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New Marauder PvP Video - Annihilation Domination


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Hey guys, been a while since I've done a video, and I happened to capture one of those extremely rare solo queue games where everything just seemed to go my way. This is a a civil war pickup group video, taken from my point of view. At the time of this video I had all of my War Hero pieces except for offhand and chest, although to be honest the weaponmaster chest is a downgrade.


I mainly did this video to show what a geared, skilled annihilation marauder can do when he gets some heals once in a while and doesn't get chain stunned for half of the game. I'll be doing similar videos for Carnage and Rage eventually. Let me know what you think, but please no trolling or flaming, let's keep it friendly. Be sure to watch in 1080p!



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imo Rage is a number pad because in a close quarters wz like voidstar you hit 4 ppl with a smash and 20k+ each smash to ur total DPS but with the vindicators set bonus I think le smash will be even more deadly with a 10% increase in damage on top of the auto crit and 4 stacks of shockwave.


Annihilation is great for survivability and damage over time, you can defend objectives and stop/interrupt people from capping



Carnage is what I play, not only for some easy kills every 26 seconds(Healers go POOF) but also for the 2 roots with deadly throw and ravage, perfect for huttball along with the +15% in combat speed and predation bonus! I like ball carrying with full resolve!



I look forward to seeing more videos :3

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imo Rage is a number pad because in a close quarters wz like voidstar you hit 4 ppl with a smash and 20k+ each smash to ur total DPS but with the vindicators set bonus I think le smash will be even more deadly with a 10% increase in damage on top of the auto crit and 4 stacks of shockwave.


Annihilation is great for survivability and damage over time, you can defend objectives and stop/interrupt people from capping



Carnage is what I play, not only for some easy kills every 26 seconds(Healers go POOF) but also for the 2 roots with deadly throw and ravage, perfect for huttball along with the +15% in combat speed and predation bonus! I like ball carrying with full resolve!



I look forward to seeing more videos :3


I love all 3 specs, and play all 3 regularly, it just depends what I'm doing. I agree, annihilation is amazing for suvivability, excellent for defending, and also great for locking down healers. I think what annihilation loses in burst damage compared to carnage, it makes up for with the lower cooldown on interrupts, point blank charge (for extra interrupt) and of course mini heals to you + your group. Although to be fair, annihilation burst is not terrible. There are multiple times in that video that my last tick of ravage hits for 4-5k, and I get an annihilate or vicious throw for 4k+ after as well. I think to kill healers effectively as annihilation, you have to whittle them down while waiting for annihilation/ravage to come up, get a full rage bar, and then interrupt, ravage, annihilate, vicious throw. Doing that when they are at half health nearly always ensures a kill.


Typically I use annihilation for solo queueing though, because you just aren't guaranteed heals, and living longer = more damage done. For group play, when I know I will have 1 or 2 healers, I love carnage, however good players and especially rated teams are getting better and better at countering it. Just save your stun/knockback/cc for when the marauder hits gore, and his dps will be useless for another 8 seconds or so after. Annihilation, not having any set rotation, is not as predictable. It does get hard countered by healers that know how to cleanse though, making it not really viable for RWZ, which leaves only Rage, which, IMO is probably the best spec for rateds atm, although having 1 carnage marauder helps for predation.


I guess what I am saying is that I love all 3 specs, and I am thankful to Bioware for making 3 viable specs for warzones, although if I could change one thing it would be to remove the ability to cleanse our dots.

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well i was fake quoting ryo who seems to play his vanguard a lot. i'll be on later and i haven't participated in one bwe for gw2 yet, but i'll probably get it.


I heard you were going the way of GW2 as well =(


I just can't get into it. As frustrated as I can sometimes get with chain stunning in this game, I still love the warrior class too much.

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I heard you were going the way of GW2 as well =(


I just can't get into it. As frustrated as I can sometimes get with chain stunning in this game, I still love the warrior class too much.


I don't really like it that much either but for no subscription I thought I'd still try it. I'll re-sub to swtor but I'm goin back to college in a bit so paying 15$ a month for only a few hours a week of grinding pvp isn't worth it to me atm.

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Entertaining enough, could use a bit more editing. Just my opinion, though.


The last video I did was heavy on editing, and people complained far and wide about "not showing the whole warzone" even though all I cut from it was run time, like when I got knocked off the catwalk in Huttball, so this time I chose to leave it unedited. I happen to agree with you, but apparently most of the SWTOR community feels that if you edit a video, you are "cheating".


Plus I don't have adobe creative suite anymore, and I don't feel like shelling out a few thousand dollars to get it, and then spend 10-12 hours making a cool 30 second or so intro =(.

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Plus I don't have adobe creative suite anymore, and I don't feel like shelling out a few thousand dollars to get it, and then spend 10-12 hours making a cool 30 second or so intro =(.


Let's hope the forum police won't catch me saying this, but:


the pirate bay

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actually merkava is right aluvian, this vid is pretty weak, its you killing healers over and over there is no real competition in it whatsoever. Not one person in it tries to kill you lol, i could make better vids in my sleep. And i'm not playing my vg atm, have to get a new fan for my build as my cpu fan currently sounds like a jet taking off, i'll be back in a couple days.
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Hey guys, been a while since I've done a video, and I happened to capture one of those extremely rare solo queue games where everything just seemed to go my way. This is a a civil war pickup group video, taken from my point of view. At the time of this video I had all of my War Hero pieces except for offhand and chest, although to be honest the weaponmaster chest is a downgrade.


