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I quit


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OK. So here's my mad 'I Quit' message on the Forum...I QUIT..yes, I Quit...After levelling my Sith Juggernaut up to level 50, I was expecting some kind of big reward, but NOTHING. Hence, I am left bored and a bit peeved off by this fact, and coming to terms with knowing that there is nothing that enjoyable after levelling an class quests..So GOODBYE..It was fun..no really..It was fun...


Lord Xader and Co. out.

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i hit the unsubscribe option so i'm safely floating away on my life boat :D


Why do you watch the forums if you unsubed? If I got off the titanic, last thing I would want is to stick around.

Edited by WildbloodX
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Why do you watch the forums if you unsubed? If I got off the titanic, last thing I would want it to stick around.


the tears of the fan boys who were convinced the ship was unsinkable are very sweet indeed.

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I am not to sure if this is your 1st MMO or not. Judging by what you have written in your post I am inclined to believe that maybe Tor was your 1st MMO.


Quitting because ya did'nt get something for dinging 50? Seriously bro?


I definatly feel like mocking you, and generally taking the mickey outta ya. Come on bro, gimme a break with the I'm Quiting" story. Serioulsy bro getting to 50 is only part of this game.


As far as I am concerned your posting is a post for Trolls:)


carebears, cause we care right?





laters! :p

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Why do you watch the forums if you unsubed? If I got off the titanic, last thing I would want is to stick around.


People paid to watch the Titanic movie... People love watching crap go down in flames! People will pay to participate in watching something burn! Dont act like its not true. That's why when their are accidents on the side of the road people stop and stare, duh.

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People paid to watch the Titanic movie... People love watching crap go down in flames! People will pay to participate in watching something burn! Dont act like its not true. That's why when their are accidents on the side of the road people stop and stare, duh.


this, so much this!


seriously, the forums are very entertaining, more entertaining than the game. I have no motivation to log into the game but i very much enjoy a browse of the forum and will continue doing so until my playtimes expires

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Oh wait, look over there, I swear that grass is greener...


First I thought that too, but then I tried their beta events and their RvR pvp. Bioware should try to kidnap the GW2 their developers, maybe then Swtor still has a chance. But even then Swtor would be stuck with the crappy Hero Engine.

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I am not to sure if this is your 1st MMO or not. Judging by what you have written in your post I am inclined to believe that maybe Tor was your 1st MMO.


Quitting because ya did'nt get something for dinging 50? Seriously bro?


I definatly feel like mocking you, and generally taking the mickey outta ya. Come on bro, gimme a break with the I'm Quiting" story. Serioulsy bro getting to 50 is only part of this game.


As far as I am concerned your posting is a post for Trolls:)


carebears, cause we care right?





laters! :p




Well, u could mock if u like, but i won't waste my money on something that feels like a grind...I'm a big star wars fan, but quite frankly i'm bored of this game...so why continue to play?...by the way, did i hear someone say the grass is greener on the other side-the side that is Guild Wars?? Hehe :)

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OK. So here's my mad 'I Quit' message on the Forum...I QUIT..yes, I Quit...After levelling my Sith Juggernaut up to level 50, I was expecting some kind of big reward, but NOTHING. Hence, I am left bored and a bit peeved off by this fact, and coming to terms with knowing that there is nothing that enjoyable after levelling an class quests..So GOODBYE..It was fun..no really..It was fun...


Lord Xader and Co. out.


If you dont like it MMO is not for you , cause evrymmo is like this .

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Well normally in an MMO your reward is a feeling of accomplishment, but BW decided to do away with that because nobody like that right?


On an unrelated note, the ending cutscenes for the classes are pretty cool, like the Sith warrior gets a pretty cool ending that's something right?

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Lol I'm really curious. What is your "and Co."? Your level 2 alt? You've barely experienced any of the game, and NONE of the end game content. Lvl 50 is where the 2nd half of the game begins. Must be new to MMOs

If the second half of the game is 3 ops, the first half must be superbly pathetic.

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