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8 level 50's....now I'm bored again.


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*Quick note: I work 12 hour rotating shifts with quite a bit of downtime, and thanks to a solid 4G wireless connection and unlimited data, I get some great play time at work :D


Finished up my last level 50 yesterday. I wanted to play through each story since most of them were really top notch (imo at least) but now it's left me in a state of boredom and here's why:


All 8 toons are at least valor ranked 30 or higher. Of those 8 three are in bull Battlemaster Gear with every piece augmented and valor rank over 50. Of those 3 one is almost valor rank 70, with several war hero pieces. Some of my others who I don't pvp with are actually still in Centurion and Champion gear. And though I obviously enjoy PvP, I can only stand playing it constantly for short bursts before the monotony just kills it for me.


All 8 toons are Top Shot pilots with Grade 5 purple ship components. On a few toons, nearly all side quests have been completed. Have done every single crew skill crafting and even redid a several on a few toons. Over 15 million credits spread between toons (keeping in mind I've been self funding constant leveling since launch) so the market game has been played...though not really that meaningful. Since I've played both sides, I'm fairly certain I've explored nearly every inch of every planet. Legacy level 45, almost 46 (and only my last two characters got the joy of the legacy xp boost perks). Done several flashpoints but aside from playing through the story once, I don't care to grind for the gear since I prefer to have PvP gear. Have some toons with maxed Darkside points and some with maxed Lightside.


So stepping back and looking at everything, when doing everything the game offers, it has given me 8 straight months of entertainment which is well worth the money I've put into it. However, if I was only to focus on one character, then my adventure would have ended just a couple months into this game...like what happened to my entire guild and it really makes me wonder of BW's intentions were. Did they expect everyone to play every class? Did they not expect people to devote their focus primarily on one character? Just random thoughts.


I doubt however I will wait for future content but will more than likely resubb for it once it's out. But anyways for anyone who cares and the few who are actually still reading this, here is how I ranked the class stories based on my own personal preference from best to worst:


Imperial Agent - solid story, very enjoyable

Warrior/Trooper - both great stories, couldn't pick one over the other

Inquisitor/Counselor - good stories, but both had some areas of just blandness.

Knight - Most of the story is just bland, boring, and uninteresting but it does have a very strong finish though.

Bounty Hunter - Would've thought it would have had a great storyline but for me, far from it. Seemed slap dashed, boring, and near pointless. Certain aspects of certain quests were pretty good, but overall it's a story I wouldn't play through again.



You played THAT much and you want more content?


I'm going to avoid bagging on your habits and instead say this:


If you sit down to play a game, and you do nothing but that for 7 months straight, you are going to reach the end of that objects ability to entertain you.


Content is not infinite. There is no way to provide players like yourself with additional things to do. You obviously have so much time of your hands that they can't possibly placate you for any more than a couple more months.


My best advice is you either take in other games or quit this one while subbing to another so you can use up all your time on that one.

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Holy snappin' arsels - EIGHT? That's 1600 gaming hours when not power leveling. That's forty 40-hour weeks of playing this game. Including the week of early access, the game's only been out for 30 weeks. Devoting 50+ hours a week to playing a game is, well ... just wow.


i think the 200 hours per class is off.. i have taken 4 to 50 so far and all of them have been at the 5-6 days of game time.. if you figure that at 6 thats a total of 144 hours on each character totaling 1152 hours for all of them so that averages out to 38.4 hours a week for 30 weeks straight.. now i'm sure in that time hes been about to stream line is some.. skipping VO on everything but the class after the 3-4th time doing the same side so lets say that he actually has 1000 hours in game (so skipped 152 hours of VO and just knowing where everything is) thats still 33 hours a week...


really imagine the value hes gotten out of them game hes spent MAYBE $300 total (150+tax for collectors edition and 7 * 15/month is 105) so right now hes sitting at $0.30 an hour.. cant beat that

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LOL I'm glad that math was wrong :D But leveling really isn't hard when you have other toons to support it. Custom and artifact gear, have a toon to make armor cores, another for barrels/hilts, and use planet comms to buy mods and enhancements. Then your companion gets +10 presence for each full affection companion and +100 for unlocking human race, so they become power houses (they could solo group missions until about level 20). So basically you are cutting through all the world/class quests like butter. Plus I would take up all the side quests and do the ones that were one the way from point a to b for the class/world quest. Others I would just drop. All cut scenes I would just space bar through, except class story, since world/side quests never change (except a bit in dialog). Then do daily space missions and pvp missions and that is tons of quick XP there.