I mainly did this video to show what a geared, skilled annihilation marauder can do when he gets some heals once in a while and doesn't get chain stunned for half of the game. I'll be doing similar videos for Carnage and Rage eventually. Let me know what you think, but please no trolling or flaming, let's keep it friendly. Be sure to watch in 1080p!




Though I can't say you're not skilled, I was hoping to see some better opponents. Most of the guys you fought had pretty bad gear, except for maybe a couple of sorcs that were really bad.


Would be more interesting to see you go up against other warhero geared players, especially see what you are able to do when you face a well geared Scoundrel\Op that remembers to cleanse your bleeds...

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Decent vid. Your competition was really bad and, other than when you were coming back to mid, nobody actually targetted you.


I will say one thing about this vid and other vids featuring Juggs/Guardians and Marauders/Sents (and not a nerf comment): As an Operative, it really kind of pisses me off watching you roll from target to target and not once did you ever starve for resources. If the Force users in this game had the same resource constraints that the other 4 ACs, and mirrors had, the forums would be flooded with QQ posts.

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actually merkava is right aluvian, this vid is pretty weak, its you killing healers over and over there is no real competition in it whatsoever. Not one person in it tries to kill you lol, i could make better vids in my sleep. And i'm not playing my vg atm, have to get a new fan for my build as my cpu fan currently sounds like a jet taking off, i'll be back in a couple days.


Have fun on GW2 Juyo. And killing healers is what a marauder is supposed to do, it's not my fault their dps didn't attack me. You've been really crabby ever since I pointed out that your black orange crystal was actually a dps loss over the standard expertise one and backed it up with math :p.


You can't make everyone happy, ya know? If I do an "ownage" video of me steamrolling people, like this one, there's always someone like you saying that it should be a more competitive matchup. If I do a more competitive matchup video, someone will say "*** you only did 300k damage in that warzone with full war hero modded gear, you must be terrible, stupid video", even though it was against a ton of skilled players that constantly stun/cc/kill me and have as good or better gear.


I'll be here when you get tired of GW2.

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Unedited shows you don't hide you're bad/fail points during a warzone. Anyone can make themselves look good with excessive cutting. How do I know you didn't cut out the part when you got rolfstomped? Speed up the relatively dry areas - dont cut them (except waiting behind respawn gates).


That being said, the problem with your gameplay is you open with charge. The people you're playing dont seem to be good either. Good players are going to punish you for opening with charge.

Edited by Yeochins
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As an Operative, it really kind of pisses me off watching you roll from target to target and not once did you ever starve for resources. If the Force users in this game had the same resource constraints that the other 4 ACs, and mirrors had, the forums would be flooded with QQ posts.

That's a tough argument. I'm only going to speak for the Juggernaut and Marauder ACs here (don't have a 50 sin or 50 sorc), but some juggs and mara's have a tough time managing, building and maintaining their resources, i'm at the point where i feel like i can say i have mastered both of those classes (no brag) and yes I don't struggle like I have with other classes. However I have a 50 operative healer and I rarely struggle with resources on him, and always do plenty of healing. If I accidentally get too low on resources diagnostic scan gets my energy back up in a matter of a few seconds, and this downtime is compensated by classes such as marauder and juggernaut because they are melee classes and have to be within 4m for 90% of their attacks, and 99% of their damaging ones.

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Unedited shows you don't hide you're bad/fail points during a warzone. Anyone can make themselves look good with excessive cutting. How do I know you didn't cut out the part when you got rolfstomped? Speed up the relatively dry areas - dont cut them (except waiting behind respawn gates).


I'll keep that in mind for future vids, thanks!

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Decent vid. Your competition was really bad and, other than when you were coming back to mid, nobody actually targetted you.


I will say one thing about this vid and other vids featuring Juggs/Guardians and Marauders/Sents (and not a nerf comment): As an Operative, it really kind of pisses me off watching you roll from target to target and not once did you ever starve for resources. If the Force users in this game had the same resource constraints that the other 4 ACs, and mirrors had, the forums would be flooded with QQ posts.


Well, here's the thing: you CAN very easily starve yourself for resources as a marauder, especially as annihilation because you can literally spend an entire bar of rage in 2-3 GCD with bleeds, annihilate, retaliation etc. There are many times when I am not doing big burst on a target, and all you see are bleeds + my basic, no cooldown rage building attack going off on them. After you do your expensive rage heavy moves (bleeds + annihilate), you typically have to spend the next 3-4 GCD building rage with the assault, which does poor damage. This isn't much different than when another class runs low on energy, and has to spam basic attack to wait for it to regen. The nice thing about annihilation is that it builds extra rage sometimes on your bleed ticks, which can really add up, plus point blank charge gives a nice boost to rage.


So I suppose what I am saying is, while I may make it look effortless, it really is not, and rage management is one of the great dynamic aspects of the warrior class that really makes it fun to play, easy to start, but difficult to master.

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Idk about your opinion there Aluvian about my crystals, honestly there's no need for 1370 expertise, that is excessive and there are plenty of other threads in here about power vs expertise. I'm not crabby just I don't care, at all. Also watching your vids is a bit tedious as our playstyles are vastly different. You like to stand in place and swing, whereas maybe i'm just used to everyone running from me that I am constantly on the move and the only times i stay in place are to use choke/ravage. Edited by darklordryo
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