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EA confident that people will be playing The Old Republic a decade from now


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Bioware's artistic integrity?

Um the Bioware that created Mass Effect 1, KOTOR, and Dragon Age 1, doesn't exist anymore. EA bought them and gutted the company....

now it's just people who create games that will earn the most money. They don't care about innovation, and making the best game. They care about milking you for all you're worth, that's ALL.

Dragon Age 2 was hilarious. I mean a game that basically revolves around 5 dungeon layouts with prefab concrete blocks between some corridors is just epic. You just don't see it. It's a bit like watching the Room with Tommy Wiseau's acting.
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How many of those games are updated on an quarterly basis? None of them

How many of those games are Free-2-play? All of them


Don't you just hate facts? You see what i did, i just used your pun :D


100% agree. The way to fix the issue is release more content and not go to F2P. Ever since LOTRO bowed down to F2P and WoW users, the game has gone down hill.

Edited by Lorica
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Unless a better Star Wars MMO is relesed...i'll be here, you Harry Potter fanclub kids can go wave your wands in your fantasy LOTR rip off MMO's.


As much as I prefer Sci-Fi rather then elves and fairies, I'd make the switch if you don't enjoy swtor that much.

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do you not know what quarterly basis means?

It's you who failed....




Ok lets start.


1) Ultima Online....Not free to play. New content added 12 Mar 2012

2) Warhammer Online...Not free to play. New content added 5 June 2012


I would go on. But you failed yet again

Warhammer free 2 play website :D quarterly basis is every three months and this game doesn't get that many updates with new content




Ultima Online Free servers


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Unless a better Star Wars MMO is relesed...i'll be here, you Harry Potter fanclub kids can go wave your wands in your fantasy LOTR rip off MMO's.

You do know there's quite a few sci-fi/fps mmos coming out soon, right?

And the difficulty level of this game is designed for 9 year olds....I wouldn't be calling people kids because they don't like this game.

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Warhammer free 2 play website :D quarterly basis is every three months and this game doesn't get that many updates with new content





Ultima Online Free servers


Once again...Warhammer not free to play. Much like WoW and SWTOR...they have a free trial.


Not Ultima Online....another of your failed links. Here is the correct one:D



You are making this way to easy:p

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I sincerely hope this game is around a long time as I have fun with it.


I do have a question though. Why is Gibeau using Ultima Online as his example by saying it has been around for 17 years? As far as I know (I have been playing UO on and off for a while) it is coming up on it's 15th anniversary this year.


I am just concerned about how reliable a source he is if he doesn't have accurate informtion on the games his company publishes when he uses them to support his statements. Granted, 15 years is still a long time, but should he not know the actual run time of a game he cites as an example of the longevity of EA published games.


As I stated at the beginning, I very much hope this game is around for a long run. I just question someone who cites his examples without knowing the facts. And if I am mistaken on Ultima's runtime please correct me. I just know they are celebratng the 15th anniversary of UO in game and on their forums but that may not account for the full run time.


(Sorry about typos, posting from a smart phone...lol...)

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I sincerely hope this game is around a long time as I have fun with it.


I do have a question though. Why is Gibeau using Ultima Online as his example by saying it has been around for 17 years? As far as I know (I have been playing UO on and off for a while) it is coming up on it's 15th anniversary this year.


I am just concerned about how reliable a source he is if he doesn't have accurate informtion on the games his company publishes when he uses them to support his statements. Granted, 15 years is still a long time, but should he not know the actual run time of a game he cites as an example of the longevity of EA published games.


As I stated at the beginning, I very much hope this game is around for a long run. I just question someone who cites his examples without knowing the facts. And if I am mistaken on Ultima's runtime please correct me. I just know they are celebratng the 15th anniversary of UO in game and on their forums but that may not account for the full run time.


(Sorry about typos, posting from a smart phone...lol...)


I got my first beta invite to UO in December of 1996. It was released in 1997.

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I got my first beta invite to UO in December of 1996. It was released in 1997.


