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Absolute best PvP build?


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I've been toying around with a few different builds and I'm just curious as to forum consensus - what is the absolute best Vanguard build available in terms of raw damage (I'm less concerned with survivability at this point). And while saying something such as 5/5/31 is useful, I'd much rather see the exact skill breakdown to know where you put your points.



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4/6/31 is what I have on my powertech.


I don't have any points in reflexive shield, degauss, nightvision scope and soldier's endurance.


I put 1 in blaster augs because that's an all-encompassing damage too, not just for a specific move.


As a result I only put one in brutal impact but 3 in intimidation.


You can also interchange the points from Parallactic combat stims. I just put them there cause I know how much people get stunned and whatnot in pvp, and since you'd need 31 points to complete a tree, you're forced to have 2 more in there.

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going full 31 AS is worth it for pvp but for pve is not worth it in the long run. i don't pve as assault so i am not 100% sure. With pvp what your trying to do in this spec is increase your burst as much as possible. have assault plastique crit for 4.1k compared to sticky's 3k+ is a much better choice in terms of burst. We are a burst class not a high damge sustained class though we do sustain pretty well maybe to well imo but thats another story. PVP objective for AS spec is spike damage which is done well with AP crits combined with HiB procs. it is possible to hit for 15k+ in 4 gcd's(4k HiB 4k AP 2k Ion pulse with 1k cell hit then 4k HiB proc) Edited by Praiden
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I've found that once you are geared the 8/2/31 spec that I linked below is the best possible option. The Reflexive Shield talent is KEY to having decent surviability, and the loss of about 10-15% armor penetration on High Impact bolt is negligible. With this spec you should be stacking Aim augments.





Combat Tech or Eliminator?


Also, wouldn't Degauss be pretty useful when combined with Reflexive Shield considering PvP is nothing but stuns and roots? Could take the 2 points away from Nightvision Scope.

Edited by Remag_Div
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for me this is the best build.


you are loosing 1 point of crit on tech but with the 3% aim more you gain 1% crit on tech and ranged too.


i've a 48% change to crit on elemental attacks that mean 2k damage of ion pulse and 1,1-1,2k of damage for the first burning tech dot.


potentially opening is this


incendiary round 1,1k damage

hib 4k damage

sticky granade 2,5k damage

ion pulse 2k+1,1k = 3,1k damage

hib 4k damage

stockstrike 3k damage


= 17,7k damage in 6 seconds + the elemental damage done by burning effect.


with a bit of luck of course...

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IMO best PvP build will depend on your playing style. this is what i use. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#801hMbZMsZfhrbzGhMc.2


This spec allows me to max my HiB (highest damage potential) still get my aim boost (all around damage boost) pick up natural crit to supplement my damage. i.e. cant mitigate crit damage. i still get an ammo regen option from being stunned. i get my slow to keep people in range or kite them and i get my elemental damage boost. I know this spec isnt for everyone. I am wearing the PvE set bonus with all Warhero mods and enhancements and i am using the battle master armoring.


having the pve set bonus allows me to pop my crit boost more often while giving me an 8% damage boost to my hib. I have found that it is a huge help for rated pvp.


I average 350-450k damage. In a full game of voidstar i will always get close to 700k. I have videos up of me running this spec on my youtube channel and i have past livestreams of me running this spec. just follow the links in my sig.

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LOL that is awesome xD Vanguard is very difficult AC to master :p


all i saw was 605k damage (nice) 25 kills??? a lot of damage, but if you can't kill the person it is a wasted effort. if they had killed the people they were shooting, then the damage output would have been less and they might have won the Huttball match. there is a difference between damage and effective damage. If you spend the whole match dps'ing a healer that never dies and the other team wins... well you may put up a million in damage, but it doesn't mean anything. However if you do 600k with 50+kills effecting the flow of the game. then you may have contributed. I know it is all subjective, but the PvP veterans will know what I'm talking about.

