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Dear Rage Quitters...


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I quite a few times, because I am not carrying a team, if I see the rest of the team are unable to get the objectives, and are getting steam rolled, then it tells me either they lack skill, or they lack gear and expertise to be able to even compete in that WZ.


I can't carry a team of scrubs. No option but to leave the Warzone and re queue.

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Quitters are pathetic and childish. Throwing temper tantrums by leaving. Those who do it to "troll" are also pathetic. And it is a fact not just an opinion because no one likes a quitter. You quit because something is hard or not going your way, and you look like the fool. That is fact. No one respects a quitter. Another fact is that no one likes it when someone rage quits during a war zone.

If you have 500 Ping that is along the lines of the Error code situation, you cannot play with 500 ping.

It is also a sign of a child when they resort to insults (low brow ones at that) when confronted with something that upsets them. Saying I have a low reading comprehension, case in point of the child I say.


again get all worked up and bent out of shape. but I told you no matter what I'm not going to your sleepover at our only turret. So when all your boyfriends come over and farm defensive medals 2 minutes into a civil war, i will slip out the warzone without even a goodbye. When I am solo guarding east door and Im attacked by 4 imps and call out for help. I die door is open so i get out and stop cap to die again, while 7 of u are attacking 4 and none of you are smart enuff to realize hey other door might need help. Im probably going to leave said warzone. So judge me how you want, but in the end I will still love myself and be good with ur hate.

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Quitters are pathetic and childish. Throwing temper tantrums by leaving. Those who do it to "troll" are also pathetic. And it is a fact not just an opinion because no one likes a quitter. You quit because something is hard or not going your way, and you look like the fool. That is fact. No one respects a quitter. Another fact is that no one likes it when someone rage quits during a war zone.

If you have 500 Ping that is along the lines of the Error code situation, you cannot play with 500 ping.

It is also a sign of a child when they resort to insults (low brow ones at that) when confronted with something that upsets them. Saying I have a low reading comprehension, case in point of the child I say.


Your rage is beautiful and sustains us. This is reason alone to quit a WZ, preferrably during a key moment. So you will come rage here on the forums again, and again, and again.

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Your rage is beautiful and sustains us. This is reason alone to quit a WZ, preferrably during a key moment. So you will come rage here on the forums again, and again, and again.



Both of the turret deffers in Alderaan leave at the same time, right before getting attacked. :D

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Your rage is beautiful and sustains us. This is reason alone to quit a WZ, preferrably during a key moment. So you will come rage here on the forums again, and again, and again.


Idiots like this here have faced loss their whole life, adapting to recieve gratification from pain, both their own and others.

If you rage quit and then requeue, you are wasting your time. Pubs are everywhere, you are playing a game of chance at that point. How many quit/requeues does it take to find the RIGHT team for you? On average. That makes no sense. Waiting in queue, the time it takes to load after quitting, loading in to a new game, testing the waters of the current team, is far too wasteful. Even if your team is undergeared (or no gear at all). Seriously, how many times does it take to find the RIGHT team?

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Idiots like this here have faced loss their whole life, adapting to recieve gratification from pain, both their own and others.

If you rage quit and then requeue, you are wasting your time. Pubs are everywhere, you are playing a game of chance at that point. How many quit/requeues does it take to find the RIGHT team for you? On average. That makes no sense. Waiting in queue, the time it takes to load after quitting, loading in to a new game, testing the waters of the current team, is far too wasteful. Even if your team is undergeared (or no gear at all). Seriously, how many times does it take to find the RIGHT team?


Post 50, when you have to complete your daily and weekly, it is actually much more time effective to quit losing games. You will complete those in record time. I don't do that as I will stay to the end of a losing game when my team tries their best. If they don't, I happily quit which frees me both time and aggravation :)

Edited by Pathlight-
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And it is a fact not just an opinion because no one likes a quitter. You quit because something is hard or not going your way, and you look like the fool. That is fact. No one respects a quitter. Another fact is that no one likes it when someone rage quits during a war zone.


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I quit out of warzones, I don't rage quit its a logical thought process, if my team is making no attempt whatsoever to play the objectives and I am the only one trying why should I stay?? I don't quit if people are trying to win, I stay till the bitter end as long as people TRY. If people are not even trying then why should I waste my time??


And to those people preaching, no one likes a quitter, honestly who cares its a computer game, just dots on a screen

I don't quit where it matters jn real life.

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Why should i bother staying when a PuG is up against a organised premade? usually two organised premades from the same guild?


its one of the reasons i don't pvp anymore. Please have a seperate queue for pugs and premades.

