.

It is not proved that Revan was both.

What is said is... Revan was Light, went Dark, lost memory, went Light again, went away...

After he became Lightside again, he never used the dark side again...

At least there is no record about that...


Luke went dark to learn a way to destroy Palpatine...

He was seduced by the dark side, and almost lost forever, if it wasn't for him son...

After he came back to the Light Side, he never again used the dark side... ;/

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Ahhhh no... you can't be really angry and really calm at the same time... dood, how old are you ? Do you have any idea of what you are talking about ? Seriously, I am not trying to be an *** right now... I am sorry if it sounded like that...

I am just trying to understand where you are getting those things from...


I was gonna ignore this cause would have driven off topic, but it actually show my reasoning to why i take this stance. (Of course i realize that we are talking about a fantasy world and this is all made up But my life experiences influence even my fantasy life)


I am 37, when i was a teenager i has a really bad anger issues. Someone got me into meditation. It worked, one time it didn't i just kept angrier and angrier. I was stubborn really stubborn so i kept meditating Then I relaized I was calm. But the anger was still boiling but wasn't driving my reactions. I was able to look at the angy me dispassitionaly while still feeling it. So after i started exploring other emotions that way. Eventionly conflicting emotions at the same time. past that i then started conflicting ideas. Letting each side be so stubborn to let it go its position.


I't still isn't perfect for me getting into this state even after 20+ years but I still can if i catch myself early enough as i'm getting angry.


Its because of this I am able to see things from every side and don't believe in absolutes. Everything is a shades of grey. And because of this I can forsee a Light Side Sith Lord, i just don't think anyone has ever tried. (Or the writers are all seeing things in absolutes)

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Ya, but thats the thing man. The only one who says he was both sides are the Revanites.

It is not proved that Revan was both.

What is said is... Revan was Light, went Dark, lost memory, went Light again, went away...

After he became Lightside again, he never used the dark side again...

At least there is no record about that...


Luke went dark to learn a way to destroy Palpatine...

He was seduced by the dark side, and almost lost forever, if it wasn't for him son...

After he came back to the Light Side, he never again used the dark side... ;/


Then i hope he is never in a situation that the only way to save someone's life is to use force lightning on an inanimate object ;)

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nah, it is not like that...

It is as I said... every light side can tap the dark side... but not without consequences...

Even the most calm person can loose himself and give to the dark side in a moment of desperation...

The dark side will be as strong as your feeling is...

But you will slowly be drawn to it... until there is nothing less...

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nah, it is not like that...

It is as I said... every light side can tap the dark side... but not without consequences...

Even the most calm person can loose himself and give to the dark side in a moment of desperation...

The dark side will be as strong as your feeling is...

But you will slowly be drawn to it... until there is nothing less...


Then we go back to what you say can't be done, and what i have done for 20 years in real life.


Being able to be angry as as a devil and calm enough to direct that anger to do good. being able to partion opposing emotions and thoughts at the same time.


This is ultimatly bringing balance to the Force within you. I think just from the indoctrination its easier for someone who started as a Sith to do then it would be someone who started as a Jedi. Easier to Calm Anger than to Anger Calm.

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Should I remember you tha the Revanites are not accepted by the Dark Council ?

And therefor they are NOT Sith ?


They are hunted by the Sith Order it self... that is way they are called THE REVANITE ORDER



Actually, despite being outlawed at least some of the Revanites still consider themselves Sith. A Chagrian Reavanite along the Pilgrim's Path says that he considers himself both Revanite and Sith.

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A) Multiple personality disorder is very well documented and NOT a myth. Period.


B) It is possible to be almost BLINDINGLY angry and still be calm and direct that anger. I do that all the time especially in boxing.


C) It is possible to be a light side Sith, you're just exposing weakness that will be used against you. The only thing stopping you from doing it is death. If you're strong enough to survive doing it, so be it.


D) Lots of characters in EU games and whatnot have used lightning while being jedi etc.


E) Just because you've read a lot doesn't make you right. It doesn't matter what your opinion is because in the game and world we've been given, you /CAN/ be Light Side Sith so there.



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