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I have my basic build down pat, no question:




but I keep changing my mind as to what to do from here. Part of me wants to go this route:








but part of me wants to give up assault and do either









What I'm currently leaning towards is




but I'm afraid giving up burnout will make me lose too much passive dps in the long run

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all i saw was 605k damage (nice) 25 kills??? a lot of damage, but if you can't kill the person it is a wasted effort. if they had killed the people they were shooting, then the damage output would have been less and they might have won the Huttball match. there is a difference between damage and effective damage. If you spend the whole match dps'ing a healer that never dies and the other team wins... well you may put up a million in damage, but it doesn't mean anything. However if you do 600k with 50+kills effecting the flow of the game. then you may have contributed. I know it is all subjective, but the PvP veterans will know what I'm talking about.


All i saw you can use 3 skills to play vanguard effective. Spam one skill to proc another, Vanguard is very lazy class to play, what can be more easier ?

Edited by darthsasha
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All i saw you can use 3 skills to play vanguard effective. Spam one skill to proc another, Vanguard is very lazy class to play, what can be more easier ?


605k damage that was out healed (seen the guy play before, he would have been chasing the healer) is useless in a wz. This is not effective. Evidently he didn't actually do anything for the game. If he used even half of the moves that he has access to he would have killed the healer, by stunning them or doing actual BURST damage and not just sustained high amounts of Damage. Dear is an op healer, you need to stun an op healer at 30 percent to actually down the healer.


also if he bothered to use his grapple, (which in conversations he's mentioned that he can use to stop the person from scoring goals... so he knows he has it and can use it) He could have stopped them from actually scoring a goal.


High damage in huttball is generally useless and ends in defeat. Evident by the screenshot.


Also am I the only one wondering why the guy needs 3 quickslot bars, all with hot keys?

do you just sit there smashing your hand against your key board?

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all i saw was 605k damage (nice) 25 kills??? a lot of damage, but if you can't kill the person it is a wasted effort. if they had killed the people they were shooting, then the damage output would have been less and they might have won the Huttball match. there is a difference between damage and effective damage. If you spend the whole match dps'ing a healer that never dies and the other team wins... well you may put up a million in damage, but it doesn't mean anything. However if you do 600k with 50+kills effecting the flow of the game. then you may have contributed. I know it is all subjective, but the PvP veterans will know what I'm talking about.


my point is you can deal so many damage with just 2 offensive abilities, which i doubt any other class would be able to do so. Well, i was lucky to get 25 kills, judging they have 3 healers while we didn't have 1 and I died 11 times.



It was not a proper wz match anyway, how can you play hutball with no ability to pass the ball in the quickbar.

It was far from being an effective vanguard, with no other abilites used.


PvP veterans would know if this was just for fun wz match.


I would have been kicked from the guild if this was a rated wz match.

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my point is you can deal so many damage with just 2 offensive abilities, which i doubt any other class would be able to do so. Well, i was lucky to get 25 kills, judging they have 3 healers while we didn't have 1 and I died 11 times.



It was not a proper wz match anyway, how can you play hutball with no ability to pass the ball in the quickbar.

It was far from being an effective vanguard, with no other abilites used.


PvP veterans would know if this was just for fun wz match.


I would have been kicked from the guild if this was a rated wz match.



Considering Harlequin is inviting anyone these days, I doubt they would kick you from the guild for that, lets be real.

Also, we both know you don't use all your abilities properly, I mean, you don't even stockstrike bud.

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Yeah, I think maximizing your damage output with HIB is the best route. Might not get 31 w/ Plastique but you still do good burst damage with sticky grenade but max HIB damage is key.


I like this build and it is what I am leaning towards. I just have a feeling that the dmg output difference between sticky grenade and assault plastique is less than actually maxing HIB. I could be wrong, but I'm going for it.


All i saw you can use 3 skills to play vanguard effective. Spam one skill to proc another, Vanguard is very lazy class to play, what can be more easier ?


Learning English could be more easier :p

Edited by Keonachak
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I am highly against 28 point builds for PvP. In my experiences I've seen Assault Plastique hit over 5k, and when joined with a HIB that hits over 5k, you've got 10k damage in what looks like 1 hit. This is using the 8/2/31 build which IMO is best when you have fully optimized WH and you can get nearly 2000 aim using it. The loss of 10-15% armor pen (not 20%, its a common misconception that it adds with the +30%, but it's actually more complicated than that and should only give you 72% with both talents maxed) on High Impact bolt is not noticeable on everything but Jugg and PT tanks with over 8k armor, but as an Assault Vanguard those shouldn't be near the top of your priority list.
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