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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Medals awarded for Late Join


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I believe there should be some sort of award system for joining into a match late. Whether it just be one medal awarded for joining after the game has already begun, or the possibility of several Medals being awarded depending on how far in you joined into the game. It is extremely frustrating when you join into a warzone after waiting 10+ minutes only to have the warzone end before you have the chance to earn a medal, which means you get nothing.:rak_04:
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Getting 1 medal can be surprisingly hard if you are in the receiving end of the blowout which is the most likely case for joining late.


For tank classes and Sorc getting a medal is easy (guard someone or smack yourself and heal back up) but it can be surprisingly difficult sometimes for other classes. I don't think that's a problem because if there's a node based map and you still control a node, you can usually stand by the node. If your team has no nodes, you're probably being blown out so badly that you are just dying instantly and it's hard to come up with a system where you get rewarded for running out there and dying instantly. It's more problematic in Huttball but that's 1 out of 4 maps.

Edited by Astarica
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Said it in another thread on the same topic. Its not your fault some douche wasted your queue and threw you in with no time left because he rage quit...

Reinforcement Medal I / II / III / IV

Joined an in progress warzone with less than 5/4/3/2 minute remaining.

They obviously track the time your in a warzone for the dauntless medals so just have it compare your time in vs total time of the WZ.


Having the 4 medals basically means if someone gets thrown in with less than 2 minutes left they are going to get at least something and the remaining can be gotten (even in 2 mins you should be able to get a KB and/or 2.5 hit/heal)

Edited by theangryllama
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Or those same medals for joining in with 1/4 of the time, 2/4 and 3/4 of the time already gone. However doing literally nothing for 4 medals could be stupid, so just limit it to 2 medals, 1 for joining after the game has begun, 2 if you join in extremely late(maybe after halftime).
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Even though most seem to disagree.... I think it's a great idea. Joining late sucks... no one wants to come into a WZ late. Why not offer a perk for staying on a WZ that you got thrown into late by no choice of your own. You can always choose to leave as quickly as you joined but that sucks for the team who has already been short handed. Late joiner leaves and now they're screwed for even longer.


I don't think there should be any medals for joining late alone... but I think there should be some benefit, perk or incentive to stay when being thrown into a WZ that has already started. Especially since your chance on putting up competitive stats have been nerfed by the fact that you will have less time in the WZ than the other players. The later you are thrown in... the better the rewards are for staying. Nothing huge.... just something to make it worth while to stay.

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It certainly can be frustrating to land inside of a game half-over with a highly unfavorable position to win. If some kind of incentive were to be given, I would rather see it be a multiplier that is applied to what you earn during that time frame rather than it being a flat reward for time spent simply existing in the zone. So if you earned x valor and y comms while being in the zone for only half the time as everyone else, they get multiplied by two (or whatever scale seems reasonable).
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It certainly can be frustrating to land inside of a game half-over with a highly unfavorable position to win. If some kind of incentive were to be given, I would rather see it be a multiplier that is applied to what you earn during that time frame rather than it being a flat reward for time spent simply existing in the zone. So if you earned x valor and y comms while being in the zone for only half the time as everyone else, they get multiplied by two (or whatever scale seems reasonable).


That would be nice, except for the times when you join into a warzone that finishes before you get the chance to get a single medal. One Medal is enough of a reward cause it is easy enough to earn at least 3 medals if you are on a team being rolled if you start at the beginning.

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I support the idea of a "Reinforcement" medal that is simply awarded to anyone who enters after the start which will guarantee that they get credit for the WZ (not just the quest), regardless of when they are brought in.


Nothing sucks like getting dropped into the end of a Warzone and getting no valor or commendations for your queue because it ends before you get out of the starting area.

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I support this.


Alternatively you could give the person joining all the medals that the quitter had. Or you could simply have an option on the queue where you won't get tapped to join an in progress war zone. You'd get possibly longer queues but at least you'd have a say in the matter.

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  • 3 months later...
Because of the new system where one medal rewards EXP/Comms/Credits All it should give you is one medal for joining in maybe 5 minutes after the start of the match. It is just an annoyance when you get thrown into losing matches where the team is being slaughtered and you are unable to do anything, and recieve no rewards for at least staying and trying...
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One hit or one heal will give you a medal....

you did nothing, you get nothing. Why do you feel entitled to getting a reward when you did nothing?


Not true, you need to hit for 2.5K or heal 2.5K to get a medal.


It can actually be frustrating to join a ongoing warzone in a losing team where most players are defense medal camping. Attacking a big team of opponents rarely give you a medal straight away, more likely to give a quick journey to respawn without hitting something useful :sul_grin:

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Tbh, giving medels for "late comers" is only the bandaid of the issue. The issue here is two fold. One, the WZ qeueing system putting ppl at the tail end of a match and two, people quitting WZ because of this, that and the other.


I imagine if there was a way to check a box to only enter WZ at the begining, 99% of us would check that box, no question asked. However, that is puniishing the other players in another WZ who are a person down.


The other one is to consider measures to reduce the number of WZ quitters. Either by a carrot or a stick. Personally, I think either a debuff (say, 30 mins) preventing you from entering a WZ until it is gone. Or, a "locked in" system that locks you in until the game is finished. Any time you press the WZ button, it sends you back into the WZ you one left.

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I'd support this, most people who join late leave from my experience which disadvantages the team further.


For those who are against it, a quick look at the queing system shows why this is needed. If I'm in the que before a warzone ends, I'll get preference over those who just exited. However, if I join the warzone my place in the que depends on how fast my loading times are, so essentially I could miss out on the next pop (which I wouldn't have if I'd not taken the pop) because I joined at the end. Not fair or fun.

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