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Empire and Light Side


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The Sith are not inherently evil yet their philosophy can corrupt easily. The Sith are different from the Jedi in that they seek to gain Dark Side power by taking advantage of all emotions especially ones that could be considered negative. IE: they use their rage to give them strength and fighting ability, they use their passion to empower their drive to succeed, and use fear to increase their desire to destroy the enemy. Doing this allows the Sith to have access to more powerful abilities than the Jedi have. However using emotions like these cloud judgement just like how in real life we would say or do things we normally wouldn't when were angry, thus usually leading to corruption and evil. However it doesn't have to be that way. A Light Side Sith would be a strong willed force user who used their emotions to to give them great power yet at the same time exercised restraint and calm along with negative emotions, and used their power to help people. Edited by usmarshal
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As a Light Sith Warrior I'll explain the way I see it.


Sith use the powers of passion and emotion to drive their force powers, the majority of Sith tend to channel anger, rage, fear, and such as their driving forces, as they tend to be very powerful and very strong emotions. However any emotion can be driven in such a way, there's a quest where you talk to a Sith Lord who thinks that Courage is a stronger emotion than Fear for example.


Its my belief that as a Light Sith, I tend to choose to use the emotions of courage, love, and passion to power myself, and as such I still choose morally "good" ground. I'm willing to embrace the full extent of the force in a way a Jedi won't (out of fear of corruption by their own emotions), but not through the more primal emotions.


TLDR: Chaotic Good.

Edited by Shadowclaimer
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Amazing, I will start a new character today so :p


That's just my take on it though, its how I see it =P I always pick the nice options and I'm always merciful and helpful (even though my superiors give me hell for it) its kinda cool how I can justify myself though and possibly change their minds.

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That's just my take on it though, its how I see it =P I always pick the nice options and I'm always merciful and helpful (even though my superiors give me hell for it) its kinda cool how I can justify myself though and possibly change their minds.


I find your ability of flooding these forums with interesting and reasonble posts...disturbing. :csw_vader:


Seems I'm not the only one bored at work and spending all day on SWTOR.com :D

Edited by Gradivus
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I find your ability of flooding these forums with interesting and reasonble posts...disturbing. :csw_vader:


Seems I'm not the only one bored at work and spending all day on SWTOR.com :D


Shh, don't let my boss know (I'm actually typing a nice layout for explaining dark/light side Sith/Jedi for the forums so people can have a nice "stepping" point for their characters if they RP).


But thank you =D its always nice to find reasonable and constructive community members. lol

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Light sided Empire choices actually seem to be among the most compelling in the game - something I didn't expect. I also like how you think you're helping someone by choosing light side, but actually you totally srew up, because you didn't preoperly assess the consequences (the booby-trapped holocom quest on Balmorra, or the prisone SW class quest). I just love how complex and real these quests are written.


PS - OK, back to helping the stressed out client who's complaining he's loosing 8 minutes of productie time each day :w_confused: .

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Help me to undersant please, because I can't: light side vendor on empire is like a jedi sancutm, and in the same way I can't FULLY understand a light side sith.

What do you say about it?


The game actually does a really decent job explaining exactly this. Pay close attention to the revanite story line in particular. There are also a couple other quests (i'm only lvl 17 btw.) that have you dwelve into the topic.


I haven't played republic much, but pretty sure they have quests that explain a "dark jedi" as well (at least the Jedi counsilor quests did).

Edited by spcarr
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The game actually does a really decent job explaining exactly this. Pay close attention to the revanite story line in particular. There are also a couple other quests (i'm only lvl 17 btw.) that have you dwelve into the topic.


I haven't played republic much, but pretty sure they have quests that explain a "dark jedi" as well (at least the Jedi counsilor quests did).


I have nothing against light-sided Imperials, but the Revanites were just jerks. :D Thinking their small social club is some great mysterious cult. And most of them were on an obvious power trip. :D

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I have nothing against light-sided Imperials, but the Revanites were just jerks. :D Thinking their small social club is some great mysterious cult. And most of them were on an obvious power trip. :D


haha, priceless. Without giving out spoilers, I can imagine what you did and it makes me smile at the depth of the story. My character thought otherwise though. ;)

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The game actually does a really decent job explaining exactly this. Pay close attention to the revanite story line in particular. There are also a couple other quests (i'm only lvl 17 btw.) that have you dwelve into the topic.