Thanks for the feedback! :-)


From what you posted (assuming my math is correct on a day off of work...haha) it sounds like he might be including beta in it's run time. That helps. Hadn't thought of that and it makes me feel better.


Have a great day and thanks again!


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And you think that'll be at least a decade from now?


Two long standing EA MMO properties come to mind:


DAOC, still running, still pay to play. And, a decade old too. They actually raised the sub price from 9.95 to 15 AFTER WoW went live and they were bleeding subs to it.


WAR, still running, still pay to play.


Both declared "dead" by their fan base a long time ago, yet EA continues to run them and charge subs for them.


Clearly, they scale the operations plan for the MMO to it's subscriber base, and continue to charge $15 a month, such that they continue to make profit.

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Two long standing EA MMO properties come to mind:


DAOC, still running, still pay to play. And, a decade old too. They actually raised the sub price from 9.95 to 15 AFTER WoW went live and they were bleeding subs to it.


WAR, still running, still pay to play.


Both declared "dead" by their fan base a long time ago, yet EA continues to run them and charge subs for them.


Clearly, they scale the operations plan for the MMO to it's subscriber base, and continue to charge $15 a month, such that they continue to make profit.


Shhhh...you will confuse them with....Facts:eek:

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do you not know what quarterly basis means?

It's you who failed....


What makes quarterly updates to MMOs the holy grail? WoW hasn't had one since November of last year if I recall correctly, and they are known for long intervals between updates.

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Galaxies lasted 9 years so yeah I could see SWTOR lasting 10 years.


Galaxies might be dead, but people sure are trying to resurrect the tough SOB, the emulator seems to be gaining progress

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Galaxies might be dead, but people sure are trying to resurrect the tough SOB, the emulator seems to be gaining progress


It wouldn't be dead at all if it wasn't for them pulling the plug for this game. I wish the two could have co existed.

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It wouldn't be dead at all if it wasn't for them pulling the plug for this game. I wish the two could have co existed.


It was probably for several more reasons than them not wanting to compete with themselves, they probably figured it would be best if priorities shifted to new MMO releases for both SOE and EA as well, but I agree, it was sad they had to take the MMO down, but at least it's coming back in style

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It wouldn't be dead at all if it wasn't for them pulling the plug for this game. I wish the two could have co existed.


You do know...Its was SOE's choice to drop SWG and that EA and SOE are different company's..some would say rival's.

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Thank you. :)


Well that article was before all the layoffs. I wonder if he still feels that way. :rolleyes:


SWG lasted 8 years...jsut want to point that out haha.


And yes TOR being released did have some influence to the non-renewal....but SWG was going downhill fast on its own the last few years of its life.

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MMOs last a long time.


You don't have to worry about it going away. What people are worried about is slow cheap expansions do to reduced revenue from the game.


A MMO with 1 million subs will get more money on contetent and development then one with hundred thosand

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I'm sure Lucasarts had nothing to do with that decision :rolleyes:


Sony, who created the game, announced via email and the game's support forum and website that the online game will be closed on 15 December. Talking to the online gaming site Massively, John Smedley, the head of Sony Online Entertainment, said that the it "[feels] like it's the right time for the game to end".

He said that the decision had come about because Sony's contract with the Star Wars franchise runs out in 2012. He denied that it was because of a drop in user numbers or the recent hacking attacks on Sony's PlayStation Network. "Populations have stayed pretty steady for a long time now," he said.

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Sony, who created the game, announced via email and the game's support forum and website that the online game will be closed on 15 December. Talking to the online gaming site Massively, John Smedley, the head of Sony Online Entertainment, said that the it "[feels] like it's the right time for the game to end".

He said that the decision had come about because Sony's contract with the Star Wars franchise runs out in 2012. He denied that it was because of a drop in user numbers or the recent hacking attacks on Sony's PlayStation Network. "Populations have stayed pretty steady for a long time now," he said.


Actually there was a press release where it was announced as a joint decision by SOE and LucasArts. Do you seriously believe LucasArts would want SWG to still be around to compete with TOR for Star Wars fans. There is no doubt they at the very least convinced/leant on SOE to end Galaxies.

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