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Post 50, when you have to complete your daily and weekly, it is actually much more time effective to quit losing games. You will complete those in record time. I don't do that as I will stay to the end of a losing game when my team tries their best. If they don't, I happily quit which frees me both time and aggravation :)


Agreed. If the team is trying I will usually stay, however if I'm on a low geared character my quitting might have a positive effect by allowing someone who can contribute more into the game, while I can requeue and hopefully find a game where there's more chance of getting comms so I can get the gear to be more effective. If I'm on my higher geared character then I'm more likely to fight for it because I can.


If I'm invited to a premade and we lose, we lose. If there's people in the match who I know have got my back and I've got theirs, I'm less likely to leave it.


It's more of a profit/loss quit than a rage quit. :)

Edited by Leiralei
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Proof that no one respects a quitter? What I stated does not only apply to this game in case that was not obvious. As to the proof, you have only to ask yourself or anyone around you, and hope for an honest answer.

When a relationship gets tough, do you just break up or try to work things out (cheating hearts aside, just dump them)? Adults work their issues out instead of running from them.

A subject at school is tough, do you just take a F and hope not to repeat the same grade next year? No, you study hard or if need be, get a tutor or some kind of help.

Starting a work-out routine, a lot of people have a hard time with that, but everyone that just gives up on it instead of following through is not happy they did give up. You work though the early hours, or muscle pain.

If you have to repeat a grade in school, you hate yourself for it. If you gave up on a relationship you look back on what could have been. If you quit your gym, you sit on the couch beating yourself up for not following through.

There is your proof. Ask anyone for an honest answer, there is your proof. Respect for yourself and from others comes from playing the good and bad.

As a level 50 on several of my toons, I do not quit any bad games. Those toons all have full WH stats with Augments on all. Sure there were a lot of losses, but there were a lot more wins seeing as I learned from those losses. If you think you are cutting your time down by quitting a WZ then joining another in HOPES of finding a good team, you are mistaken. My question has not been answered either, how many rage quits does it actually take, before finding the team JUST RIGHT for you?

As for the one who is on their last month, you only prove my point: you are upset and quitting AND you want to hurt people in the process, just childish, lame, pathetic, I could go on.

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I quit out of warzones, I don't rage quit its a logical thought process, if my team is making no attempt whatsoever to play the objectives and I am the only one trying why should I stay?? I don't quit if people are trying to win, I stay till the bitter end as long as people TRY. If people are not even trying then why should I waste my time??


And to those people preaching, no one likes a quitter, honestly who cares its a computer game, just dots on a screen

I don't quit where it matters jn real life.

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In my experience, 4 times out of 5 the replacement player vastly outperforms the quitter anyway, and that will sometimes even lead to a win. That being the case, I am fine with rage quitters who barely contributed in the first place leaving my warzone.
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If you quit for ANY reason, you are a rage quitter. Reason: The game is not going as you want, you dislike it or are upset by it, hence a rage quit. Not because you are bored or just don't feel like it. Any apathy you claim is in reality a mask to hide the joy you must feel because the game is not in your favor and you blame your whole team instead of looking towards yourself first. If you leave because your guild is putting together a ranked group, you are still rage quitting. And you are pretty pathetic. Not an opinion, a fact.

If you are victim of the Error code, nothing you can do so NOT a rage quit.

Rage quitters should just unsub if they can't handle a loss. If their emotions take the better of them, forcing them to sacrifice ANY gain from a WZ, sounds like they need to not play MMOs.

I remember watching a friend of mine, play the old Ninja Turtles NES game. He would start to lose, and this high-pitched sqeal, followed by him throwing the controler at the TV. I wasn't his friend for long obviously. That is how I see rage quitters. Or that German kid from those Youtube vidoes, where he starts to lose, his cusses, and yells in German, then his animalistic rage takes over. That is a rage quitter. Deny your reasons, unless you do have an error code, you are no better than my ex friend or that German kid.


in his defense that game was massively frustrating

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Sometimes I will call out players if they are standing in the middle of nowhere taking no damage and not moving. I get interesting responses like: "bad team got me killed so I'm not playing anymore" or "i just need 40 comms so I'm not trying" - and that's when I get any response. I start looking at the map when I'm hitting objectives and noticing that the enemy team responds to my character's probes by committing more than half their team without losing anything. If that happens more than once in a game I leave (assuming its not a civil war where the scores haven't passed the point of no return). If my team is getting outplayed I will say things like "don't fight in our pit unless the ball is there - get to mid" but I won't call out weak or ungeared players or those that make mistakes. I laugh it off when a team-mate carries the ball into our endzone. But I will not play on a team with people that are forcing me to play a quick loss by abstaining; i don't want those comms, I don't want "credit" for that game. Those selfish **** players have no concept of the fact that there are 15 other people trying to have fun and they're killing it... and they usually inspire others to do the same thing ("if he's not playing then we can't win so i won't play either") making the ones like me that are trying something of a joke and fodder for the other side.
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Idiots like this here have faced loss their whole life, adapting to recieve gratification from pain, both their own and others.