I haven't played republic much, but pretty sure they have quests that explain a "dark jedi" as well (at least the Jedi counsilor quests did).


My friends wanted to play Imperial at launch so I played Republic exclusively during beta. I got a Jedi Knight and Jedi Consular into their 20s and I don't remember the quests or quest givers ever really broaching what the dark side was (the one exception was a quest very early on where one has to out the lovers).


I'm currently playing a Bounty Hunter and I'm really impressed with the Imperial storylines, including the Revanites.

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As a Light Sith Warrior I'll explain the way I see it.


Sith use the powers of passion and emotion to drive their force powers, the majority of Sith tend to channel anger, rage, fear, and such as their driving forces, as they tend to be very powerful and very strong emotions. However any emotion can be driven in such a way, there's a quest where you talk to a Sith Lord who thinks that Courage is a stronger emotion than Fear for example.


Its my belief that as a Light Sith, I tend to choose to use the emotions of courage, love, and passion to power myself, and as such I still choose morally "good" ground. I'm willing to embrace the full extent of the force in a way a Jedi won't (out of fear of corruption by their own emotions), but not through the more primal emotions.


TLDR: Chaotic Good.


Good description and very close to how I see Light Side Sith practitioners.

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your descriptions of light-side sith are great, they helped me a lot comprehending how I could play a light side sith character myself.


one thing i don't understand though is the greater goal of the Empire...why would a light-sided sith agree with the aim to enslave the galaxy? (if that's the greater goal of the empire..)

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Nice conversation here. Actually I think the Empire's main goal isn't to enslave galaxy, just to spread an order of perfection, making it organized and submissive, no mistakes allowed.


As a rather light Sith marauder I can perfectly deal with it, I agree with Empire ideals but not that much on its way of doing things, it's not I don't respect them. I'm fighting for my empire but don't feel the need of being atrociously evil if not needed.


On the light destroying darkness matter, I agree with the Revanite, both sides can coexist and learning the best of both will make you more powerful.


Also I'm wearing a red lightsaber and a blue one that can also be considered a trophy (evil).

Edited by julioos
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your descriptions of light-side sith are great, they helped me a lot comprehending how I could play a light side sith character myself.


one thing i don't understand though is the greater goal of the Empire...why would a light-sided sith agree with the aim to enslave the galaxy? (if that's the greater goal of the empire..)


A Light Sith probably doesn't want to enslave all of existence. However that's not the only motivation. During the Great Hyperspace War, the Jedi engaged on a scorched earth campaign against the losing Sith culture. Though the Republic had been wronged by the Empire in the war, the Republic echoed the Empire and wronged the losers (who started the war based on mis-information from their leader).


The Sith were slaughtered to the last person. Only a small number escaped the jihadist purge and fled further into deep space. These are the Sith which founded the current incarnation of the Empire. They've hid for 1,000 years knowing that they would be crushed and slaughtered if the Republic ever discovered their existence.


Now that the Sith are strong enough, they've launched a pre-emptive attack against the Republic. Knowing that there will be no quarter or surender accepted from the Jedi, the Sith have all been forced into a simple choice. Kill or be killed. With that in mind, the Sith have intentionally initiated this 2nd round of the Great Hyperspace War knowing that their people can never be safe while the Republic exists.


This is a morally gray subject. Knowing that your people will be attacked and murdered if your enemies discover you will prompt people to do surprising things. In the name of protecting their countless citizens of the Empire, the Light Sith MUST crush the Republic. It's the only way since the core issues has to deal with holy war between different religions.

Edited by Roda
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your descriptions of light-side sith are great, they helped me a lot comprehending how I could play a light side sith character myself.


one thing i don't understand though is the greater goal of the Empire...why would a light-sided sith agree with the aim to enslave the galaxy? (if that's the greater goal of the empire..)


From a completely objective point of view you make a valid point. However, when it comes to these sorts of things subjectivity tends to lead the way. The Empire may be a fascist regime but its also the "homeland" of Sith characters regardless of their individual moral compass. Patriotism (or tribalism) is a powerful force in human nature.


Take your own country of origin of example. You probably see many things within your native culture/government/religious traditions that you don't approve of, or think need changing. You might even see somethings as outright wrong. However, odds are you don't think your nation or people are evil and need to be stopped. Its much more likely you love your nation and its people and any flaws you perceive simply need to be "reformed", re-evaluated, or evolved.


This would apply to ethical Sith as well. They love the Empire of their birth, but want to help lead it do better.

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