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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Dear Pugs, I am tired of carrying you.


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Get some friends to play with and stop complaining. People play how they want bro, can't really tell them any different so why does it even matter?


^^Exhibit A - Newbus ignoramus


Like I said dearest, if bads are gonna play like bantha poodoo, I reserve the right to treat them as such.

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i,'ll be honest. didn't read entire post BU

I have an operative. while I easily break 100k on damage there are some games when i don't. you are saying iI am playing bad?

i am working objectives either babysitting nodes. using stuns to control healers. maybe stalking a door in voidstar or keeping teams off civil war nodes using stuns. vanish and my othee tools until help arrives.

if your using ONLY damage to assess peoples skill. your doing it wrong

i can easily ignore actual objectives and top dps charts. But is that the best use being a team member?

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no doubt


ive played like 200 games in a row where I doubled the next highest dmg...how is everyone so bad


and for 200 games you probably focused on damage and completely ignored objectives. that tunnel vision would make you the worst player on the team.

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highest dmg, prot, objective points, and usually at least 3 MVP


skill cap in this game is very low

How can it be low when everyone is a baddie? Or are you saying it based on your own performance, as in you couldnt possibly perform unless a monkey could do it too?

Edited by MidichIorian
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One thing to remember:


Just because a player is bad now doesn't mean he will be bad later.


When I see a player pull a particularly good stunt on me, I file it away for later. Everyone has a learning curve.

When you get to 7000 kills and 4500 medals, you have probably been humbled 2000 times to get there.

You begin to anticipate moves. You begin to immediately associate tactics with opponents. Their weapon is a dead giveaway of what they can do. It takes time and experience to quickly process the information.

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O'rly :D




ye I am aware that this is a rwz, and that its a 3 week old SS, and the quote is out of context etc. just couldnt help my self :p


I once won an Alderran 600-0 and I think our total kills was something like 3 (the 3 defenders we killed) to cap 2 turrets. Freakish games do occur but they're certainly not normal. Given we won that 600-0 I'm sure we could've done it with 0 total kills (don't need to cap their turret since we capped ours first) but it's not like we're purposely trying to not kill those guys. The enemy team did have a ton of healing which was what prevented us from killing them, not because we chose not to kill them.

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I thought OP was overacting since the pubs usually have some tactics and mostly never leave a node undefended even though they suck in lvl 50 PvP. But then I decided to try 10-49 PvP with my guardian tank. It's just plain horrible because in NC and CV the idiot pubs always try to 3.cap which means a loss since the pug is never going to recover from that when the opponent captures the poorly guarded nodes.


And no one is calling incs either in that bracket. I ended up guarding the west node and called incs and the number. If I call 5 inc west then I expect maybe 4 to come help me, not the entire team. And no one fights on the nodes either. They happily run away from the node to have a death match and let a stealther cap. It can only get worse with the impending BR invasion. I hope they flock to the NA servers ad leave the EU servers alone.

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I played two consecutive warzones last night that also happened to be the two of the worst WZs I've ever played.


How do you reconcile with people getting stealth capped in CW... TWO defenders in stealth got ninja'd. Deadweight. Please don't queue up if you're going to be AFK.


Next up in Voidstar, the usual problem of getting capped with defenders nearby, making calls like, "i diead by the door", and not focusing on healers because they're annoying to chase summed it up pretty nicely.


Ended up in a WZ with the worst premade the pub side has to offer, quit before the match started.


Sure, play like you want to play baddies. I'm done with trying to coordinate and otherwise carry your asses.

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