Thanks Dr. Phil, but you shouldn't quit your day job because your attempt at psychology stinks like bantha poodoo.


First off I'm not a masochist, I do not derive pleasure from my own pain (hence why I'll quit a WZ if I feel like it rather than suffer the boredom or nuisance of dealing with it). I am a sadist however. I do derive much pleasure from the suffering of others. See, I'm an american. I grew up in the greatest system on earth. You are here to benefit and amuse me, and if you don't then you are not worth thinking about.


My pleasure and desire are the only one's that matter and if stomping on you gives me pleasure then that is what needs to be done. Period. I matter, you don't.


Have a wonderful day sweetheart.

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I never "rage" quit.


I simply quit because I feel like it at that moment for whatever reason. The comms are just pixels and do not matter.


Further more you are just some random person across fiber optic cables. I can measure how much I care about you on the head of a pin. And that is being generous.


In the end, whatcha gonna do bout it son?


I'd call you a ragequitter that I never wanna see in my warzone team.

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I quit WZ's if my team is sitting all together on one node trying to earn their defense medals. I'll play in a loss if I still get to kill people but i'll be damned if i'm going to waste 15 minutes of my precious time trying to solo a team of 8.


It's not a rage quit if you're not mad :D


I simply leave and re-queue, chances are even if I get into another fail group they will at least fight back. Besides if your passive PvE tard self is going to collect defense medals you shouldn't be mad if I quit the WZ you can still care bear turtle your way to more medals.

Edited by Kurfer
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Proof that no one respects a quitter? What I stated does not only apply to this game in case that was not obvious. As to the proof, you have only to ask yourself or anyone around you, and hope for an honest answer.

When a relationship gets tough, do you just break up or try to work things out (cheating hearts aside, just dump them)? Adults work their issues out instead of running from them.

A subject at school is tough, do you just take a F and hope not to repeat the same grade next year? No, you study hard or if need be, get a tutor or some kind of help.

Starting a work-out routine, a lot of people have a hard time with that, but everyone that just gives up on it instead of following through is not happy they did give up. You work though the early hours, or muscle pain.

If you have to repeat a grade in school, you hate yourself for it. If you gave up on a relationship you look back on what could have been. If you quit your gym, you sit on the couch beating yourself up for not following through.

There is your proof. Ask anyone for an honest answer, there is your proof. Respect for yourself and from others comes from playing the good and bad.

As a level 50 on several of my toons, I do not quit any bad games. Those toons all have full WH stats with Augments on all. Sure there were a lot of losses, but there were a lot more wins seeing as I learned from those losses. If you think you are cutting your time down by quitting a WZ then joining another in HOPES of finding a good team, you are mistaken. My question has not been answered either, how many rage quits does it actually take, before finding the team JUST RIGHT for you?

As for the one who is on their last month, you only prove my point: you are upset and quitting AND you want to hurt people in the process, just childish, lame, pathetic, I could go on.


I'm rage quitting this thread because you refuse to use paragraphs.

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I will buy into you theme of being judgmental and say . . .


My time is more valuable than your time. Don't expect me to support the team of zero expertise, incapable to execute or just plain full of ranting lunatics like yourself. I will leave not in rage but in the logic that my time is being wasted and you are not worthy of any more of it because nothing I do or say will make the results any different. Finish with 7 or 6 or 5 or not at all, same result except I am now using my time more effectively.


And that is what I don't understand. If your time is valuable, which is better?


o Stay in match, max as many medals as possible. Outcome valor, comms, cash, (1/2 or 1/6 dailye quest) and experience.


o Leave match, endure two loading screens and time played for naught.



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And that is what I don't understand. If your time is valuable, which is better?


o Stay in match, max as many medals as possible. Outcome valor, comms, cash, (1/2 or 1/6 dailye quest) and experience.


o Leave match, endure two loading screens and time played for naught.




For those of us that are closing in on full WH and play for the fun of playing it's a waste of time.


If I am not desperate for coms and already finished my dailies/weeklies I am playing because I enjoy PvP. Win or lose a competitive game is fun, but If my entire team turtles at a turret when node #2 gets capped by the enemy I know it's around 12-15 minutes of me trying to attack a team of 8 by myself.


To make people happy before I do "rage quit" I try to use /say to the other team and try to talk them into a 3 cap facial, at least then I know there will be a fight at the turtled node and I get to watch the n00bs on my team cry because they are denied even their defense medals. :D

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