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Assault Spec


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Hey guys,


I'm a level 26 Commando Trooper assault spec. This is the build I am working to make:




I feel like in PVE I'm great, and don't have much trouble. However, as a reference, what's my best plan of attack skills wise, as in what skills should I use the most often? I'm asking for both PVE and PVP. Right now I usually go in first with an explosive round or two, followed by either hammer shot or a plasma/sticky grenade. I'll use either hail of bolts or mortar valley on multiple low level targets close together. If I'm close to a target/multiples, I'll use pulse cannon. In between I'll use other abilities like charged bolt if the target is low on health.


I also understand that aim is my best attribute and I do look for armor based on aim, but I believe endurance is the other good one for me, correct?


Also, should I use Plasma Cell or Armor Piercing Cell (I believe that's the name of it) more often?

Edited by pilot_tofly
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As an assault spec you want plasma cell at all times. Armor piercing is for gunnery.


Start with incendiary round. Keep that up on your target at all times.


Follow up with high impact bolt. If it's a trash mob, just finish off with hammer shots.


Next trash mob - incendiary round, full auto (hoping for ionic accelerator proc), hammer shots.


For silver and gold enemies, I like to start with plasma grenade, then incendiary round, then high impact bolt, full auto, high impact bolt, sticky grenade or assault plastique, recharge cells, hammer shots, repeat.


Explosive round isn't so hot. I like the knockdown and the animation, so I use it sometimes, but you have more damaging attacks.


This is for pve. I don't pvp, so I can't help you there, but I do know assault is intended to be more pvp-oriented.

Edited by Indoorsman
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Reconsider Sweltering Heat for Paralytic Combat Stims.


Sweltering Heat is your escape plan when things go **** up vs a champion/elite you aren't doing well against.


Strafe (Q/E) and fire back on the mob to slow them to 50% as you go, use HiB, Incendiary and sticky/plastique on the move.

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