But like I also said in my op, I think 8 months of content is well worth the time and effort I put in. I'm not complaining that there isn't more content (except maybe on the individual character level, since BW should have realized not everyone wants to play every character) but I would certainly enjoy some more but the stories were so well done. Even the classes with dry spells and uninspired story lines had some great voice acting and even had little parts that fit into the whole big story.


That reminds me, when you play through all, there's a lot that gets explained as to why certain other stories went a certain way. Kinda like one of those movies where you see the same story from difference points of view, but it was only in a few areas but interesting none the less.


Also I do actually have somewhat of a life :p I have a wife and almost 3 year old son. My son LOVES to watch me play, so he'll sit on my lap and I'll play for a bit so that also helped in grinding. Also since I'm on rotating shifts, some nights I had to get on a nightshift schedule so I had to try to force myself to stay awake all night, and that of course was another grinding advantage. Also my wife works at a daycare that my son also goes to, so when my days off are during the weekday, I'm home alone with not a whole lot else to do. So it's not so much that I sped through it because I wanted to, I did it because I was bored and had really nothing else to do.

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the biggest mistake was not relesing the story slowly so everyond did all the heroics and then has a fp after 4 or 5 months all the planets should have been reliesed just think the group finder would be there as we were all hitting end game add for real it is a race to 50 who take there time and does all the planet quests it a race to dead end which is to bad. There is so much in the planets that went to waist.

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What?! There's someone out there with NINE 50's - Are you just going to sit there and let that stand?:D


LMAO yes, yes I will. Anyone who wants more, feel free!! Like I said, it wasn't to race but to kill time. However if I get more character slots....I will be tempted to replay a couple stories maybe...

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LMAO yes, yes I will. Anyone who wants more, feel free!! Like I said, it wasn't to race but to kill time. However if I get more character slots....I will be tempted to replay a couple stories maybe...


speaking of story you listed your feelings on all of them except smuggler...


also the stories change somewhat depending on if your choose light vs dark.. =) could have fun with that..

Edited by Cheops
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Hi everyone!


With 2 full accounts, I have 8 fifties on each, so I have a total of 16 fifties. I play on Corellian Run. One acct is legacy 44 and the other is 45. I am retired, and find this to be a very cheap form of entertainment.


soo.. your average play time a week is 70 hours?!

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Nicely done. I just got my 5th character to lvl 50 yesterday.

I have to disgree with you on what stories are good and bad.

I think the Sith Warrior story was the worst by far in the game. Nothing about it suprised me and either met or was below of what i expected. The Jedi Knight story on the other hand was extremely good IMO. This might have something to do with me reading a lot of Star Wars books, where the last companion you get on the JK side is playing a pretty damn big role in one of them :p (Btw, i prefer imperial chars over republic chars)


really? i played a jedi consular , and that's the most boring story i have ever played,

and pub fleet design is bad too. is that true jk story good?

i might play some time , and imp side design is better.

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Take a break OP. See a movie, chill with friends (or make some [hey I don't know the OP]), play another game for a bit between updates, help other players / guild. Take a vacation, etc.


You earned some rest. Or maybe do your work instead of play during it. :p;)

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Time to go prestige mode.


Delete all your characters and start over, this time you get all 8 without buying any gear, doing any heroics or playing with your left hand.


seriously, bad deal when less than a year and people can do this. Game MIGHT be a bit too easy.

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soo.. your average play time a week is 70 hours?!


Easily 70 if not more at times. Being former military, 13 plus years, I start my day early, finish any chores the wife puts me on for the day, and play the game after and use my tivos to timeshift every show I want to watch to fit my awake times. At my age, I would say I sleep very little, I don't seem to need it as much any more.


Both my sons have moved onto other games, as have a few other friends so I find alot of time on my hands. So when I play the game I set current goals (sometimes large ones, like getting every companion to max affection, or gearing all 80 companions to have a base pvp recruit gear and then at a minimum all level 49 blue mods, armor and enhancements in the rest of their slots - this one is almost finally done).


I have yet to find boredom, so for now this is where I will hang my hat and play awhile.

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